Month: March 2019
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@Jonwestenberg I could probably sing that album straight through. It was basically the soundtrack to my freshman year of uni. 🙂
Me when @auxesis throws an unexpected AWS question at me during his talk… 😂 #dotcnz #dotc19
@jennski Leftovers from @_sarahyo’s stash… 😁
@auxesis For the record, Amazon S3 was launched in March 2006. 😁👍 #dotc19 #dotcnz
@nathenharvey @meatmaiden @jennski @amylouboyle @mattstratton YOU DIDNT TELL ME IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY. I’d have gotten everyone to sing to you!! 😜
RT @nickyringland: We could do an entire day on the ethics of AI. – @aileengemma
So much awesome in one photo!! 😍 #AWScommunity
“Technical people love to talk about culture, but the truth is…” 💩 @auxesis #dotcnz #dotc19
RT @Katellification: “Change your org’s values by changing your Artifacts” @auxesis that includes the ceremonies, the CD pipeline etc. #dot…
PagerDuty reports 750,000 sleep-interrupting incident notifications, @mattstratton says. “Why should you care if you’re not the one carrying the pager?” Because a non-zero percentage of those were received by the person sharing my bedroom! #dotcnz #dotc19
Incident Commanders shouldn’t also be resolvers. If they are the best person to resolve, they should hand off Commander responsibility. As Ron Swanson says, “don’t half-ass two jobs. Whole ass one job.” 👏 @mattstratton #dotcnz #dotc19
As Incident Commander, the phrase you want to avoid when assigning tasks is “Can someone…?” You need to make a clear assignment, time box it, and get acknowledgement. Avoid bystander effect. @mattstratton #dotcnz #dotc19
@philnash Point me at the registration page pls. 😂
@jennski I can sell you some Drop Bear repellent.
RT @lofourie: Thanks @pagerduty! Winning this echodot is definitely the highlight of my #dotcnz experience. And will all these great presen…
@codepo8 @lofourie @pagerduty Took me a second. 😂
#dotcnz If you’re interested in joining the AWS team in NZ, my DMs are open! Here’s an example of what we’re after:
@melissa_loh It’s okay. You are a massive nerd in other ways. 😂❤️
RT @AstroHyde: Thanks to @aileengemma @web_goddess @frankarr & everyone @AWSCloudANZ who made this possible. I haven’t felt this optimistic…
@meacod @GlennSarti @auxesis He wasn’t talking about working environment – he was talking about culture from, like, a sociological perspective. There are experts on how artifacts, values, and behaviours interoperate… and we aren’t them. 😂
Sorry I had to run to the airport #dotcnz! Absolutely loved getting to meet you and be part of this amazing @DevOpsTalks NZ event. ❤️👋
@DefSol Thank you so much! You were an excellent substitute @nathenharvey (and you didn’t sneak any GCP stickers into my bag)… 😂
My actual face while reading this article about celery demand spiking: (CELERY YOU ARE THE WORST)
@software_opal That would be more understandable and less disgusting.
@annie_parker I honestly don’t understand it. I can take it (and maybe even appreciate it) as part of a stew, but raw? It’s actively offensive.
RT @XboxANZ: RT for a chance to fly higher, further, and faster with a custom Captain Marvel Xbox One X. #CaptainMarvelXboxSweepstakes
See ya, Auckland! It’s been fun. 👋
@jennski @DevOpsTalks Like 30 min! Bunch of worrywarts.
Occasionally in life, there are trying times that show you who you really are.
Today I learned I’m the type of middle-aged woman who will cause a fuss when the duty-free lady tries to overcharge me $3 on my gin.
@unixbigot Dear god. I hereby bequeath all celery to you, from all humanity, in perpetuity. Maybe if you eat it all, there will be none left to torment the rest of us.
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If you’re not releasing quickly, you can’t fail quickly. It takes too long to experiment, and you end up with a mediocre product. @amirmohtasebi sharing some hard-won lessons. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
PCR runbooks can be really helpful for on-call engineers, but they can also introduce bias when folks rigidly follow steps rather than look at the problem in front of them. @amirmohtasebi #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
DEV!! OPS!! 😂 Andrew Nimick from @NZMETweets waking up the post-lunch crowd at @DevOpsTalks. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
DevOps is all about flow. A gate stops you in your tracks – it’s a handoff, it’s wasteful. A stile allows the flow to continue. #dotcnz #dotc19
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. 🤬
@johnallsopp Next time a conference vendor gives me a straight cut shirt, I won’t be responsible for my actions. 🔥
Penultimate talk of the day is Mike Owen and Ankit Gupta sharing @SparkNZ DevOps journey. They started with a daunting set of issues: legacy apps, decades of technical debt, 12-18mo delivery cycles, and more. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Experiment with a centralised Ops Team failed to deliver on intended benefits, so they tried embedding Ops into Dev teams. That worked better, but still not ideal. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Eventually @SparkNZ ended on a modified version of Spotify model, which has allowed them to move through a number of initiatives and deliver faster. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
@mmastertheone I saw. 🤬
Loving the energy that @riferrei is bringing to the last talk of the day. Hey, he’s Deadpool! 😂 #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops
Hey #dotcnz the song is [500 Miles]
DOH!! * 2. 😂
Awesome! @riferrei has made his very cool Alexa+AWS+Spotify+Kafka demo available. If you want to get your hands dirty with stream processing, you should check it out! #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
RT @MaryRobinette: Let’s talk about spacesuits, specifically Extravehicular Mobility Units, and being a #ladyastronaut.
The EMUs on the IS…
NZ ❤️
@jennski @amylouboyle @newrelic Gorgeous photo ladies!!
RT @dingfelder: Great start at @DevOpsTalks #dotcnz listening to John talk about #DevOps
The 7 deadly diseases of DevOps are the things that keep your change efforts from fully succeeding. @botchagalupe #dotcnz #dotc19
Dark debt is the unforeseen interdependencies and complexities you can’t see by looking at any one part of the system. @botchagalupe #dotcnz #dotc19
Engaged in a long side channel debate about whether assuming familiarity with Star Wars in a tech conference talk is “subtly discriminatory.” I’m arguing no, but is that me just not recognising the geek tribal water I’m swimming in?
I just don’t think Star Wars is seen as geeky anymore. Is it? I feel like when there’s a themed land at DisneyWorld, it’s crossed into ubiquity.
RT @anildash: So glad to see the blockchain finally make it to Jeopardy!
It appears @AnthonyRees has planted his flag on the “AMI is pronounced Amy” side of the debate. 🤔 #dotcnz #dotc19
@rikkiends @NatDudley @AstroHyde @mmastertheone Does it matter if SW knowledge wasn’t critical to understand the talk? Does that make it better or worse?
@sophiebits You think? I HAAAATE it. I hate that it breaks tap-to-scroll on iPhones, and that it enforces extra clicks for me to get to the real URL to share. I haven’t seen benefits to outweigh that.
RT @apaipi: As a conference organiser (for 20 years) yes, some people still feel it is unfair to think of diversity when inviting speakers.…
As a timer at a conference, there is no better feeling than seeing the speaker see your signal and acknowledge it without breaking a stride. #dotcnz #dotc19
Session 2 kicking off. Managed to sneak in a selfie with @amylouboyle and @DefSol during the break! #dotc19 #dotcnz
@bazscott Huh. I thought SW was ubiquitous with kids these days – probably would’ve made that mistake myself. 🙁
@hannahcancode Exactly! And I LOVED that talk. 😂 @_sarahyo named her preso yesterday after “How to lose a guy in 10 days”, which I thought was awesome. (No knowledge of the movie was required.)
@AnthonyRees Have you seen ? Some people feel strongly about this. 😂
@gilmae I only get half of your references anyway. 😂
RT @riferrei: Building things-as-code is the future of how we develop software. The cool thing about hanging with #DevOps engineers in a co…
“OMG it fine” is definitely going to be my next response when I get paged for an alert. 😂 @amylouboyle #dotc19 #dotcnz
@frankarr @AstroHyde @AWSCloudANZ Waving at both of you!! 👋❤️
Talk recommendation from @amylouboyle: Better Incident Management to Reduce MTTR. #dotc19 #dotcnz
Enjoying Ken’s machine learning classifier talk, especially as I’m working on a similar project using @awscloud Sagemaker! (Mine isn’t for hot dogs though.) 😂 #dotc19 #dotcnz
@Katellification It’s a shame we had sausages yesterday! 😂
@nickyringland @AstroHyde Loving the tweets – wish I was there!!
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RT @AstroHyde: Check out some #datascience , #machinelearning , & a bit of #astronomy for @awscloud #Sydney #shebuilds event this Wed w you…
RT @Amys_Kapers: 😱Time is running out, make sure you get your submission in to @yow_conf’s New Voices in Tech speaker training program. It’…
RT @DevOpsTalks: DevOps Talk VIP dinner in Auckland 🥂 Are you ready for tomorrow’s conference? @jennski @mattstratton @mekenthompson @web_g…
Oh hi, Auckland. ❤️
@jonoabroad Uh, just that I’m here emceeing a conference tomorrow? Nothing more secret squirrel than that.
Really thrilled to kick off today’s @DevOpsTalks NZ with local legend @DefSol! Come say hi during the break. (Did I mention I brought STICKERS?) #dotc19 #devops #dotcnz
Forget SLAs. @jennski says Site Reliability Engineering should focus on Service Level Objectives, which are internal measures and map to customer experience. SLAs are just contractual agreements – rarely around customer happiness. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
@DheerajNayal23 @DevOpsTalks @DEVOPSINST Where is @DefSol?! 😂
RT @DheerajNayal23: @web_goddess kicks off the @DevOpsTalks Auckland 2019 with a full house of Humans of #DevOps.
#dotcnz #dotc19
“100% is the wrong reliability target for pretty much everything.” QFT! 👏 @jennski #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops
Can’t wait to show the #shebuilds on @awscloud team that @botchagalupe added our sticker to his well-decorated laptop! #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops
@DefSol @DheerajNayal23 @DevOpsTalks @DEVOPSINST I meant in the photo! 😂
Making the SRE function be all toil is like eating nothing but very spicy food. “Pain is not a flavour.” @jennski’s suggestion is to keep toil < 50%. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Dumping *all* production services on an SRE team cannot work. (Lots of snickers of agreement from the audience!) SREs need time to make tomorrow better than today. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops @jennski
“Human” errors are really systems problems. You can’t fix people, but you can fix processes and make them better. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Dave Corlett and Richard Jarrett from @WestpacNZ on their 4 year DevOps transformation. Started from only a handful of releases a year, 500+ page governance docs, silos, low morale… #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
“What would a great day at work feel like?” Collaboration. Integrity. Feeling valued. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Lessons for leadership from @WestpacNZ’s transformation. Give intent. Create a safe environment. Let the experts be the experts. And TRUST – the people closest to the work know the risks and issues better than anyone else. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
People who’ve spent a long time being told what to do can struggle with empowerment. YES. I’ve been working through this right now. It’s challenging when folks want you to give them hard rules and prescriptive direction. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
@jennski @Westpac Yes! They’re so good. 😁
RT @PeterSellars: Solve problems your customers have, not your problems @Westpac #dotcnz #dotc19 …this may feel uncomfortable to start wi…
Open source software is great… but it can also burn your house down. Only took @djsauble 3 minutes to invoke left-pad! #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
TIL about the WTFPL. Thanks @djsauble. 😂 #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
It me. 😭 (Classic and appropriate xkcd from @djsauble to illustrate OSS versioning hell.) #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops
RT @jennski: Recommended read: The Checklist Manifesto. But checklists have limitations. Don’t scale well with complexity #dotcnz https://t…
Just like shipping working software, enterprise change efforts need to show results regularly to keep people engaged. You need to share successes as well as failures. @GeorgePutnam @clearpointnz #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
RT @Katellification: Explicit recognition of the Agile manifesto and DevOps principles overlap by @GeorgePutnam @clearpointnz #dotcnz
“Be light on process” does not mean “have no process.” AMEN. 🙌 Dear hip disruptive startup types: please memorise that. (You know who you are.) #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops @GeorgePutnam
How to keep people’s attention before lunch: lots of gifs, and throwing lollies at the audience. 👏 @_sarahyo #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
Nice metaphor for the shared responsibility model and SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and Private Cloud. @_sarahyo #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops
So far every container security horror story @_sarahyo has told ends with Bitcoin mining. Because of course. 😂 #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops
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Back at the airport. Excited to finally step foot in NZ properly!
@buzzyNZ I’m the emcee for @DevOpsTalks in Auckland. Anybody from the team attending??
@buzzyNZ I’ll be working out of AKL12 tomorrow if there’s anyone you reckon I should catch up with.
RT @yow_conf: Nominations for our YOW! Diversity Scholarships to YOW! Lambda Jam #YLJ19 close this Friday (29 March).
If you or you know…
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@MichelePlayfair @delitescere We did, but we are also lazy DINKs, so we voted at the close place and then went out for brunch. 😂
RT @GuardianAus: Uri Geller promises to stop Brexit using telepathy
RT @girlgerms: New Blog Post: “Careful, your contempt culture is showing…”
@girlgerms Well said, Jess. I too learned about contempt culture from @aurynn and it was such an eye opener to finally have a name for the thing I was swimming in.
“Is it… supposed to look like human teeth?” 😂❤️
@mmastertheone This is the third one he’s made me!
@LapTop006 This is the third one he’s made me!
Luckiest princess in the whole world! 🏰❤️
He’d like the record to show that he 3-D modelled the castle before baking. 😂❤️