Month: March 2019
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RT @devdevcharlie: Thanks @web_goddess and AWS for inviting @daisysmells and I to the “Future of tech” roundtable! Always awesome to catch…
@devdevcharlie @daisysmells Every time I hang out with you both I’m like, damn, I should see them more often! Getting you invited to cool work events is my creative solution to the problem. 😂
It’s not quite the Hogwarts Express, but we’ll take it! Next stop Melbourne for @hpplayaus. 😍 #gryffindor #slytherin
Physicists are decoding math-y secrets of knitting to make bespoke materials
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@cathyblabla @the_snook I think it was “Labour of Love” – I definitely remember seeing the video on MTV.
@TheRealBnut LOL. I hadn’t seen that one – thank you. 🙂
The most impressive aspect to me is that @ClimateAnja knitted it bottom up and it turned out the right length. My row gauge is crap, so that’d never work for me. 😂
RT @troyhunt: As of an hour ago, there are now more records in @haveibeenpwned than there are people on earth. Whoa.
@dorns2 @boyter @techsydneyau Agree on all of that. A lot do eventually come back. The big problem is that right now, a larger percentage of senior women are gone. That leaves a very big gap for mentoring and inspiration. To put it bluntly, losing 50 senior Aussie women hurts more than 50 senior blokes.
RT @fabiochiusi: “We should not be haunted by the specter of being automated out of work. We should be excited by that. But the reason we’r…
RT @iamnotyourbroom: Important lesson for all businesses in this Shoes of Prey post-mortem:
“what [our users] were…
@dorns2 @boyter @techsydneyau I’m just talking overseas in this case. We have so few women tech leaders here. I personally know at least 30 who left Sydney in recent years. Makes it hard to find mentors and role models for the juniors coming up.
@dorns2 @boyter @techsydneyau Granted, I know a lot of blokes who’ve gone too. But the population is so much higher that it’s not as noticeable, and there are plenty of replacements to step up. It’s getting to where I rarely see a local woman in the industry as old as I am (and I’m not that old!).
RT @tylermcginnis: Thanos.js – Reduce the file size of your project down to 50%,
by randomly deleting half of the files.…
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Archer has ruined my brain. 😂
@The_McJones It’s debatable. 😂
Damn it, @troyhunt. I had a brief glimmer of hope that I wasn’t in this breach, but just got the notification.
@i386 LOL. We nearly went there today but wisely decided we’d suffer with old curtains for a few more months.
DAMN IT. Did a periodic clean out of FB Messenger requests and discovered yet another senior Aussie woman in tech inviting me to her leaving-do as she heads to the US to work for a big SV company. @techsydneyau – we really need to tackle the SV braindrain.
Bonus crappiness – because FB Messenger sucks, I missed the invitation and thus the leaving-do and she’s already friggin’ GONE.
RT @drkerrynphelps: The problem, statistically speaking
@stephenlead @diversionary Related: I’ve seen predictions that the $799 ebike Aldi is selling from Wednesday is going to go like hotcakes.
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@minxdragon I had zero exposure to canon before so it was all new to me. I think I just found Carol too blank, even after she stopped trying to suppress emotion. I just didn’t click with her, even though I wanted to. 😕
@minxdragon In comparison to Wonder Woman, who made me cheer and cry multiple times.
Okay, only two of these left. “Ridiculous chase scene imminent!”
Hey this time we get a good song! “It’s not Shirley but I’ll take it.”
Okay, so far this movie is actually way better than I remember.
Quick poll: did Bond and Moneypenjy shag? @the_snook thinks cut to fireworks = did it. I disagree.
@the_snook Okay, I forgot about the “it’s amazing what you can do with an extra pair of hands” line. I stand corrected. I’m now on team Shag.
Awwww yeah. Note to self: look up Skyfall fan fiction.
Ew, David.
“It’s obfuscated code to conceal its true purpose!” Okay, this is getting stupid. Q just plugged an untrusted device into the MI6 network. My cat knows better than that.
@randomknits Nice shirt @gilmae. 😂
Meeting @JadeHameister when we both spoke at TEDx Melbourne a few years back was pretty cool. You should go watch her talk! (Thanks @jontv for the opportunity!)
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RT @aleta_k: I would like the success of women to come at the expense of blokes like this 👇
RT @gilfer: We waited for you last year but you didn’t rock up. November 19, every year.
Really, really in the mood to watch Brie Larson punch aliens in the face. #captainmarvel 🍦🥂⭐️
Let’s be honest – casting Jude Law in your film is as much a spoiler these days as casting Sean Bean.
I can’t be the only person greeting their cat with “Who’s a cute widdle Flerkin??” today. 😻
I had some lingering questions about the Captain Marvel plot that I shared on Metafilter. Trying to figure out how the plot actually hung together really kept me from enjoying the film as much as I wanted to. 🙁
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@cathyblabla @the_snook Well, Frente made it to the US so I had some familiarity. Pauline Pantsdown was an early discovery. And I do know INXS, of course, but perhaps not the early early stuff…
RT @sokane1: Trump just called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple”
Facilitator: “Guess how many LinkedIn profiles in Australia have ‘ninja’ in them?”
Me: “Too many.” 😐
RT @KathyReid: To celebrate #IWD2019 I would like you to name and tag a woman in #STEM, #STEAM, #opensource, #tech or #digital who inspires…
Lots of folks interested in learning how to build modern applications with containers and @awscloud today! If you want to have a go, the labs are available publicly here:
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RT @deathpigeon: Rt if you’d rather sit on a bus than drive.
@evanderkoogh @Amys_Kapers @philnash I thought I’d lose my Airpods. I haven’t though after more than a year. They don’t fall out of my ears (even though normal earbuds do all the time), and they work amazingly. They are worth the money.
RT @ophirz: A very embarrassing moment in the RSAConferennce2019 cryptographers’ panel when prof. Adi Shamir, the S in RSA, appeared on vid…
@jedws I’ve seen a few eps. He plays the drums, right? 😉
RT @michaeljankie: Just putting it out there to startups in Aus, if you are not mates with @mattallen you are at a disadvantage.
RT @msandfor: @GlennSarti’s talking about all the cool people @patrickdebois @nicolefv @web_goddess … @Amys_Kapers really should be here…
@msandfor @GlennSarti @patrickdebois @nicolefv @Amys_Kapers @readify @puppetize 😵❤️ I think @GlennSarti has now namechecked that talk several more times than I actually gave it!
@cathyblabla Gold indeed! I only know like three of these. @the_snook has been remiss.