Month: April 2019

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    Going live on with @pstanski in 8 minutes!! #AWSSummit #summitlivesydney

    First segment done!! 😅 #AWSsummit #summitlivesydney

    Me: “Smile! You look mean.”
    @darthted: “That’s my brand!”

    Shhhh. I spotted a DeepRacer in the wild! #AWSsummit

    @evanderkoogh @darthted I’ll be hanging around the Twitch live stage all day tomorrow and a fair bit of Thursday too!

    Prepping for our #AWSsummit #summitlivesydney session at 12:22 with the one and only @frankarr!! Join me and @aileengemma on soon…

    @the_patima @petjb @MichelePlayfair I’ll be around the Twitch live stage most of the time, so just look for me there!

    @darthted Are you still here??

    Hey @i386!! I’m with @michaelneale and he said you said hi. ❤️

    @i386 @michaelneale We pretty much just swapped gin-soaked tales of James. 😜

    @HamoDonk @HamoDonk I saw a guy at Summit today wearing a Mechanical Rock shirt but didn’t get to say hello!

    *yawn* Thanks @newrelic for the coffee, which is the only reason I’m surviving the early morning staff briefing! #AWSsummit

    Inspirational words from our #summitlivesydney leader Kim! #AWSsummit

    Today’s #AWSsummit #summitlivesydney stage decorations include a scarf with the ILOVEYOU virus knitted into it, courtesy of @GLITCHAUS. ❤️

    If you aren’t watching the #AWSSummit keynote streaming on, you should be! Then immediately after, this team of legends will be bringing you content all day long… #summitlivesydney

    @GLITCHAUS My colleague: “How do you find this stuff?!”
    Me: “I’m just cool.” 😎

    @boyter Oh shush. I’ve been here since 6:45am. 😭

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Behind the scenes! Getting ready for the #awssummit #summitlivesydney with @sbaldacchino. 👋💜

    Even my cats are RIVETED.

    It’s nearly time! Thanks to Kim and everything’s done organising #AWSSummit #summitlivesydney. Catch us live on today.

    Knitting to calm my nerves while chatting to @mjraiseem. Girl power! #AWSSummit #summitlivesydney #bepeculiar

    Decorated the #AWSsummit #summitlivesydney booth this morning. My contributions: Queen Amidala phone, knitted QR code mittens (by me) @KnitYak scarf, and crocheted Baby Groot (from @RoseRed_Shoes).

    @mmastertheone Good call!!

    I feel like I’m on an Anchorman team. 😂 #AWSSummit #summitlivesydney Watch us on @gabehollombe @pstanski @MattFitzee

    A sneaky photo of the #ThisIsMyArchitecture team rehearsing. We have NINE live TMAs happening on over the next three days! #AWSSumimt #summitlivesydney

    @randomknits Socks.

    Who likes stickers? Visit the #awssummit #summitlivesydney Twitch booth and grab one!

    @zbendr @gabehollombe @pstanski @MattFitzee Hasn’t started quite yet! Keynote will be streaming shortly, and we’ll be on straight after.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Great day in Sydney for start of #AWSSummit – who’s here? 😎
    I’m ready for all the innovations!!

    RT @jcnsingapore: We have Go! Glenn Gore takes main stage to welcome audience to AWS Summit Innovation Day #AWSSummit #hereataws https://t.…

    @crankymate @gabehollombe @pstanski @MattFitzee Didn’t even have my red lippie on yet!

    RT @Nic_Innov8: Amazing keynote from Dr Jordan Nguyen at #awssummit on innovations that change the world: #3DPrinting and #Robotics and #AI…

    @the_patima 👋

    Robots that collaborate with humans will ultimately drive more jobs… @spaceguytye #AWSSummit

    RT @mattallen: The global head of robotics and the flywheel for robots creating more jobs.

    I, for one, welcome our rule handling robots. G…

    I know I’m not supposed to anthropomorphize them, but I think the Kiva robots are SO CUTE. 😍 @spaceguytye #AWSSummit

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    This week feels like a fright train. Just need to survive the next four days and then HOLIDAY!

    RT @BOM_NSW: A smokey start to the day for #Sydney due to hazard reduction burns. A high pressure system is trapping the smoke in the lower…

    Gearing up with excitement for #awssummit #summitlivesydney starting tomorrow! Register here to get the link: Can’t wait to interview @frankarr…

    @crankymate Freudian slip.

    Leaning into my Leslie Knopeness today by surprise gifting my Anne Perkins – the wise and radiant mermaid @hannahyanfield – with a hand knit wrap. ❤️

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    At the doctor getting vaccinations before our trip to the US. Because this is what it’s come to – where travelling to a first world country requires immunisation against diseases that should’ve been wiped out last century. 🤨

    @Reidyd Measles booster. There are outbreaks there (and here, to be fair).

    At the salon. “Is that… a Ferris Bueller quote on Elle magazine??” Yup.

    RT @colmmacc: Does anyone else feel that they basically lucked into a high paying career because their interests randomly aligned with scar…

    Now that the Show has finished, I can finally show off the Baratheon Pullover! The pattern is by Norah Gaughan, and the wool was from @gusseting’s 2011 “Ton of Wool” project. Sadly no ribbon 🤷‍♀️, but I’m very happy with it. More details over on Rav:

    @MichelePlayfair We basically take that approach even without any kids. If one of us has an intense job (which in recent years has been me), the other picks up the slack to support.

    It’s called the “Barack Oburger” and it’s a bacon cheeseburger pizza. 😂❤️ #yeswecan

  • Baratheon Pullover

    Baratheon PulloverThis jumper’s been a long time in the making. Way back in 2011 I was a contributor to the TON OF WOOL project and received a couple skeins of 10ply undyed Cormo wool in return. It sat in my stash for years. Then in late 2017 I happened to see Norah Gaughan’s Stag Head Pullover on the front page of Ravelry and fell in love. I didn’t have enough of the Cormo to make it, but Jody still had a full packet and kindly sold it to me. I originally aimed to put it in the 2018 Easter Show but didn’t manage to get it finished in time. It languished in the “incomplete” basket for the better part of a year before I picked it up and finished it just in time for this year’s Show.

    No ribbon, sadly, and no feedback from the judges either. Still, I’m very happy with it. Full details over on Ravelry