Month: April 2019

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    @polleyg @jeffbarr @MaratLevit Fantastic tip! I’ll pass that along. 🙂

    THANOS TIME!! (@ Palace Cinemas Central in Chippendale, New South Wales)

    Thanks @frankarrigo for the DeepLens! I have a lot of ideas… 🤯

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    @MsJonesInSydney @darthted @moosey96 @kirstinferguson @JaneCaro @devdevcharlie @adblanche @charrett @roisinparkes Someone starts another one of these threads just about every month, and my replies get unusable. I love the idea behind it; I just wish people would search rather than starting a new one every time. 😂 Now to figure out how to mute the thread…

    @darthted Nah, it’s a lovely idea and I’m just a curmudgeon today.

    @darthted The branch you jumped on only has 8 ppl on it. It’s the one with 40+ that’s really blown up.

    I had so much fun as a guest on the AWS Sydney Summit Live stream last year, it’s kind of unreal to think I’ll be on it this year as a host! If you’re not attending the Summit in person, sign up here to follow along live next week:

    RT @stephanpastis:

    Don’t forget – free AWS Developer Night at Sydney Summit next week with @adrianco, @kneekey23, @Damo_F, @sunilmallya and more! Register here: You could even win a ticket to @yow_conf…

    We’re at pub trivia. “This D word refers to the sum of money a bride’s family pays to her prospective husband.” An older lady near us yelled out, “DISGRACEFUL!” 😂👏💯

    @annie_parker I told the quizmaster I supported a bonus point for her. 😂

    People, we are TIED FOR THE LEAD.

    Hm. I think the second round let us down. Victory chances diminishing.

    We lost, which I’m okay with. And team who named themselves “Joey Trivviani”? GENIUS.

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    RT @TheCraftyPint: “My absolute favourite thing to see is when a person is playing a game and they know exactly the points in which they’ve…

    Still looking for one more speaker for the next @SydTechLeaders in a few weeks!

    @jedws LOL, looks like you deleted it but: I know you’re taking the piss, but actually you’d be an interesting person to talk about how a culture changes as an org goes through hyper growth, and how you as an employee deal with that. (hint, hint)

    @jedws It’s on May 21, and topic is “Culture Wars.” Would love it if you’re interested! Wouldn’t be more than 15 min talk and then Q&A panel.

    @jedws Sweet! Will email you.

    @carlfish @jedws Yes indeed! I had the date wrong – Thursday May 23. Just emailed you, Jed…

    @obliviousgeek @johnallsopp @SydTechLeaders @Sitback I actually used to work for them several years ago! Looks like we might have our third speaker, but I’ll reach out to them if we have need. Cheers.

    @darthted @hannahyanfield Oh boo! I’d be very happy to make it for YOU dear Hannah whenever you like.

    I’ll grant you, the idea of having a “uniform” you wear every day appeals. But a black turtleneck, vest, and ugly pants? Why wouldn’t you at least make it flattering?

    @keatyong Watching the Theranos documentary…

    @nathanieloffer Yeah, no on uncomfortable shoes.

    Trying to buy some movie tickets on @palacecinemas website but it appears to be in meltdown. Could everybody else just, like, stop for a few minutes?

    @evanderkoogh @Amys_Kapers At this rate I’m not going to see it for a week either, as the @palacecinemas ticketing site refuses to load. 🙁

    RT @palacecinemas: @web_goddess Thanos snapped his fingers on our servers. We’re avenging now (but seriously we should have it resolved AS…

    @palacecinemas Thank you! Will keep trying.

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    Any women available next weekend to help out with @GPN_Sydney? I’ve done it and it’s really fun and rewarding. You don’t need to know a lot of programming to still help!

    RT @zuph: me at 19: why would someone with a cool stem degree want to sell kombucha at the farmers market or run a yarn store?

    me at 30: o…

    Nanaimo bars. A bit rough looking, but damn tasty! Thanks Canada. 🍁❤️

    RT @isaac_abraham: Heartfelt confession / ask : If you’re going to a meetup and decide not to go, please take the time to remove yourself f…

    Homemade chicken pot pie with buttermilk biscuit crust. Damn I’m good. 😜

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    Easter with hot cross bun and the Hunt for Red October.

    @gilmae @hannahyanfield Moonstruck. I needed to balance all the dude stuff with romance and Puccini and “la bella luna!” and hot Nicolas Cage.

    @afcowie I’d never seen it! It was ok.

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    Not sure who brought in these delicious @amazonwebservices cupcakes, but it’s such a nice way to kick off the holiday weekend! #bepeculiar

    @Paul_Bone @chixors @KathyReid Somebody’s already pointed her to @glasnt, which was gonna be my suggestion. Tapestry wool is definitely going to have the largest range.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: YOW! Conferences have a limited number of free tickets to our upcoming Introduction to Functional Programming and Intr…