Month: April 2019
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RT @JeffUnderhill: Have you used the @Arm-based #AWS #EC2 A1 instance and said “great, but if only…”? Well, it’s annual planning time at…
RT @hillelogram: “Get sleep.”
Followed by “Don’t work weekends.”
Followed by “Take vacations.”
RT @HackerNewsOnion: Black Hole To Host Conference For Men Threatened By Female Programmers
RT @JacquelineMaley: Excellent correction in the Tele today
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@GinAtkins @daveslutzkin @OphelieLechat In my head, it turns into NaNoWriMo every single time. 😂
@darthted @Telstra 🤔
@emd3737 @dunneteach @mkraju Gross.
I really think somebody in Australia oughtta bring @QuinnDunki over for a tech conference. This right here is some pretty inspiring geekery:
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Went to @GrilldBurgers for lunch and was surprised to see it’s Meat Free Day. No meat on the menu at all! I’m a carnivore but decided to give their veggie burger a shot. It was SO GOOD! Tasty and juicy. If I hadn’t known, I may have even been fooled. Good job Grill’d. 👏🍔
RT @bytebot: A lot has been said about the Uber IPO prospectus but maybe none as cogent as this FT comment.
@OphelieLechat Hm. I do still have some graham crackers that my friend brought me from the Philippines last year. Got a preferred recipe? This might be my Easter project. 🙂
@matthras @StephenKneale @GrilldBurgers I’ve often wondered the same, to be honest. I like meat. But if I can occasionally get a very tasty burger in a more environmentally-friendly and healthy way, I will.
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RT @emd3737: As a Massachusetts native and @dunkindonuts fan, I feel compelled to retweet this thread. Also, it’s hilarious.…
I am a massive fan of hyperlocal, regional foodstuffs. How did I never hear of the Nanaimo bar before? This is going on the To Make list.
Açai bowl with homemade peanut butter. A pretty brekkie!
@martinabbott I’m so sorry for your loss Martin. #fuckyoucancer
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@ceibner @claudiablb 💥
@claudiablb @ceibner I happened to post a photo of the ones I baked yesterday. 🙂 So I had it handy!
“When I first read Beverly Cleary’s memoir, I had the electrifying feeling that this was something much darker than Ramona.” // Wow. I need to read this. I wrote my college admissions essay about how Ramona was my hero.
@i386 LOVE IT.
@MichelePlayfair @lindamciver Ohmygod. You just gave me the idea to knit the black hole onto things.
@johnallsopp I was literally listening to this song 10 minutes ago. SYNCHRONICITY.
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Thanks to my in-depth 7-11 cookie investigation yesterday, people seem to think I’m some sort of Cookie Expert. And you know what? I am. I’m the genius that baked both Oreos and Tim Tams in choc chip cookies. So I know what I’m talking about. 🍪👩🔬
@jonoabroad @gilmae It’s just generic choc chip cookie recipe. I can’t remember the site I got it from, but if you google “Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies” you’ll get a zillion of ’em. And then just substitute half a Tim Tam for the Oreo. 🙂
@yow_conf You know it!
@keranm @developerjack @minxdragon That’s a good question. Apparently Reddit seemed to think they were unique to this 7-11, but I can’t imagine that’s the case. The kid behind the counter didn’t look like a frustrated patisserie genius.
RT @hackuador: If there’s someone in an underrepresented group who wants to get to @YOWLambdaJam #YLJ19 (May 13-15, Melb), especially if yo…
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My colleague Bobbie will present how he used @awscloud RoboMaker to build his 3d printed autonomous robot arm at the Sydney Summit. You’re not going to want to miss this session! #awssydneysummit2019 #innovatetrack #robots #robomaker #builders #ros
Both @gilmae and @the_snook informed me that the choc chip cookies at the 7-11 near the QVB “have gone viral” on the /r/sydney subreddit. I had to investigate.
@gilmae @the_snook Initial recon showed that they weren’t sold out, and that cookies were indeed being fresh baked. I could see a tray of them about to be put in the oven, and the dough looked irregular and fresh rather than frozen disks.
@gilmae @the_snook I purchased my cookie. It was indeed still warm, and it left spots of fat and chocolate on the bag.
@gilmae @msharp @the_snook GIVE ME A MINUTE.
@gilmae @the_snook The actual cookie. It looks like a cookie. It’s a bit darker than I normally expect a choc chip cookie to be.
@gilmae @the_snook I convened a conclave of experts for the taste test. First was @kezmc, who said she’d have liked it to be chewier, but that it was a “pretty good cookie, something [her] kids would like,” but nothing extraordinary.
@gilmae @the_snook @kezmc Next was Najah, who said that hed have preferred the cookie to be crispier, and that actually he wasn’t a fan of the aroma.
@gilmae @the_snook @kezmc And last was Maria, who said she’s really more of an ANZAC biscuit person, so her opinion isn’t super useful anyway.
@gilmae @the_snook @kezmc My verdict: it’s just a cookie. Learn to frickin’ bake, Redditors.
@jytc_ @gilmae @the_snook Read the thread!
@BugHunterSam @obrl_soil I’ve won ribbons in the past, but oddly it’s always been the projects I like and wear the least. There’s probably a lesson in that.
@lucykbain @gilmae @the_snook @kezmc To be fair, I don’t usually eat cookies at cafes/restaurants. I used to be partial to the “Muesli Cookies” at Toby’s, which were these huge solid hockey pucks of oats and fruit. I’ve also been known to enjoy a Florentine now and then (not really a cookie though, right?)
@hannahyanfield @gilmae @the_snook I really feel like I’m pushing the boundaries of the Twitter format. In a good way.
@jdub I’ve heard that phrase in the US too, if it matters.
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RT @jeffbarr: Just 20 days until #AWS Developer Night Sydney – – Sure wish I could be there! (CC: @AWSCloudANZ ) ht…
@jeffbarr @AWSCloudANZ Maybe we could Chime you in?! 😂
@nickyringland @AWS @aileengemma @frankarr Whaaaaaat. I’m super jealous!!
@frankarr @nickyringland @AWS @aileengemma Would be fun to see if I can use one for my knitting decompiler. 😜
So, the outcome of the Royal Easter Show Arts Preview is, once again, no ribbon for Kris.
You might think that the Sydney Royal Easter Show arts and craft competition is twee granny nonsense. I’m happy to report that this year, there were several entries that are METAL AF. (a thread)
A leather demon helmet.
A felted human heart.
A chain mail capelet.
Frank-n-Furter in crochet.
Skull purse.
*pause while I change at the stupid “sprint” platform*
Uncle Fester.
Whatever the hell this little gnome is.
More chain mail in the form of a sexy dress.
What can only be the Cryptonomicon.
Crazy weird faerie mask.
Ceramic human heart (I think?!?)
Skull made out of seashells.
Fine art painting of literal garbage.
A badass hand-carved pirate ship
This creepy painting.
And last but not least… gird yourself for some nightmare fuel…
IT HAS NIPPLES. (/the end)
Well spotted! 👏 10 points to your, uh, moonclan.
@DVDBits Sadly, I checked. Not for sale, buddy.
@coder_bec The real question is why the folks doing the display chose to put it in a fake bath.
@obrl_soil The non-winning stag jumper, and the lace wrap tied in knots. 😐
@FCTweedie Too avant garde, as always. 💁♀️
RT @BRANDONWARDELL: people forget jar jar binks successfully won a senatorial campaign in-between phantom menace and attack of the clones
@Asher_Wolf I was at the Easter Show Arts Preview with @knitterjp and there was some seriously fugly sculpture and I was trying to be polite but this tipsy dude came up and literally said, “WHAT is this SHIT? That looks like a GROWTH!” and we lost it and it made my night. 😂
@HelenArmfield Awww, I should mention that 95% of it was still twee ugly crap, so you don’t need to book your flights just yet. 🙂
Frickin’ brilliant. I love this. (Bad captioning though.)
@unixbigot I think it was included, just folded up. Although if they did wait a year? THAT’D BE BRILLIANT.
@HelenArmfield Nah, a couple people identified it as being a Warhammer moonclan thing. 🤷♀️
RT @SydTechLeaders: Have you witnessed a great work culture turn toxic? Have you seen a leader and team turn it around and build something…