Does clicking the “I don’t know this person” option when rejecting a @LinkedIn invitation actually do anything? I want these rando spammers to get punished. Or is it just a placebo button?
RT @yow_conf: #Brisbane, our #YOWnight series with @jedws on functional approaches to architecture kicks off today. Still time to grab a ti…
@msharp @darthted 😍
Been awhile since I was at a #YOWNight!
At first I was like, why do I need a desk at a meetup? But this guy’s got it figured out. 😂 #commbanklyfe #yownight
Hearing stories of the early days of Spotify from @ehn. @evanderkoogh is ably handling interviewing duties! #yownight
“You only have to worry about killing products when you kill as many as Google does.” *Kris pours one out for Reader* 😢 #yownight
@battlepanda_au @yow_conf Nobody cared about either of those though. 😐
Sometimes architectural decisions are driven by hiring concerns. “Even 15 years ago it was hard finding people who could develop in C,” @ehn says. #yownight
@TheRealBnut Ouch. 😭
Insider Spotify info from @ehn: playing lots of children’s music won’t impact your Discover Weekly and recommendations! They built that feature in when engineers started having kids! 😜 #yownight
There is an advantage to being on a team building a product that you will actually use. It makes it a lot easier to prioritise features… but not every company is like that. @ehn @evanderkoogh #yownight
@paulstovell That’s also been my experience…
Hey #yownight folks – here’s the rego link for the Developer Night on May 1! If you’re coming to the AWS Summit, you should definitely attend. @adrianco keynoting and many more…
Anybody want to work at a VC with literally one of the BEST HUMANS IN THE WORLD, @hannahyanfield? You should! ❤️
@stephenlead It took me like 4 tries to parse that.
@evanderkoogh @WaiLingKo Find one of your bank’s ATMs that accepts deposits!