Month: April 2019

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    Does clicking the “I don’t know this person” option when rejecting a @LinkedIn invitation actually do anything? I want these rando spammers to get punished. Or is it just a placebo button?

    RT @yow_conf: #Brisbane, our #YOWnight series with @jedws on functional approaches to architecture kicks off today. Still time to grab a ti…

    @msharp @darthted 😍

    Been awhile since I was at a #YOWNight!

    At first I was like, why do I need a desk at a meetup? But this guy’s got it figured out. 😂 #commbanklyfe #yownight

    Hearing stories of the early days of Spotify from @ehn. @evanderkoogh is ably handling interviewing duties! #yownight

    “You only have to worry about killing products when you kill as many as Google does.” *Kris pours one out for Reader* 😢 #yownight

    @battlepanda_au @yow_conf Nobody cared about either of those though. 😐

    Sometimes architectural decisions are driven by hiring concerns. “Even 15 years ago it was hard finding people who could develop in C,” @ehn says. #yownight

    @TheRealBnut Ouch. 😭

    Insider Spotify info from @ehn: playing lots of children’s music won’t impact your Discover Weekly and recommendations! They built that feature in when engineers started having kids! 😜 #yownight

    There is an advantage to being on a team building a product that you will actually use. It makes it a lot easier to prioritise features… but not every company is like that. @ehn @evanderkoogh #yownight

    @paulstovell That’s also been my experience…

    Hey #yownight folks – here’s the rego link for the Developer Night on May 1! If you’re coming to the AWS Summit, you should definitely attend. @adrianco keynoting and many more…

    Anybody want to work at a VC with literally one of the BEST HUMANS IN THE WORLD, @hannahyanfield? You should! ❤️

    @stephenlead It took me like 4 tries to parse that.

    @evanderkoogh @WaiLingKo Find one of your bank’s ATMs that accepts deposits!

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    @gilmae 😂😂😂🍆


    @SarahMoran @JessicaCGlenn Have you read Code by Charles Petzold? He starts with a flashlight and builds up from there with logic gates and relays until you’ve built a calculator and then a whole computer!

    @JessicaCGlenn @SarahMoran It’s a really great book. I always recommend it to anybody who works with computers but secretly doesn’t actually know how they work. 🙂

    TFW your friends really, really get you. (Thanks @darthted, @gilmae, and @randomknits!!) ❤️

    I have a long-running Twitter DM with @rosepowell where we share horrifying neologisms that we come across. Today I added “migrapreneur” to the list. 😱

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    Planning our trip to the US next month. Glad to see we’re not the only ones who learned about Columbus because of @JohnTheCho. 😂

    @the_patima To Columbus?? Mid May!

    ‘It is a religion’: how the world went mad for Moomins 😍

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    Tempted. Very tempted. 🤘

    @msandfor @Amys_Kapers @MitchPommers @ItsTechBec There’s only one slice of the beautiful homemade cornbread left! (she says licking her fingers of the last golden crumb…

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    @desplesda NIGHTMARE.

    @The_McJones Rodd and I never broke up over Monopoly early in our relationship. Have never played it since.

    @The_McJones That should be the tagline for Settlers of Cataan, as far as I’m concerned.

    Some of those Spotify streams were me. Not gonna lie – this is my new favourite podcast. 😂

    @MichelePlayfair I am fairly certain that I have said most of what was in the Pride & Prejudice ep with one of my uni friends in a drunken rant.

    When the disappointment of waking up and finding the Snook already gone is immediately tempered by the unmistakeable sounds of homemade baked goods being prepped in the kitchen…

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    Just did a literal double-take at the further Material Design-ification of my Google calendar. Some days I miss good ol’ HTML checkboxes.

    My new Twitter buddy @Lifeofmle is presenting for the first time at #SydCSS!

    Big crowd at @hipages for #SydCSS tonight. Strong representation from the @CoderAcademy_au folks too!

    Early highlights of #SydCSS: meeting the elusive “Simon Gilmore,” and TACOS! 🌮🌯

    “We have a WordPress website. We’re not gonna throw that out just so we can use Vue for sweet transitions…” @Lifeofmle bring pragmatic and getting support from the #SydCSS crowd.

    “Conversation is the best handoff.” That applies to so much more than just development! #SydCSS @Lifeofmle

    Lots of interest in our second talk at #SydCSS – Benjamin from @hidovetail talking masonry layouts. (“This talk is not sponsored by Pinterest.”) 😂

    Great way to build a talk! Benjamin is taking us through the same example using Flex, CSS columns, and CSS grid showing the drawbacks and challenges for each. @hidovetail #SydCSS

    @hidovetail The winner, if you’re curious, was CSS grid by a mile! #SydCSS

    Awww, @mobywhale is here in spirit. 😂❤️ #SydCSS

    Thinking of adding BaaS (Banter as a Service) to my LinkedIn profile. I expect a recommendation from @dp_lewis for that one… 😂

    I’m claiming this victory. #SydCSS 👊

    @mobywhale We missed you!!! ❤️❤️ And @hannahyanfield too…

    @auxesis You just reminded me that @darthted wants to lock you in at @SydTechLeaders in May to talk about toxic cultures…

    Best. Photo. Ever. (Sorry, Declan.) @dp_lewis

    @mattgillard @decryption I can second that. Networking is often a gap for many folks I see going for solutions architect roles.

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    @thisismywww Bound to happen – he comments a lot. I don’t think he recognised.

    This is amaaaaaazing. // Apollo astronauts left their poop on the moon. We gotta go back for that shit. via @voxdotcom

    @gilmae That was pretty much what one of the Metafilter comments said.

    @gilmae My other fave was: “Do you *want* the Andromeda strain? Because this is how you get the Andromeda strain.”

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    @msharp @sendle Congratulations!! That’s wonderful news. 🙂

    I called Chiswick Plumbing for a quote many years ago, and they have been posting me fridge magnets and assorted spam ever since. Today I truly hit the jackpot though! ❤️🐧

    @bazscott Oh god. I kind of want to see your desktop, but also not.

    @the_patima Because you’re a busy, overcommitted person, and this is how we get things done! 🙂