Month: May 2019

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    RT @MonaChalabi: There isn’t enough social housing in England.

    My dear friend Albert who passed away this week was a musician and cellist (among many other things). I’d like to donate to an Australian music charity in his memory. Anyone have a recommendation for a worthy one?

    @rosemary Thanks Rosemary – I’ll check it out.

    @georgiecel @SupportAct Thank you Georgie! ❤️

    @stufromoz @EspressoChorus Good ideas. Thanks Stu.

    @tommyjowitt Thanks Tom. I’ll have a look.

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    When you’re having a hard week, a thoughtful surprise from a friend makes all the difference! Thanks @jpofoz… ❤️💐

    Really great energy as the #SheStarts 2019 Selection Showcase kicks off at @UTSStartups! @shestarts @BlueChilliGroup

    Some stats from @sebeckmas about #shestarts: 800+ pre-submissions, 400+ full submissions reviewed by @BlueChilliGroup team, 40 selected for bootcamp these past few weeks. 😳 @shestarts

    Kate from @StartSomeGood sharing insights about storytelling, and the importance of telling women’s stories too. Platforms and startups that prioritise women’s stories, safety, and values will disrupt the Internet. #SheStarts @shestarts

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    A beautiful, windy Fall day to say goodbye to my dear friend and champion Albert. One of the genuinely best – most generous, humblest, kindest – people I’ve ever met. So many people were there to share how he touched our lives. The rabbi said there’s a H…

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    RT @LegoNASAWomen: Remembering the incomparable Sally Ride on what would have been her 68th birthday… “Sally’s life showed us that there…

    At the Opera House to see the Cure. (Sadly, zero chance I get to snog a dude in eyeliner thanks to the Snook’s cold.)

    Related life tip: Don’t make out with a guy who has a girlfriend, especially when he met that girlfriend on a Cure message board. 🔪

    @corduroy I am very lucky in that I have organised friends like @knitterjp who watch out for such things!

    Not sure what’s more disturbing: the woman in front of @knitterjp who appears to have Papyrus set as her iPhone system font, or this creepy guy who keeps trying to AirDrop me. 🤮

    @NickyWill100 @knitterjp He tried three times before I turned it off.

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    RT @yow_conf: 🚨🚨 ATTENTION! 🚨🚨
    Our CFP for #YOWCTO Summit in PER, BNE, SYD & MEL are now all open!

    Time to put together those submissions…

    All of this thread. ⬇️

    @JessicaCGlenn Very cool! Did you get to try them out at Summit a few weeks back?!

    @MitchPommers @unixbigot Same… 😂

    Vacation is over; work is kicking my ass; winter is coming and it’s cold and dark; and I just found out a friend suddenly passed away.

    Need funny Internet videos now, pls.

    @randomknits ❤️

    @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @MitchPommers @jedws @evanderkoogh @JemBen @BugHunterSam Every time I turn around I bump into @evanderkoogh at a Sydney meetup. 😐

    RT @girlgerms: We’re not hard to please.

    RT @jonathancoulton: I have watched this a hundred times and I will never stop.

    My blog search gets the most use these days when I’m trying to find photos and mentions of people who have passed away. I find this incredibly sad, on lots of levels.

    @MichelePlayfair @michaelisvy @stephane_m @Devoxx @purnimakamath 😢 Except I won’t be there this year.

    @evanderkoogh Uh, I guess I need to confirm with Missy what I’m actually going to be talking about. 😂

    It’s been nearly a year since my last conference talk. That was a nice hiatus… but time to dust off my speakin’ boots! #YOWPER

    @vilacides Awww, thank you! 😊

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    My day too.

    @nelly_sattari @yow_conf Congrats – you’re going to love it. Damian is a legend, and so helpful and kind!

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    LOOOOOOL. Yep.

    For more than 5 years now, we’ve gotten a box of in-season, local veg delivered from @OooobySyd every two weeks. They’re great, and right now the business is doing it tough. If you’d like to try them out, use my code “GMMLGX” and you’ll get $20 off your first box.

    @richbuggy You better let me refer you. 🙂

    @Mandy_Kerr WTF IS THIS.

    @jesslynnrose @JessicaCGlenn I’ve been saying this for a few years now, especially whenever a hot startup tries to hire me for less than market rates. “But, but, share options!” Those are lottery tickets. Unfortunately I’ve seen younger folks buying their line of bull. Options don’t pay the mortgage.

    Yay! Our Twitch videos from the AWS Sydney Summit are up on YouTube! ☺️ @gabehollombe @pstanski

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Rated by one kiddo as “Better than watching Sesame Street”, it’s my chat sesh with @web_goddess and @pstanski at #AWSS…