Month: May 2019

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    RT @danidonovan: Quite a few of you asked if I could make a printable version of this to keep at your desk.

    Always happy to help! 😉 https:…

    @minxdragon Australian English, of course.

    @minxdragon I never use Siri, because I’ve always found it to be pretty useless. 😂

    Kicking off #sydtechleaders Culture Wars meetup with a lightning talk from @darthted on the dangers of trying to copy-paste another company’s culture into yours. 😱

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Everyone who voted for the wrong team knows what you did.

    Feeling a bit shook by @knitterjp’s talk. Yeah. Appropes. #sydtechleaders

    A lovely talk from @jedws filled with reminiscences from the early days of Atlassian, and how small companies can turn into families. #sydtechleaders ❤️

    “Not all engineers make bad managers, but almost all bad managers are ex-engineers.” 🔥🙌 #sydtechleaders

    @cazjade Ooh, snarky commentary? We need that up front!

    @TagoFabic @SydTechLeaders @jedws @knitterjp Thank you for joining us!!

    @lucykbain @lindamciver @jedws Sadly no. This one in particular was quite personal and Jed also included some slides that he asked us not to share.

    RT @marekq: @forrestbrazeal “Cloud is like buying electricity from the power grid instead of building your own powerplant. You don’t need t…

    @daveoflynn @lucykbain @lindamciver @jedws He did. 😉

    RT @donttrythis: Please. Read this thread. It’s walking a distance in another’s shoes. It’s important.

    @emd3737 😐

    @emd3737 Love you guys – hope the honeymoon is amazing! ❤️

    RT @Beraligatr: So… today I released my crowning achievement.

    Go to
    While you’re on the page, press:
    Up Up Down…

    @jedws @daveoflynn @lucykbain @lindamciver @200okpublic At first I thought that was Ben, rocking a very different look… 😂

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    @thisismywww Cheers!

    RT @darthted: Just a friendly reminder, if you signed up to go to @SydTechLeaders tomorrow night, and can no longer make it, please update…

    Here we go again: Get random “Goodday to you my new friend” @Meetup message from a dude I don’t recognise. Click on profile. See that he’s joined a bunch of women in tech groups, presumably to meet ladies. Reply telling him not to do that, then hit the block button. 😡

    I’m having a Berenstein Bears moment. Did my iPhone *always* say “aeroplane mode” instead of “airplane”?! I swear that’s new.

    @The_McJones I believe you… but I’d also swear that my phone said Airplane before. Maybe it’s jet lag. OR THERE’S A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX.

    @The_McJones (I see what you did there.) Nope! I just checked whether changing time zone would do it, but that doesn’t seem to affect. I did do an iOS update yesterday though… 🤨

    @nolim1t What region is yours set to?

    RT @VPestilenZ: Quality website design 👌😄

    Single lady shopping cart: cat food, salad for one, cottage cheese.

    @nolim1t What region? Mine is Australia.

    @evanderkoogh Working in NYC for a few more days. He sent me a view out his office window today. 🙃

    @meetup_support I’m fine with simply blocking them. It’s more that this keeps happening, and I’m not sure what you can do about it. It’s just depressing.

    @frankarr I love it, Frank! Awesome post. 👏

    RT @frankarr: 500 (aka D) days

    Since I now find myself in the Bizarro Aeroplane World, I figured I’d lean into it and part my hair on the other side to show off The Streak.

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    My favourite part was how Arya turned into Reepicheep.

    RT @awscloud: Come join us at #reInvent — registration is now open! 🎉 Las Vegas, Dec. 2-6.

    My new fave Captain American fanfic, and it isn’t even smutty! 😂

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    Ahh, US air travel. @Delta flight out of NY took an extra hour to take off, then 30 minutes waiting for gate, and now waiting for shuttle to Int terminal at LAX for my SYD flight scheduled to take off in 30min. FML.


    Ahh, but sometimes the incompetence pile up in one’s favour. Sydney flight has been delayed 45 minutes, so we all made it in time. Phew.

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    Our Ira Glass moment was officially just eclipsed by walking past Helena Bonham Carter on the High Line. 😳

    The final bit of the High Line. (It was dazzling even before we passed Helena Bonham Carter!)

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    No #democracysausage for those voting early/overseas, so we made do with a “jumbo with everything” from an NYC 🌭 cart!

    @delitescere I know. Actually it was at the pub down the street. But we didn’t feel up to an expat pissup after a long day of touristing…

    Adventures at the Met. We barely scratched the surface! @ The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

    @unixbigot It’s a hard life.

    Standing next to Ira Glass outside Momofuku is the most NY thing that’s happened to me this week.

    Rodd: “How did you recognise somebody from the radio??”
    Me: “He was in the Veronica Mars movie!” 😂

    Exploring the High Line on an absolutely gorgeous day! 🌞🌳🌸

    Lunch at Momofuku Nishi was excellent! (The Snook is trying to contain his excitement over Ira Glass sitting 3ft behind him.)

    Retail therapy. (“Pretend you’re an irate husband annoyed at all the money I’m spending!”) @

    Five Boros Craft Beer Fest with the amazing @tinypang. MISS HER!! 🍻❤️🇦🇺

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    RT @JennaGuillaume: PLOT TWIST

    Fearless girls.

    “The streets are paved with diamonds and there’s just so much to see, but the best thing about New York City is… you and me.” – Cub ❤️