@randomknits It can be friends with the cat I just vacuumed up.
Month: June 2019
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RT @knittymag: I just responded to someone claiming to be representing a large group of conservative knitters and crocheters, asking if Kni…
RT @happystash: Excellent article on the Ravelry thing, the fall out and all their hard work this topic as well as all the work over the la…
Absolutely rapt to be included in this amazing group! https://t.co/MMW1JCX1Vk
RT @Jimothea: Appropriate for today: the original Pride flag and the sewing machine it was made on. https://t.co/oaoZeWaxxt
RT @baddestmamajama: So ok.
Maybe it is all men. https://t.co/fAOyz0Jquk
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RT @maciejwalkowiak: Micromanagement kills engagement. Lack of engagement kills productivity. Low productivity makes people micromanage eve…
RT @mechanicalrock_: We’re proud to be partnering with @AWS for this year’s #AWSInitiate in Perth! Make sure you find us at our #Mechanical…
@chrisgander Happy birthday Goose!
Can someone who knows more about typography tell me why I viscerally dislike the “SWEET F.A.” text so much? Is it the kerning? I just know I hate it. @themaninblue @diversionary @poppiepack https://t.co/mrQADOUaXq
RT @mmastertheone: @web_goddess I know nothing about typography but that is a damn ugly W
@fbz Australianism. “Sweet fuck all.” Though what that has to do with iced coffee is beyond me. 🤷♀️
RT @apocraphilia: @web_goddess @themaninblue @diversionary @poppiepack There’s something about the way that ‘W’ squats, square and graceles…
I feel entirely justified in my hatred of that text. Thanks, Internet! ❤️
Men, a bit of advice: when you reach out to a woman on LinkedIn about a job, don’t immediately follow her on every social platform. She’s gonna find that slightly creepy.
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@stufromoz @sciencebanshee Yep – I gave a full tech conference talk on this topic! https://t.co/hg3etlst5z
@stufromoz @sciencebanshee There are heaps – it’s not a new observation. The overlap of technical folks and knitters/crocheters has historically been larger than most non-crafters think!
@AstroHyde State Library of VIC?
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Really love seeing this up in the @amazonwebservices office. Good advice for life, really! #bepeculiar https://t.co/6shDk6KvM4 https://t.co/hdS2J3JU9A
@kaylajheffernan As a chatty extrovert, I identify with those remarks. 😔
@StokesXandra Honestly no idea. I’m visiting a different AWS office and they had it up – no clue where they got it. IME the part about remote callers is most critical in a geographically dispersed team.
RT @foobartel: Just this very morning I had a short conversation about how we use the web so differently today than compared to the early 2…
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I’ve just opened up my DMs if you want to find out more but I’m not following you! Also worth mentioning that my team has roles going in Brisbane as well. 😉 https://t.co/8aIysw1mxH
@mattgillard That would fall into the “Nice Problem to Have” bucket. 😆
@tonilereads Noooooooooo. I’m heading that way right now en route to airport.
@WoollyWormhead It’s fictional, but one of the characters in A Tale of Two Cities knits the names of condemned aristocrats into her work as they are led to the guillotine.
@TynoMitey Looking primarily for Solutions Architects. We’re the “trusted advisors” – helping customers make sure their solutions are secure, scalable, resilient, and cost-optimised. We talk to lots of customers about their technical problems and try to help them solve!
@TynoMitey Something to work towards then. 😉
Best food blog in Sydney. 👏 https://t.co/0m4GGKTsYj
@boundvariable The balm we need in these troubled times.
Hey Brisbane! Anybody still in the CBD? I need to go in search of food. https://t.co/By7i16We3n https://t.co/sCXW4SWy7a
RT @chadloder: And there’s still a gender pay gap. https://t.co/2gnauST9ND
Read too many @ravelry-related comments at dinner and now I have @tmbg “Your Racist Friend” stick in my head. Can’t shake the Devil’s hand and say you’re only kidding…
RT @cassiecodes: Hey Dev twitter. Do you attend meet-ups or conferences?
If so, listen up.
I’m going to tell you a couple of stories…
Somehow always end up at Maru… https://t.co/aaIZXEsSzf https://t.co/LMAe0RdQj2
@AnthonyRees Got a nice pipeline of folks to have coffee with! I shall be well caffeinated at any rate. 😂
RT @evanderkoogh: There are very few people in the world who I would want to work for. @web_goddess is one of probably only a handful.
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@TheRealBnut @yourbirlfriend @jesse_bryant It’s pretty cool! Technically with cross stitch accepted wisdom is you do a row at a time, all the arms in the same direction, to maintain tension for best look. But minimal thread is a fun experiment!
Managed to sleep last night for the first time in a week without having to take drugs to suppress my coughing! #smallvictory
Looking for Solutions Architects to join my team in Sydney. Are you interested in helping customers understand the Cloud? Hit me up – I’d love to talk to you about it.