Month: June 2019
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@darthted You could go hang out with my sis and bro-in-law @carbocommander. He’s an Eagles fan though.
@carbocommander @darthted 😂😂👏
@chixors @techAU That is SO COOL
RT @StokesXandra: YOW! conference director @MichelePlayfair clues us in to what it’s like being a glube on The Weekly Reboot this week! h…
RT @AWS_edu: 🇦🇺 Need to take your cloud solution to new heights? Registration for the AWS Public Sector Summit Canberra is open! #AWSPSSumm…
@i386 @damncabbage Don’t worry, James. I’ll stand by you against the wall when the revolution comes. 👍
Very grateful to the dude who slid into my DMs overnight to tell me that I look beautiful and mature and he’s into long distance relationships for reminding me that I need to lock down my effing DM settings again. Why must every public place be a singles bar?
RT @skdh: NASA orbiter spots ‘Star Trek’ symbol on Mars
@evanderkoogh Meh. It’s only mildly annoying. I’m a 40+yo chubby nerd and I can deal. I can only imagine what it’s like for a young woman though.
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@themaninblue I kind of want to knit that.
Either I’m too obsessed with Good Omens, or Satan is looking to head hunt me.
Quoted for truth. *pours one out for Reader* ✊
@charis For Sydney Girl Geeks, @lucykbain (I think) built a Google Form and then hooked it into Zapier. When someone submits, it posts in a special channel in the Slack and then admins can invite the person.
@charis We also went with a Google form for @SydTechLeaders but it just sends us all an email with the person’s details to invite.
Fantastic dinner tonight at @eastsidebarandgrill featuring @luciano_monosilio (the “king of carbonara”!!) and @capelvalewines… 🍷
@evanderkoogh @startmate @linc_bot Congrats!!!!!!!
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@parisba @The_McJones Ooh fun. Is it dynamic? Can you scroll messages??
The new Good Omens adaptation is very very good, but it’s sent me down a Crowley/Aziraphale fanfic spiral that has consumed my life. So consider yourself warned.
@lostumbrellas 😍
@mmastertheone I just went and tracked down that article. 😍👏
@knitterjp @unlikelylibrary @randomknits Aww, cute! Sure! (I really need to decide which bag to put my pins on.)
RT @womensart1: Psychiatrist Dr Karen Norberg, of National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, spent a year knitting/c…
RT @LindaSuePark: Dear makers of women’s clothing, Pants pockets should be like poetry: DEEP ENOUGH TO BE MEANINGFUL.
@MichelePlayfair Yeah, I tried that a few months back. Turned it off again real damn quick. 🙁
RT @xahteiwi: Flat organizations are just like open-plan offices: everyone tries them, and then eventually you realize that they’re pretty…
@JM77 I literally saw that on the home screen last night and skipped over it, thinking it was indeed about GoT.
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Hmm. I have “pinned” @TweetDeck in Firefox, which mostly works great. However, if I quit the browser and relaunch, Tweetdeck always opens with a login error. Multiple refreshes still show error. BUT if I wait a while and then try again? Eventually it works. No idea why. 🤔
@themaninblue Creativity born of boredom and my inability to knit the exact same thing twice. 😂
@chrisgander Ah, I hadn’t heard that. Sorry to hear. I love seeing pictures of you and your little munchkin!
Hey Hobart friends! My colleague Bobbie is in town and is going to be talking about 🤖 tonight…
@i386 Are you guys having a babby yet? Do I need to start knitting wee little Hufflepuff jumpers? 🙂
@i386 You should be so lucky! Now go eat, you’re skin and bones.
Past Kris: “It’s a beautiful warm sunny day – perfect time to break in my new clogs!” 😎
Present Kris: “Past Kris is an idiot. Now where are the blister pads…?” 😫
RT @BeetlejuiceBway: Get a taste of the other side with #BeetlejuiceBway’s performance on the @TheTonyAwards. Buy tickets today-o: https://…
RT @pyconau: PyCon AU 2019 is happy to announce:
* Tickets are available from today 🎟
* The conference schedule is now live 📣
* We have…
Nice – just saw an ad for @LookaheadSearch in the latest Sizzle. They’re the best recruitment team I know in Sydney and more tech folks should know about them.
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Fairisle is so addictive.
Puss approves of someone’s new socks. 😻🧦