Month: June 2019

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    If I wasn’t going to be on a work trip that week, I’d seriously be considering a visit to Melbourne just to see this talk!

    @lucykbain I know – but I’m away that whole week. 😱

    This is FASCINATING.

    RT @womensart1: ‘East London Knitters Say Balls To Trump!’, #Trump protest, London. 2018 (image via @travelknitter1 ) #TrumpUKVisit #womens

    Used Alexa to turn the heat on from the bus ride home. YASSSS. #toasty (Lest you think I am easily impressed, I should point out that our A/C is *not* wifi enabled. If you want to hear how it’s done, you’ll have to come to the next @sydjs!)

    @crankymate @sydjs Huh. I didn’t know such a thing existed! But nope. We rolled our own with Raspberry Pi and an IR blaster. 🙂

    I literally gasped.

    @secretGeek @sydjs Metaphorically, you’re not far off. 😂

    @richbuggy That’s way down the priority list after “make me a negroni” and “scoop the litter box”

    @coder_bec @sydjs Custom!

    Taking the ‘booch production up a notch. (Come on, little SCOBY! You can do it!) #kombucha

    @sallyannw @CicadaInnov Wow, congrats!!

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    Confession: they were my figs. (I was out of truffle honey though.)

    @stowball I just ordered this for my partner. Fingers crossed…

    RT @chriswithpants: We can’t run a conference without sponsors to pay for the venue, food, insurance, etc. If you think your company might

    I bought a pack of Big Red on vacation and stashed it in a pocket in my backpack and now my Kleenex from the same pocket smell faintly of cinnamon. It’s so nice! This should be a Thing.

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    Actual conversation I had at the Farmers Market this morning: “Well I just bought the organic figs, so which goats cheese would you recommend? And should we serve it with pomegranate molasses or truffle honey?” #shootmenow 🙄

    RT @kathyra_: My folks raised me to reject femininity, in favor of “boyish” things like computers.

    I learned to code young. I hated dolls,

    Today I built an Alexa skill that tells me what fruit and veg is in season! (Basically just reads the latest Market Update post from Harris Farm.) đŸ“đŸŽđŸŠđŸ„•đŸ„đŸ„’đŸ…

    @bec_h2o Yeah, I didn’t have nearly as much fun with the 1st gen one.