Month: July 2019

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    Absolutely inspirational to hear from Aussie legend John Maclean. He challenges us to set audacious goals for our selves, our families, our businesses, and our community. #howfarcanyougo

    Happy birthday to my best friend! ❤️🍸

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    Honestly read that as “Kindles” and had to do a double-take.

    DAMN IT. @TheOpalUser – is there anywhere I can see which bus I tapped on? Because I *swear* it was a 438, and yet it didn’t stop in Chippendale so I had to huff it all the way back from the footbridge, and I’m CONVINCED it was mislabelled. 😠

    Sydney Tech Women – you can get your travel covered for this event in Melbourne! Come join us. 🙂

    RT @MotherJones: A new study finds that providing women with a yearlong supply of oral contraceptive birth control—rather than the typical…

    @jxeeno @TheOpalUser @developerjack @notsolonecoder Interesting. As expected it says L38, but I SWEAR it was a 438 when I got on. 😫

    @jxeeno @TheOpalUser Nah, Opal app reports 6:55pm

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    The Great Wave: what Hokusai’s masterpiece tells us about museums, copyright and online… by @CultureDoug – I got all excited about remixing for a craft project, but of course the quilters already beat me to it!

    ARGH! I inadvertently bought the wrong @SodaStreamau bottles and they’re too tall and fat to fit in our machine. Anybody need this sort? Happy to swap for the other type – they’re brand new!

    Successfully converted my serverless Australian Meetup Calendar app to use OAuth, latest version of @meetup API, and @awscloud Parameter Store for secrets! 💃

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    Gahh. Sent a work doc to someone last night to review, and the first thing he said was, “You’ve got a lot of ‘so what’s in there.” ARGH. He’s right, too…

    @MichelePlayfair I do like the knitted pineapples.

    @developerjack Reminds me of when @the_snook went to lunch at Noma in Sydney with a random woman while I was out of the country on a work trip ON MY BIRTHDAY.

    @frankarr @theage Now let’s just hope he doesn’t put it in a crate and forget about it for decades. 😉

    @snarkyboojum @RunningRanger Wow. Kind of tempted to graph mine… but also not.

    Between Good Omens and Fleabag season 2, I’m caught in quite a sacrilegious fan fic spiral…

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    @gilmae I can see my Dad doing exactly that.

    @gilmae Correction. He says he’d never do that. He prefers to find more exotic things to do, like the “swineapple”.

    RT @laurieontech: If you are a lead in any capacity your primary job is no longer to be the best coder in the room. Your job is to invest i…

    RT @JackBensinger: Took a picture of myself every day for 10 years.

    @gilmae I need to get more replies, because every time I look at Tweetdeck this one is sitting there, distracting me.

    @gilmae Worse.

    @gilmae omfg

    Cajun meat pie with cream cheese topping. 🤔 Interesting…

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    @lemon_lime Ooh, it’s lovely. But damn, I hate knitting lace at the best of times. On ginormous needles? Kill. me. now. (Not to mention the possibility that some troll will snip it and ruin the whole thing.)

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    RT @soveryqueer: “ladies and gentlemen”
    – boring
    – predictable
    – ignores nonbinary people

    – ominous
    – inclusive
    – are you an anc…

    RT @inkyubus13: I think we’re all missing the point here. Jane Foster has a PhD in astrophysics. She isn’t “female Thor” or “girl Thor.” Sh…

    Woobied worst than Spike, and then fridged. Unhappy.

    RT @yow_conf: Last chance to nab your ticket to tonight’s #YOWNight with @matthewfellows & @hogfish in Sydney.

    Listen to 2 talks on testi…

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    Getting in a little knitting time. 🧦☀️

    Haven’t finished the season yet, but already having buyer’s remorse. Veronica has gotten very, very self-destructive. (And yeah, I’ve already been spoiled for the ending.) 😭

    @thenathanbish Yup. First visit here! Nice day for it.

    RT @museum_mum: Take a peachy journey through @roalddahlmuseum this summer. See original James and the Giant Peach illustrations by Nancy E…

    RT @phillip_webb: There was an old lady that swallowed a hypervisor. She swallowed the hypervisor to run the VM. She swallowed VM to hold t…