Month: July 2019
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@notsolonecoder 😱
Team offsite in the Hunter Valley. Could be worse. 😉
Morning walk around the golf course with Skippy and Gudetama. ☀️
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Sometimes we forget we have a garden. What a beautiful winter’s day! #ploughmanslunch
@MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers In my first webdev job in Sydney back in 2002, I had a (non-technical) boss give me some feedback about my work: “needs more div”. Seriously. Rodd and I will quote that one to each other to this day.
@Amys_Kapers @MichelePlayfair Absolutely.
Young man wearing a “Jaywalking will cost you a $75 fine” sandwich board while walking back and forth in front of UTS. Public service announcement or public shaming? 🤔
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@girlgerms That’ll be news to @jeffbarr too!
RT @jeffbarr: #AWS Named as a Leader in Gartner’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Magic Quadrant for the 9th Consecutive Year – https://…
RT @cmclymer: This image of me has been going around 4chan and other awful parts of the web with similar transphobic commentary. Over the p…
TFW you’re watching the new @veronicamars on @StanAustralia and you impulse buy Veronica’s exact bag on Etsy. #worthit
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@brown_note @paulangov There’s no one answer, really. Both @brendanh and Aurelien emphasised that Security is an iterative process, not simply a checklist of things to do.
@brown_note @paulangov @brendanh It’s also important to get founders onboard – to make them understand it’s not a tradeoff between “customer features” and “security debt”. Security *is* a customer feature.
@brown_note @paulangov @brendanh They also talked about the fact that when you’re small, you just have to be better than the alternatives. You can get away with some stuff. But once you get some visibility and traction, that’s when problems can really hit as people will go after you. Lots of “bear” imagery. 😂
RT @MichelePlayfair: Hope to see you at the AWS Community Day in Melbourne on 30 August. Can’t make it? Watch the stream!…
RT @womensart1: Hungarian artist Agnes Herczeg creates figurative lace works with wood, mostly of female forms #womensart…
I’m 5 minutes into this glassblowing show and it’s already my favourite thing this year.
Oh hi. I’d like to order two Venetian glass taco holders now.
@annie_parker @joannejacobs @lizzielichfield Yeah, scenes all seem to be book one. No Will yet. But DAMN, everyone looks amazing. (However – I love Lin, but my Lee Scoresby will always be Sam Elliott.)
@joannejacobs @annie_parker @lizzielichfield Ooh, I could see that too.
This show is prompting many thoughts about Art vs Craft. The different approaches of the glass blowers. The incredible skill involved. Interpretations of the brief. I wonder if @crumpet has seen it. She’d have feelings, I think.
HA! And now we see the difference between glassblowers and bakers. Bakers are supportive of each other – but artists… not so much. (I suspect “This is not a great day for me, uh, psychically” is going to become a catchphrase.) 😂
@CaSSiSiA Brilliant!
@ScientistMags I’m sure in a teaching/mentoring relationship, all of them are. It’s just interesting seeing artists in a competitive arena.
“Use more of your back! You are a fierce powerful woman!” I need Deborah as a life coach/adopted aunt.
The Snook is reading all the Stardew Valley guides while I am not. He has just informed me that Linus – the beardy old homeless guy I’ve been courting with gifts – is actually not single and won’t marry me. 😢
@JessicaCGlenn Meanwhile he’s off having a disco dance party with Emily the barmaid! Harrumph. 🙃
RT @michaelsheen: @turtleneckdiva @howertongue @ShadowNoir2 @damn_antichrist @ANGELOMENS Oh I think Crowley’s car is in Aziraphale’s garage…
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RT @SydTechLeaders: The downside of your startup getting funding and media attention is hackers and “security researchers” will come out of…
Kicking off the famous #sydtechleaders Q&A. “How should startups begin thinking about security from day zero?” #sydtechleaders
@iamnotyourbroom Some of the bear imagery has been… vivid.
RT @iamnotyourbroom: Fantastic #sydtechleaders meetup tonight focused on security, featuring hacker bears and quantum socks.
@brushbox @brendanh He rarely tweets so I didn’t tag him, but yes. 😂
RT @NASA: ☄️ . * . *
* 👨🚀 🌒👨🚀👨🚀
* . 🛰️ . *
⭐️ *…
RT @akohan: I think few things get me as angry as so-called “Men’s Rights“ activists. So many of the disparities they cite are the product…
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RT @GTRoberts: Whoa. This is NOT good.
@BrainwaveFactor @frankarr @deekob @bikramkbora LOL. Mine’s basically an emoji trip report for last week. 😂
@tcn33 WHAAAAAT. You need to send me details on the production. If I can possibly be there, I will!
@tcn33 Awww, well tell her congrats!!
Homemade Ma Po Tofu! 🌶🍚
@hannahyanfield We’ve been using this one for years: Had to hit local Asian grocery for the toban djan, black beans, and Szechuan peppercorns. Only substitution was a single red chilli for the fresh ones. It’s very good!!
RT @SydTechLeaders: Right now @darthted is slaving over a hot smoker full of brisket while also keeping a hot startup full of engineers hop…
RT @candor: RT @YdrYvonne: Love this quote from @candor #radicalcandor
@devdevcharlie ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏
RT @devdevcharlie: It happens that some people don’t want to support me or my work cause of the 🏳️🌈 in my handle.
If you’re just realisi…
RT @geeksam: I’ve been meaning to switch away from @Dropbox for a while now, but their MacOS app changing from a menubar app to showing up…
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Me: “I invented a cocktail. It’s homemade kombucha and rum. I call it a Dark and Boochy.”
The Snook: “You should’ve called it Boochie Mama.”
Me: “Dammit!!”
@DVDBits If Beyoncé is there I WILL SCREAM. SCREAM, RICHARD.
RT @andykhouri: I hate this. I hate this like I haven’t hated anything for years. I hate this like I was born to hate this.…
Colouring on my iPad while watching 30 year old episodes of Jeopardy on Netflix. Sometimes modern life is okay.