Month: July 2019

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    It’s very handy how, if I accidentally leave my DMs open for a few days, guys like this pop up to remind me why I generally keep that shit locked down.

    @allymcleangames @The_McJones Ooh, @IngaPflaumer once made a game that was KNITTED and I ❤️ it.

    @ButenkoMe Awesome! Meet some lovely folks: @TheMartianLife @parisba @desplesda @Japh @The_McJones @iamcraigclark @kcidau. @MusesCodeJS is a fantastic endeavor and I recommend it as both attendee and mentor!

    @captainklein Well, that’s why I turned it on – I’ve had lots of folks reach out about an open role on my team, which is great. I just resent that there is no online or physical space that someone, somewhere won’t think is suitable for hitting on women. It’s just tiresome, right?

    @captainklein I usually just go with “This is not what Twitter is for.” Maybe I should write a bot for it! Some sort of AI-driven chatbot to take over my DMs for creepers and keep them busy, thus saving the rest of the women on the Internet from being hassled. 😂

    @captainklein There you go. Sydney Summit demo for next year, locked in! 😜

    Best, best, BEST part of manager job is seeing folks set a tough goal and then achieve it. 😉 Way to go, @kezmc… 👏🙌

    The fact that I called this Gossip Girl plot twist based on my knowledge of Graham Greene novels makes four years of liberal arts education and $50K of debt all worth it.

    @frankarr @paulangov @Twitter @markc @mattallen @johnbarton True story – though I joined Twitter before, my real inflection point with it was the Sydney blackout of March 30, 2009. 😂

    RT @Super70sSports: Michael Collins, maybe the most underrated living American. Flew to the moon, dropped off his friends, then circled tha…

    For the record, March 2007. @frankarr beat me by three months. (Story of my life!) 😜

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    @minxdragon @holdenkarau The person I met was the amazing @lindaliukas from @hellorubyworld. She famously used Kickstarter for hers!

    RT @bentev28: How do you keep bigots off social media?

    FACEBOOK: Wow, it’s tough but we’re trying! ❤️👍
    TWITTER: What is “bigotry”, really?…

    RT @emd3737: Let’s talk peer review- how do you choose peer reviewers? I usually start by scanning my reference list to see who has publish…

    We’ve been together for 18 years and married for 15, and there are still two things the Snook doesn’t trust me with: his root password, and packing the dishwasher correctly. 😂

    @Orthanc Never bothered to ask.

    @boundvariable That’s how I do it. But apparently it “jams” the “spinny arm thing” and “totally buggers it up”. 🤷‍♀️

    @aileengemma So glad you did!

    Look at this handsome devil. 😽

    Power just went out in Chippendale. Anybody else??

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    @aileengemma Omg that would be amazing to visit. I’d probably cry the whole time. I ❤️ the early days of space exploration.

    @kouky @canva Wow – congrats Kouky! End of an era.

    @lynnlangit Is this a book? I want this book.

    @LapTop006 LOL. I just sent that to the Snook in disappointment that we already have dinner plans upon which he revealed he was at the Quarrymans with you last week. 😂

    @The_McJones @Procreate The way Twitter cropped that made me wonder why you were animating the female symbol.