Month: August 2019

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    Me: Is that the Young Einstein album on vinyl? Has that been in our house the whole time??
    Him: Yes. And it’s PINK!

    @diversionary Apparently it’s the “Special Edition.” The price tag says $17. He told me to guess how much it’s worth now. I had no clue. “About $15.” 😂

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    RT @JeanLeggett: This made me cry. The best of humanity.💕

    @annie_parker Literally just had the same thought.

    RT @leahmcelrath: This. Is. Phenomenal.


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    @brettporter Pffft. Amateur. Real webmonkeys like me used “s.gif” because it had fewer characters, and we actually cared about keeping page weight as light as possible back then. 😂

    @unixbigot RIGHT? WE MUST BE STRONG!

    Hong Kong protesters join hands in 30-mile human chain – Not gonna lie – this one made me tear up a bit. What a beautiful image. 😢❤️

    RT @DJJudd: On dealing w/ Trump, Pete Buttigieg tells supporters in Nashua, “Dealing with insults is not a problem. I grew up in Indiana, I…

    Less than two weeks to YOW! Perth! I’ll be there talking about serverless and sharing my journey building a serverless meetup calendar application. Hope to see you there. (And hey, you can use YOWKRIS19 to get 20% off your ticket!) @yow_conf #yowperth19

    I understood all of them except the Fruit Salad one. The Snook and I managed to puzzle it out. One of the perks of being childfree, I guess.

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    Me: “This heating pad annoys me with its safety feature that shuts it off every 90 min.”

    The Snook: “Here, I hacked a smart plug for you so it cycles off and on every hour to avoid that.”


    I was the queen of this, back in the day. 💅

    @mmastertheone Owl cables have been popular for a long time!

    Imagining that @mobywhale fronts a rock band whenever the baby’s asleep…

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    @gilmae Both E. What a world we live in. 😂

    “Conan, what is best in life?”

    “To get a LinkedIn message from a company that previously rejected you for not being technical enough, and crush their hopes of poaching you, and hear the lamentations of their recruiters.”

    @gcouprie Whoops.

    @shermozle Thanks. Was worth it for the satisfaction today. 🙂

    Even though I’d heard some of this before, I was still shocked to see phrases I’ve used in JDs called out as turning candidates away. Time to revise…

    @nothergeek Of course I don’t use those!

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    @georgiecel And on the flip-side, I can’t even tell you how many times I have typed :shrug: into other apps. 🙂

    This is fascinating. I was always aware of AO3 but have been dipping in more lately (mostly off the back of Good Omens). I hadn’t known how it works, or that it’s nominated for a Hugo! That’s really cool.

    @JodiMcA OH WOW! That’s fantastic. Perhaps I shall celebrate by finally signing up as an official user. 😂

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    It’s always fun to open a @WomenWhoCode email and recognise someone I’ve met! Hey @amylouboyle!! 👋

    @randomknits You inspired me to finally make a donation! Well done – it’s freezing out there tonight.

    @randomknits ❤️🐶

    Installed the Amplify CLI tonight and set up my first ever project. Somewhere @stevenringo is smiling. 🙂

    RT @KoalaMattress: Koala has cut ties with Alan Jones. We’re a significant buyer in the medium, and it’s something we should have done earl…

    LOLLL. The Snook has been feeling like quite the playboy with his six Stardew Valley girlfriends, but tonight they all confronted him! #dtmf 😂

    Sweet potato gnocchi with broccoli and sage, homemade by the Snook! ❤️

    @randomknits He now has 3. It’s basically a religious cult at this point.

    @randomknits He says the comparison is more apt than I realised. He lives on a giant farm complex, and the mayor regularly gives him money “for various reasons.”

    RT @NoContextTrek:

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    RT @nytimes: In Opinion

    5 years after Gamergate, Brianna Wu writes, “We needed the men who sexually harassed us at work to be fired. What…

    RT @brianleroux: bookmarking for the next person that asks if DynamoDB scales