Month: August 2019

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    Wow, that “graffiti knitting” seems so cool and subversive!

    @laimelde WORKING AS INTENDED.

    @crankymate @HandmaidsOnHulu I couldn’t even finish the first season, even though I loved the book. Seeing it was just too much. I almost have to avoid it for my own mental health.

    Rodd: “How much of that bottle did you drink?!”

    When you are the designated “technical” one in the knitting group, you’re the one who gets called on to figure out how to disable the fire alarm when it goes off at 5am. 😴

    @mmastertheone I did, thank you!

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    @jamesdcameron @bigyahu @danieldraper I have had to put strict limits on myself. The good thing is that it’s not ad or in-game purchase driven. You buy it, and you can play whenever you want and you won’t miss out on anything. It’s quite calming. My husband has built a mega-farm, while I prefer fishing and mining.

    RT @verbaliza: Australian version:


    but i am an

    Third (semi) annual Abernethy knitting weekend has begun… 🍷🍺🧶

    I perhaps should have brought a simpler project…

    @Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @robdcrowley @MichelePlayfair @jtango18 @evanderkoogh He might, uh, feature in my talk. 😜

    The fire’s on; we’ve got lots of wine; and we found the wifi password… 🔥🍷🧶

    @DrJosh9000 Right? At least I got a cool bag out of it. 😢

    @Kat13v Nah, I’m just drinkin’ and tweetin’. 😉

    @TheresaNeate @auxesis @VerityStothard @kelle_c @_staceyjayne @cedwardsNZ @devopsdaysnz Thank you! Let me introduce you to @roisinparkes and @JessicaCGlenn. I also have a Twitter list of Aussie Tech Women but I can’t figure out how to link to it on my iPad…

    Current mood: if only it was socially acceptable to dress as a giant meerkat every day.

    RT @juliansequeira: Yet another proud #AWS moment! A group of the amazing women I work with were invited to share their experience as women…

    I’m “had to beg for a Gmail invitation and sew some guy a sock monkey in return” years old.

    ‘Mary B’ By Katherine J. Chen Is A ‘Pride And Prejudice’ Retelling That Feels More True To Modern Day Feminism – Oooh, very interesting! ⁦@lucykbain⁩

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    @i386 @msharp

    Big crowd as Liam kicks off tonight’s @indigitek meetup at Google. Can’t wait to hear @celestecarnegie from @GirlGeekAcademy share her story! 👏 #indigitek

    . @indigitek is really all about culture, and its members are building tech that preserves and supports culture: language apps, VR, and more. #indigitek

    Tiddas know tiddas. ❤️👏 @celestecarnegie talking about the importance of spaces where women can be with women. @indigitek #indigitek

    “It is in our DNA to invent and create. All that’s changed are the tools.” @celestecarnegie @indigitek #indigitek

    Because we all need more excellence – and Beyoncé – in our lives. ❤️ @celestecarnegie @indigitek #indigitek

    FWIW, the 1st all women hackathon in Oz was a community event across both SYD and MEL. I know because I was there! #shehacks has continued as a free event in Sydney ever since. ❤️ @GeorgiCodes @rowdyrabbit @daphnechong @sezshares @pyko

    RT @vboykis: The more I looked at We Company’s org structure the more I realized what it reminded me of.

    @bigyahu @jamesdcameron @danieldraper Stardew Valley – all done by one guy! And racking up hundreds of hours of playtime, just in our house. 😬

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    At #unswideas Women and the Internet lecture. Hasn’t even really started and I have a new life goal to join a “cyber-feminist collective.” ✊

    For a lot of women, the World Wide Web felt like home… until it didn’t. #unswideas @TheUniverse #broadbandbook

    RT @GingerGorman: What if the values of caring and representation were baked into current platforms, asks @TheUniverse @UNSW #unswideas @UN…

    Here for stories of margarita drinkers unimpressed by Tim Berners-Lee and satirical doo-wop groups dancing around Cray supercomputers. #unswideas @TheUniverse

    I. Love. This. #unswideas

    Now the panel – five amazing women including @TheUniverse, @GingerGorman, @natashamitchell, and more. 😍 #unswideas

    Straight to the top of the To Read pile – though I expect it’s going to enrage me. #unswideas @TheUniverse #broadbandbook

    RT @castkr: There is a misconception today that technology is for, and has always been dominated by men. Women have always been there. The…

    “Do women build technology in a different way, because of their socialisation?” Yes. I’ve seen that. Interesting to hear panelist tie back to emotional labour. Too bad “caring” is not rewarded by the market. #UNSWideas @natashamitchell

    Huh. @TheUniverse says it’s human nature to expect any new technology to be utopian and solve all our problems. But I think I’ve turned into a cynic… because I definitely don’t. Not anymore. It all goes wrong. #UNSWideas

    “What do I say when young women ask me what the percentage of women is like in the industry?”

    “With you, it’ll be one more.”

    There are three right here. ❤️✊ @unlikelylibrary @kcarruthers #UNSWideas

    @Reidyd Ah, we only got there right before it began so we were in the back!

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    You would think that grownup adult mentors could grasp “Time to move to the next table! Go to the one that’s one number higher than yours!”

    You would be wrong. 😂 #speedmentoring #chaos

    @frostickle The rainbow and green ones are @buildkite 😉

    @mootpointer I think one person went to the wrong table in round 1 and the error just rippled for the next 9 rounds. 😂

    @TheWonkaTonka @imdominating Gosh we were cute!! ❤️

    Emcee selfie! Honoured to join the @amazonwebservices team at today’s Inspiring Women event with 200 young women in Liverpool.

    RT @snaxolotl: (@rubyetc)

    Facebook just showed me the ad for the Nicolas Cage flippy sequined cushions. I blame @buzzyNZ.

    I thought the Christian Bale version of this scene killed me, but this? I almost don’t want to watch it, it’s going to hurt so much.