Month: August 2019

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    @crankymate I’m kind of a big deal on the Internet. 💅😂

    @Malarkey Monkeys and apes. Nice typography. Anti-Brexit.

    @TheMartianLife What a creep. I’m sorry that happened 🙁

    @fjmorales @crankymate I don’t even have kids and I’m right there with you guys. It’s getting to the point where I’m feeling some anxiety now when we visit. 🙁

    “A long time ago we used to be friends…” 🎵 My Veronica Mars bag arrived today and it’s PERFECT. Thank you @karenkalashnik! ❤️

    Related news: just freaked out the person next to me on the bus by googling “Are tasers legal in Australia?” Sadly they are not. My P.I. career remains on hold.

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    Hey @IFTTT – the new iOS app keeps telling me I need to reconnect with Buffer despite not having any Buffer widgets. Also, you spelled “receive” incorrectly. 🤦‍♀️ #bugreports

    Decorating the Snook’s birthday cake. Yeahhhhhhhh. 🤦‍♀️

    A happy boy and his choo-choo cake. Happy birthday Snookums! (Cake damn near defeated me. Icing *everywhere*.) 😅🚂🎂

    More details: The “cake” is actually zucchini bread, and it’s covered in cream cheese frosting!

    @mmastertheone Nah, train! He made me a castle last time.

    Eep! Less than 4 weeks to go! *frantically goes back to working on presentation* 😅

    RT @lindamciver: Girls Programming Network (@GPN_Sydney) are running a workshop for girls in the Perth area this Saturday! Get on it!


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    @MichelePlayfair Break a leg!!

    Sydney tech folks – a small, family-run retail business I know is looking for someone to sort out their Point of Sale and provide ongoing monthly maintenance. They’re great people, and I want to find them someone good to help. Please DM if interested!

    @Amys_Kapers 😂😂😂 All I did was provide a link to the spec. Not my fault that @melissa_loh didn’t read it!! (To be fair, neither did I.)

    RT @PeopleOfCraft: Giant Sea Urchins crocheted and installed in Singapore’s Marina Bay

    RT @davidsilkenat: Walmart is the world’s largest seller of firearms.

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    RT @womensart1: Polish artist NeSpoon from Warsaw, known for her street art featuring traditional lace pattern imagery #womensart https://t…

    Every now and then I’m reminded that Chippendale contains one of most egregious abuses of fonts ever committed.

    @ThePepperCherry Living your best life! (Is it empty? I’m almost jealous.)

    All must worship the Rainbow Sponge! (This is the greatest thing and all I want is for something in my life to bring me as much joy as the Rainbow Sponge brings her.)

    @themaninblue I feel that every time someone looks at that sign, somewhere @poppiepack feels a stab of pain. I want to burn it with fire.

    @crumpet It’s a Canadian glass blowing competition show on Netflix called Blown Away. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

    RT @DDDPerth: Today has finally arrived and we are all extremely excited. Arrive at 8am – We’ll have a hot beverage waiting for you. Here’s…

    Best of luck to all the speakers, organisers, and attendees at @DDDPerth today. Two years ago was my first ever keynote, and it was the best possible experience. Can’t wait to get back! #DDDPerth (Am I still on the posters?? 😂)

    I love this. I want to read more historians like this.


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    Can’t decide whether I want to be a fish-maiden or a pterodactyl when I grow up…

    @The_McJones @FakeSamRitchie I was in a team offsite all day and just caught up. 😂🕰🧙‍♀️

    @Gaohmee I’ve only recently picked up Stardew Valley. My partner is now obsessed with maxing his farm production, but I like exploring, foraging, fishing, and slaying cave monsters.

    @randomknits It really does!