Month: September 2019

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    @dddsydney @frankarr 🤷‍♀️

    RT @MissAmyTobey: Slack DM networks would be a fascinating view of org structure

    @drzax I’d say no. “Kris” is not a nickname for “Kristine.” (This is where my references to “the Snook” confuse people, because it is in fact his name.)

    New dream: retire from tech industry and spend all day here at UTS textile lab.

    Trying to decide between these two legends’ talks. “Mine doesn’t mention TypeScript,” says @IngaPflaumer. SOLD. (Sorry @hannahcancode.) 👩🏼‍💻 #dddsydney

    @MissAmyTobey @mootpointer In my experience, the real org health metric would be the number of times “Moving to Whatsapp…” gets posted in your company chat app.

    Selfie with our keynote speaker @ButenkoMe during the tea break. Incidentally, you should volunteer to help at @MusesCodeJSSyd! (Yes, even men.) I’ve done it and it’s awesome. #dddsydney

    This escalated quickly. (It’s been 20+ years since I studied calculus.) 😳 #dddsydney

    @robdmoore I know, but I can’t help think of this…

    About to kick off @IngaPflaumer’s session! And hey, @BugHunterSam is live-streaming here: #dddsydney

    RT @DrJosh9000: Coming up, the talk I came here for #DDDSydney

    “Teach girls bravery, not perfection.” TED talk recommended by @IngaPflaumer – bookmarking for later. #dddsydney

    “If you can’t explain your idea to your team with 7 boxes and 8 arrows, it’s too complicated.” @IngaPflaumer on working with junior devs (or anybody, really.) #dddsydney

    Duelling selfies with @MichelePlayfair from @yow_conf at #dddsydney…

    For immediate press release: my new personal brand is “Kris Magenta,” which is a portmanteau of MAGical + mENTAl, which I feel truly captures the essense of me. 😜 #gentletroll

    @Amys_Kapers To make you think. And it worked, see? 🤓

    @mage0r @chixors Move to Sydney and we shall set up a Club and this will be our Clubhouse!

    @robdcrowley You’re all so very serious about it! I had to tease a bit. 😉

    @frankarr I thought you’d like that. 😂

    Listening to @kjacobsen talking about banks and security, and he just used the phrase “person-in-the-middle” attack. I like this. 👏 #dddsydney

    The fear of getting a security disclosure tweet like these from @briankrebs keeps people like @kjacobsen awake at night. What’s the solution? security.txt #dddsydney

    Machine learning is really easy to learn… if you know what to learn. Refreshing honesty from @jernej_kavka, who struggled until he found #dddsydney

    Final speaker is @meliss_houghton on Imposter Syndrome – such an important topic! #dddsydney

    RT @MichelePlayfair: “When I was asked to do the locknote at #dddsydney I thought: Why me? I thought it might be a prank.” – Yes you did lo…

    Totally agree with having a work journal. It’s something I recommend to everyone on my team. I also keep a “good stuff” file for compliments and nice feedback. Reflecting back on these is so helpful when you doubt yourself! @meliss_houghton #dddSydney

    Catch me soon on my critically-acclaimed limited reality series “A Little Bit Kris.” LA LA LALALALALA! 🎵❤️ (The Snook is home and he bought me a present.)

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    RT @LiviuC_PhD: Dusted off my old “Ignorance is Unaustralian” sign for the #ClimateStrike

    Nice to see so much engagement and so many peopl…

    RT @parisba: #ClimateStrike

    Case Study: How Rescon Builders saved migrating Azure to AWS by Flavio Oliveira

    RT @miriamkp: PUT IT BACK

    RT @johnallsopp: In the thick of it with ms 6, 9 and 11. Networks slammed. Surrounded by young people full of energy and positivity. #Clima…

    @dddsydney Are there still tickets? Giving me a 404…

    @dddsydney Done!! See you tomorrow. 😉

    RT @darthted: Largest CTO meet up group in the world. Now with nice round vanity metrics.

    I am informed that I was the very last person to buy a ticket for @dddsydney! I also arrived at the last minute, just in time to see @ButenkoMe’s keynote. ❤️ #dddsydney #dddsydney2019

    A wall of fabulous hair from @ButenkoMe! #dddsydney 💇‍♀️

    Just realised this is the first conf I’ve been to in years where I haven’t been a speaker, volunteer, or organiser. I’m just, like, an attendee. 😳 #dddsydney

    @stowball @Meetup You just have to turn off all the email notifications. Luckily that only takes like 12 clicks *per group*. 🤬

    @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @the_nathanjones @slace I’m also here and could facilitate handoff to Amy at PubConf… after I mop the stage with her. 😉✊

    RT @meliss_houghton: @WWCSyd helped @ButenkoMe gain confidence as a female developer! 👩‍💻🎉 #womenintech #conference #dddsydney #womenwhocod…

    @the_nathanjones @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @slace You come at the Queen, you best not miss.

    @Amys_Kapers @MichelePlayfair @the_nathanjones @slace @larsklint Wouldn’t matter. I once destroyed @twalve at a Web Directions debate where I argued mobile sites > responsive web. You’re just lucky I mostly use my powers for good these days. 😈

    @MichelePlayfair @PubConf

    It bothers me that there’s no actual purple in the branding. 🤔

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    I literally couldn’t think about anything else for the first 10 minutes of the meeting. 😐 #monster #why

    LOL – I’m watching an internal sneak preview of the #awscommunityday recap video, and the camera caught the moment @minxdragon and I took our selfie! 💜 (Full video will be published soon, I’m told.)

    @TheMartianLife As soon as the meeting was over and no one was looking, I put it on its side. Now I can sleep at night. 😂

    RT @McJesse: Princess Bride story! I once had a podcast idea called “Do That Thing!” where famous people talk about *the thing* strangers a…

    😳 I can do this. I didn’t realise everyone couldn’t.

    @gabehollombe Mine is very much thunder. 🤔

    I make good gestures. 😐

    RT @SydTechLeaders: @web_goddess kicking off her talk in her journey to serverless


    @gilmae @SydTechLeaders @SydCSS

    I didn’t have my Red Lippie of Confidence. Felt totally discombobulated!

    @docEbrown1 Thank you! I’ll have to see if I can tag along to a meeting with you guys sometime. 🙂

    @lightningdb Yes, so nice to catch up, albeit briefly!

    RT @AdrianDeLuca76: On a day where we at reminded about the urgent need to take climate action, it’s good to see big Tech making such pledg…

    @mattallen @lightningdb 😲 Way to go Dave!

    RT @HariniLabs: Gaming meets coding at #AntlerCodes – with knockout style coding challenges🏆 Get ready for Sydney’s most-funnest-coding eve…

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    RT @darthted: One more sleep until @SydTechLeaders Sept meet up, the YOW! Perth Reprise. Still a few slots available.…

    Trying to figure out how many folks are actually using my Aussie Meetup Calendars. According to Amazon CloudFront, there were 386 requests yesterday. But these are for subscriptions in calendaring apps, so who knows how often those apps refresh… 🤷‍♀️

    I would’ve thought that apps like Google Calendar would cache the same URL for multiple people, but I can’t find any documentation of whether that’s true or how often Google Calendar refreshes. 🤔 So maybe the real total is higher, I guess.

    @_neozenith Oh nice! Here’s mine: . Hmm, looking at the Newwwie one, you’re using v2 APIs. They’ve been deprecated – you’ll need to update. 🙁

    @_neozenith I could add Newcastle… Lemme try it and see what it looks like. 🙂

    @_neozenith Try this out in your calendar app of choice:

    RT @Cary_Elwes: There’s a shortage of perfect movies in this world. It would be a pity to damage this one.

    @emd3737 I’m all about those spicy memes. 😂

    @_neozenith They’re also removing API keys and forcing OAuth, so hopefully you’ve got that covered too… 🙁

    @msharp After knitting my own Bokaclava and entering it in the Easter Show, I have nothing to prove. 😈

    @dalanmiller They’re listed on the Github repo! 🙂

    I LOLed. 😂

    @DamonOehlman @msharp Well it would help if I could find the damned thing. Maybe I gave it to someone. Or maybe it’s demonic and slunk off in the night. At any rate, it’s on my Ravelry page. 🙂

    @philnash @sydjs WHAT? How’d I miss this?? (Who am I kidding. Would I actually brave the rainy ickiness, even for Phil? 🤔 )

    LOL. Another one for my @SydTechLeaders Techtivus rant deck…

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    @mmastertheone For a moment I got super excited that it was going to be a Lego Moomin House, and now I am obsessed with this concept and it needs to exist. @MoominOfficial – please make that happen!

    @SydTechLeaders @darthted @SydCSS @dp_lewis @msharp And that should’ve been from my account, of course. 😜

    Great energy at @BlueChilliGroup today for the @shestarts showcase! So far I’ve met some inspiring founders tackling mental health, agriculture and farming, waste management, and recruiting.

    Kicking off #yownight at @arq_group! Looking forward to hearing from @daveathomas and @awscloud Community Hero Gus Nalwan from @carsales…

    Incidentally, the Call for Papers for @yow_conf YOW! Data is now open! #yownight

    First talk is from Gus on Mystique – the fight against rego plate cloning. I suspect this is going to involve AI… 🤔 @carsales #yownight

    Oh very cool. @carsales used @awscloud Sagemaker to detect the bounding boxes of rego plates. Two weeks of dev time… 75% of which was spent prepping the data! #yownight

    Second talk is @daveathomas from @yow_conf and Kx Systems on NewSQL and “why it’s a dumb idea”. 😂 #yownight

    “Being a row farmer really sucks…” Love a good @daveathomas rant! #yownight

    Bookmarking this one for @SydTechLeaders Festivus rant in a few months…

    Good. Common sense prevails! #bloodnormal 👏

    RT @ThePepperCherry: TIL the Australian free to air TV watching community has been up in arms about Libra ads showing period blood. Because…

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    @keranm I JUST HEARD THIS and immediately came to Twitter to congratulate you. Great to have you aboard buddy!!

    RT @keranm: It’s official #day1 – I have joined the #AWS team – super excited to work with and support incredible partners!…

    @keranm Make sure you say hi to @crankymate – he’s in NHO with you!

    @auxesis @sectionio Congratulations!!

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    Me: “Alexa, play Taylor Swift’s album Lover.”
    Alexa: “Sorry, I can’t find any album called Love Her.”
    Me, in thickest Strine: “Alexa, ply Taylah Swift’s album Lovah.”
    Alexa: “Coming right up.”

    18 years in this country and Alexa is finally training me to have the damn accent.

    @shermozle It’s so awful. I literally have to channel Kath & Kim in my mind. 😂

    Just discovered @closetcasepatt through a post on the @TessutiFabric blog, and oh my goodness, I want every single pattern! Bought the Pietra pants and Jasika blazer. Feeling my urge to sew returning…

    With the Snook away for work, it’s my responsibility to water his garden plants. Trying to resist the urge to go full Crowley and berate them for not growing verdantly enough… 😈

    @twasink It’s pretty much a given that I’ll destroy at least one accidentally, so it’s really just spinning it as intentional to scare the others.

    Hmm. YNAB 4 will be unsupported once Catalina comes out, so we’re exploring other personal finance trackers. Anybody running Firefly III?

    I figured out how to extract the voice file from my account. Enjoy. 😂 @saberkite @shermozle

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: I’m using this as my “next company I’ll work for” list ❤️💯

    @puffnfresh @saberkite @shermozle TRY NOT TO SOUND SO SURPRISED.

    @puffnfresh @saberkite @shermozle Actually an American (one of the speakers’ partners at YOW Perth) said that I sounded convincingly Australia. @FakeSamRitchie was there. He did not agree.

    @ahontwi I think it depends what language you set it to. Ours is set to Australian English.

    This made me laugh until I cried. GENRE GENRE GENRE GENRE 😂😂😂

    Just discovered that my AWS Community Day video is online! Not to be vain, but… my hair and makeup look GREAT on the video. So that’s a win. But as usual I talk too damn fast…

    @mobywhale Yep! 👋 I’ll DM you @paulfioravanti.

    @BesseIFunction I’m not happy with the fit – even after three toiles – but others also wrestled with that pattern so at least I know it wasn’t just me.

    @BesseIFunction But thank you ☺️

    @QuinnyPig Sold!

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    TIL that @Meetup will only let the primary organiser for a group pay the subscription. If you’re just a co-organiser, they’ll take your money and send you a receipt, but not apply it to the group. No idea where my money went. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @nickzoic: @web_goddess @Meetup They have a weird model where it’s the user who is subscribed, and the group(s) belonging to that user a…

    @hannahcancode Hi! 👋 I’m watching a machine learning tutorial. I feel ya.

    @DDsD See, I often have the reverse problem with all the pubs advertising “crafternoons.”

    @TheRealBnut For about 5 minutes. But that’s not yarn; it’s unspun roving. It’s gonna look like felted crap as soon as you actually use it.

    @TheRealBnut Actually I stand corrected. It looks like Yooge is a knitted and stuffed tube – like a sausage. It’s also cotton so won’t felt.

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    “Oh, you’re here! At your desk! I feel like I only ever see you in the office at nighttime.” A thing that was just said to me in the office at lunch. 😂

    @FakeSamRitchie I literally said that to him. 🦇

    @evanderkoogh I am living that bachelorette life, so let me know where you end up!

    @evanderkoogh @MitchPommers @slace I wonder if any of us can finish up early enough today to get a booth at Baxter?

    @hexsteph I gave up on that. Even the ones with rubbery bits don’t work. I just get the Hollywood Fashion Tape from Priceline and cut it down into a little square. That works.

    @MitchPommers @evanderkoogh @slace I haven’t been in a while. I’d say see if you can get in, and if not we fall back to SG’s.

    @evanderkoogh @MitchPommers @slace Find Redoak on Clarence St. Look across the street for the opening with the metal gate through to an alleyway. Go in there and turn right. There’s probably a queue. Go through metal door and down dodgy steps. 🙂

    @evanderkoogh @MitchPommers @slace Yep. Don’t get eaten by the grue.

    @slace @MitchPommers @evanderkoogh I just have to power through reviewing 9 CVs, and then I’m on my way. 😭

    @MitchPommers @evanderkoogh Get a booth?

    @evanderkoogh @MitchPommers Is it busy yet?

    Sometimes the best part of being a grownup is being able to recreate the things you loved as a kid. ❤️😲

    @evanderkoogh @MitchPommers I’ve done enough. On my way.

    @mage0r The Snook set up MAME for me and rewired some controllers to parallel port back in 2000, so he’s annoyed I bought this thing. But it’s so cute!

    RT @substitute: I insist that you refer to tech misogyny as “GNU/misogyny.” I cannot allow my many contributions to this vital field to be…