Month: September 2019

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    #YOWPerth morning keynote is my @awscloud colleague @adrianco sharing how you can speed up innovation. Starting by making everyone jealous talking about he goes to F1 events! 🏎

    Nordstrom’s employee handbook boils down to “Use good judgement in all situations.” I like that. @adrianco #YowPerth

    I remember being surprised to learn about Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles. That’s a lot. But I can confirm – these get used and invoked every single day. @adrianco #YowPerth

    RT @MichelePlayfair: “Overtime is the stupidest answer to the question of how we get more work done.” @berndschiffer #yowperth

    Me and Gudetama are ready to talk serverless at #YowPerth! 🥚❤️

    RT @battlepanda_au: The wonderful @web_goddess at @yow_conf #YOWPerth. Yes even skechnoted!

    @StewGleadow @ghohpe In Melbourne I talked about @evanderkoogh while he was sitting in front of me in the audience. 😂

    RT @LJKenward: Hey #YowPerth I co-organise one of the User Groups @web_goddess and Dave mentioned – @juniordev_io – come speak to/ DM me ab…

    RT @Amys_Kapers: @web_goddess has a lot of plans for her Meetup fetcher, including an @alexa99 skill so that you can go “Hey Alexa, when’s…

    RT @LareneLg: “It’s like calling take-away, ‘kitchen-less’”! Best explanation of serverless I’ve heard.

    The @web_goddess talking about #Se…

    If you’d like to subscribe to my Aussie tech meetup calendars or contribute to the project, here’s the repo: #YowPerth ☺️

    RT @yow_conf: Huge THANK YOU to #YOWPER Partners for all your support : @mechanicalrock_ @space3ed @Bankwest @HaysAustralia

    RT @Amys_Kapers: People think autonomy is everyone does what they want, but that’s anarchy. Autonomy is when people do what they want withi…

    @msandfor @Microsoft @AWS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    @msandfor @Amys_Kapers @LJKenward @shecodesaus @glasnt @Don_IsGood @WITWA What am I doing. Honestly. No idea.

    Quick selfie with the amazing @Don_IsGood at tonight’s Perth AWS meetup group! Thanks to @modis for hosting!

    @Xavier_Ho Are you at the Computer History Museum in California??

    @Xavier_Ho Fun! I visited a few years back. Fascinating place. Enjoy…

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    Impressed at live captioning as @MichelePlayfair kicks off this year’s #yowperth. Nice step for accessibility! 👏

    Quick selfie with @LareneLg – hey, she’s speaking later today! ❤️ #yowperth

    Congrats to this year’s YOW New Voices in Tech cohort! 👏 #yowperth

    Good advice from @daveathomas – speakers are here to interact with you, so if you want to talk to somebody, go for it! #yowperth

    Morning keynote is @KentBeck on “3X: Explore/Expand/Extract”. It’s his first visit to Perth! Fantastic to have someone of his caliber kicking off #yowperth.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: “If you’re the senior where you are, it’s your job to teach the juniors to learn… And to program.” @KentBeck #yowper…

    RT @Amys_Kapers: @KentBeck is speaking my language when he says that we’ve mislabeled “soft skills”. Learning to refactor is easy, learning…

    It’s very seductive as a programmer when your work has visible social impact, says @KentBeck. Totally agree! I am not inspired by work that doesn’t have a real impact. #yowperth

    RT @LJKenward: “I just copied what they did” @KentBeck at #yowperth summerises software development*

    full stop.

    the end.

    we’re done. h…

    @DDDPerth 👋👋👋

    When employees are only to incentivised on showing impact and no one is rewarded for spotting/avoiding downsides, it causes huge problems in the Extract phase… (though for most companies hopefully not “destroying democracy”). 😳 #yowperth @KentBeck

    Always exciting to hear from @mjpt777 – “that high speed trading guy from London” (among many other things)! #yowperth

    I love how @mjpt777’s mind works. It’s a talk ostensibly about code but he’s already talked about coffee, black holes, Charles Darwin, Louis the XIV, courtesy, communities… #yowperth

    @FakeSamRitchie @mjpt777 Awww, bless.

    @mjpt777 Now covered rules of engagement in warfare; moving on to Gulliver’s Travels… 😂 #yowperth

    I love how as @mjpt777 talks about a clever solution to a multicast protocol problem, he finds a way to point out that Sally Floyd’s first degree was in sociology, and that folks with different backgrounds find novel solutions to problems. ❤️👏 #yowperth

    RT @MichelePlayfair: #yowperth @mjpt777 has found that many of the folks who are good at programming are also good at cooking – asynchronou…

    RT @FakeSamRitchie: “I’m nice to computers, so when they take over the world I won’t be one of the people they come after” – @mjpt777 #yowp…

    RT @danielformiles: I read somewhere that Miles was “popularized” in ITSV and I want to prove something. Retweet if you knew who Miles Mora…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Q at #yowperth – which of these enduring engineering practices do you find most “controversial” at clients?

    Sydney’s own @mootpointer talking about your team as a distributed system. (He also has the coolest speaker photo/Twitter avatar.) #yowperth

    Survey of what keeps startup engineering leaders awake at night – spoiler: it’s the PEOPLE STUFF. Especially painful given the companies that have rejected my skills near the top of this list because of my gaps at the bottom. #yowperth @mootpointer

    RT @msandfor: #YOWPerth All the cool kids are here…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: #YOWPerth People don’t throw stack traces. They silently error until the day they finally seg fault and leave. – @moot…

    When @mootpointer advises rearchitechting your monolith, he means getting rid of your rockstar, “10x” developers. You need to turn them into team players. #yowperth

    Great intro from Ulli for @LareneLg, all the way from Brisbane to Perth for the first time ever! She’s going to be talking about Full Stack Accessibility. #yowperth #a11y

    Can confirm it’s fun! I managed to snag a Redskin. ☺️

    😍 @LareneLg referring to the early days of the web, when everything was tables of Times New Roman text on textured backgrounds, and how things were actually more accessible back then… #1996forever #yowperth

    @mootpointer @Azure 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉 (10X dragon)

    Most folks are familiar with the legal risk around not being accessible. Sydney Olympics, Coles are local examples that ended in lawsuits. Retrofitting is 10x expensive, so build #a11y in from the get-go! #yowperth @LareneLg

    One thing I really liked from @LareneLg’s #a11y talk is that she described all of the photos she used in her slides. Easy thing to do – basically verbal alt tags for those listening to talk! #YOWPerth

    RT @adblanche: Normally, the @Atlassian values tell us “Don’t @#$% the Customer”.

    On Sept 20, it’s not about just customers, it’s about al…

    For the final talk of #YOWPerth, @digego is going to show us how to build a modular synthesiser. Neat! 🎹👨🏻‍💻

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Stranger Things are happening on stage at #YOWPerth… In 100 lines of code! @digego

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    @GlennSarti @Amys_Kapers @yow_conf I’ll also be at the AWS meetup Thursday night!

    Totally ruined for all future air travel.

    @mootpointer @MichelePlayfair @developerjack I’m already chillin’ in the Hilton. 💅

    I was trying to explain what Gudetama was to someone and ended up reading the Wikipedia page. Friends, there is some weird shit there.

    Also, “Deliver rhetorical despair according to the beat” will be the name of my first single.

    @Amys_Kapers No! He’s a Japanese thing. A depressed, lazy, anthropomorphised millennial egg yolk. 😂

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    RT @MichelePlayfair: Hello Melbourne did you get your ticket to the next Software Art Thou yet? 26 September. See you there!…

    @devdevcharlie This is ridiculous nonsense. I’d write more but lots of other folks already beat me to it. You’re amazing, and someone who is a shining example in the industry!

    RT @DanielMiessler: The world needs less Medium and more RSS.

    I think the person who shut down Google Reader is probably responsible for g…

    @i386 @carlfish Shit take or not, I miss Reader every single day.

    @i386 @carlfish It wasn’t so much the functionality – there are loads of decent news readers – but it had a community built up. I used to share and comment with some very smart folks, the ones who were influencers before that term meant Instagrammers paid to hawk shit.

    @i386 @carlfish And when it died, the community fragmented. And now all the content lives in walled gardens, and the only comments are outrage and echo chambers, and I despair.

    @i386 @carlfish Plus it’s always fun to hate on Google for shitcanning useful stuff that could probably run on a PC under some dude’s desk.

    Don’t get locked up into avoiding lock-in – Nice article from my friend ⁦@ghohpe⁩, who I’m looking forward to catching up with at #yowperth this week! ⁦@yow_conf⁩

    Reminds me of an idea I had to knit DeCSS into a scarf…

    @Catharz Ha! The blue one with the red 🚫 on the front and the code on the back from copyleft? I got one! Way back in 2001 when I was living in the UK. 😂

    Exciting day – Gudetama and I are sitting in the pointy end of the plane for the first time ever! 💜🥚🛫 @ Virgin Australia Terminal Sydney Airport

    RT @FourRedShoes: Here’s a website that will strike delight into the heart of many on my timeline:

    RT @yow_conf: Hey #Sydney, we have a #yownight coming up for you with 2 great talks.

    Join @daveathomas & Agustinus Nalwan to hear about N…

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    RT @snackvampire: men are cute but they can’t be in charge anymore

    My valiant effort at an English muffin Croque Monsieur. Not much to look at, but it was very tasty!

    Latest project finished: La Mancha’s Giants socks in Manos Fino 🧦

    @frconil You are correct! My error

    @evanderkoogh Slight correction – Croque Madame!

    My first go at @smittenkitchen’s zucchini bread. Supposedly it’ll be even better tomorrow!

    @hannahyanfield I need to perfect it first before I subject to Rory’s judgement!

    RT @chadloder: There are women in my feed who are way more technical than I am. It’s been 5 years since I wrote code or even logged into a…