Month: October 2019

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    RT @bekathwia: Never thought I’d see a mashup between 3D printing and Perler beads, but now I have (via @PenolopyBulnick).…

    RT @quenblackwell: Christian Bale and his son WHO Bale????

    Maybe some day I will grow out of pathetically trying to impress crappy men in tech who don’t deserve my time. I mean, it has to happen eventually, right?

    @joneaves I know, and that just makes it worse because I can watch myself doing it in real time and it’s like WHYYYYY. But thank you. 🙂

    What’s that Petey? What are you carrying on about?

    Oh. 🙀🕷

    RT @BuildStuffLT: Dear attendees, we present even more #speakers to upcoming #BuildStuffConf!

    🔥Domininkas Virbickas

    @KenScambler @LukeSleeman Thanks guys. Actually doing quite well – just had a frustrating interaction with a condescending person that annoyed me. I’m shaking it off. 😉

    “Tie it loose, please. I’m going for sort of a Hermione-meets-Serena van der Woodsen vibe…”

    Yes, I know I’m wearing a Slytherin Quidditch shirt. It’s my boyfriend’s. (It’s also possible I’ve read way too much fan fiction.)

    @gilmae Nah, was referring more to the plethora of Hermione/Draco, tbh.

    @gilmae Although for the record, I don’t ship it. I am one of the few Hermione/Ron apologists.

    RT @mspricklefinger: TBH I’m less upset by the Leunig cartoon and more upset by the number of men explaining to women on here why it’s not…

    Still life: “Halloween Vanitas.” Celebrating the transience of life, the certainty of death, and the tasty, tasty messiness of black iced doughnuts.

    @minxdragon I’m a Gryffindor married to a Slytherin. 🙂

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    I’m getting really sick of credit and financial advisors spamming me on LinkedIn. Anyone else?

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    @emd3737 @IdahoHumane You changed her name to Roo?? ❤️

    @emd3737 @IdahoHumane @dunneteach It’s perfect! 🦘

    RT @web_goddess: Okay, knitters! I’m now looking for some volunteers to help label the samples I’ve been sent. If you are willing to spend…

    RT @TartanLlama: “Tech bro” is an anagram of “botcher”

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    Okay, knitters! I’m now looking for some volunteers to help label the samples I’ve been sent. If you are willing to spend some time, please let me know and I’ll add you to the KnittingML task force. You need to be able to distinguish between basic knitting stitches.

    Okay, knitters! I’m now looking for some volunteers to help label the samples I’ve been sent. If you are willing to spend some time, please let me know and I’ll add you to the KnittingML task force. You need to be able to distinguish between basic knitting stitches.

    @micheinnz Please DM the best email address and I’ll add you! 🙂

    LOL, I’m watching the dashboard in real time and the number of labelling jobs is climbing while the average time per job is dropping. I call it the “@randomknits effect.” 😂

    @randomknits There’s only 386 in this batch… you’ll be through ’em in no time. (Helps that some of them aren’t even knitting. 🙄)

    @randomknits Hm. I wonder if they’re true repeats or just very similar photos of the same bit of knitting. I know I took several similar ones myself. Or maybe it just gives you random ones and doesn’t care if you’ve already done them!

    Hipster ploughman’s lunch at home with the Snook’s homemade beer bread and Aldi rosé. 🍷

    @randomknits Hm. I did get to the end though… It’s told me there are no more to label.

    @AndyPalmer Deli counter at Coles!

    @randomknits Yeah, I felt like there were doubles. Maybe somebody sent their email twice.

    @abertrotzdem Added you!

    My beloved Withings watch stopped getting notifications with iOS 13. I’ve done factory reset but still nothing. All settings are as they should be. Any fix coming, @AskWithings??

    RT @dev_nq: Don’t miss out! Next Wednesday we’re joined by @web_goddess as she explores Serverless and AWS Lambda. October 30th, 6pm @Safet…

    RT @PrimeVideo: 1. Sure the hot priest is great and all but the real love story in @Fleabag is the one she has with Claire.…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Last chance to join us – #yownight tomorrow night (22 Oct). Hear from master inventor, international keynoter and aw…

    As usual, 5 min after I lodged the support request it started working again. 🤦‍♀️

    @mattgillard But those are EOLed though right? This is still actively supported. It seems to have come good now anyway thankfully

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    @tottinge @neil_killick @PubConf @CoreyGinnivan I live with someone who is quite a whiskey fan, so it will not go to waste. 🙂

    @minxdragon My friend @unlikelylibrary and I went to see her in Sydney several years back, and she was amazing. She played like 10 different instruments, so incredibly talented. She knew exactly what she was doing with her image too!

    @AdrianDeLuca76 What?! Why don’t we have one of those in our office?! Come on, @pstanski….

    RT @gibbsieorg: Melbourne based tech women, what are you waiting for? Get on this! 💪

    @gilmae Um. Sorry. 😂

    @LeenaVanD That was me last week.

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    @Doctor_Astro Can you use one of your fancy flying vehicles to bring them over here? 😍

    Walking to @PubConf and ran into @JakeGinnivan. He told me to kick @Amys_Kapers’s ass. 😜

    @CoreyGinnivan @Amys_Kapers @PubConf @JakeGinnivan Trash talk is the real battle anyway.

    @CoreyGinnivan @Amys_Kapers @PubConf @JakeGinnivan PUMPED

    This is the greatest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life and I will dedicate this victory to @CoreyGinnivan. 🎙🤘

    Was I confident I was gonna win @PubConf? What do you think? 🤘

    I dedicate this @PubConf victory and whiskey to @CoreyGinnivan, as promised. VALHALLA!! 🥃

    Awwwww yeah. #NewProfilePic

    @MichelePlayfair @PubConf ☺️ Nailed it!

    @PubConf @CoreyGinnivan Truthfully you guys, I don’t actually like whiskey that much.

    One of the best parts of @PubConf was seeing @Amys_Kapers rocking her #frocktober dress! You should go donate to her now… @damovisa

    RT @quorralyne: Witnessing the #NDCSydney edition of @PubConf was incredibly EPIC, hosted for the first time by @slace. Thoroughly impresse…

    RT @amandapalmer: while trump faffs around like an angry child & british politicians tear their hair out over brexit, women are like



    @CoreyGinnivan @PubConf That’s why it’s perfect! I laughed and laughed when I saw it. 😂

    RT @Don_IsGood: Pub conf Sydney finalists oh yeah LYW 😍 @web_goddess @ineffyble @glasnt

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    RT @SydTechLeaders: Final call for tonight’s meetup all about Mental Health – register our update your RSVP now! We’ve got @lucykbain, @But…

    I’ve been riding sydney buses for nearly 20 years and I only just noticed that the seats are colour coded – courtesy seats in red while regular seats are in blue. Has that always been the case?! 😳🚌

    RT @DeirdreS: I’m doing a builders session at re:Invent and it’s already full. Ok, that only means 6 people but it’s still a nice feeling.

    @keranm 🤯

    RT @BugHunterSam: Did you miss the @SydTechLeaders meetup tonight? The live stream will be up twitch for the next 60 days via…

    Most of the women I know in tech have cried at work at some point. I definitely have. It’s not sadness – it’s how we process FRUSTRATION and stress. @ButenkoMe was fired for it. THAT’S RIDICULOUS. 😡 #sydtechleaders

    RT @MsJonesInSydney: So glad I came to @SydTechLeaders tonight! Hearing some valuable and vulnerable stories from some of the best of Sydne…

    Advice from @iamnotyourbroom, who is not unrelatedly speaking at @webdirections Summit in a few weeks. ❤️ #sydtechleaders

    “I’m giving you chocolate!” says @BugHunterSam. BEST MEETUP EVER! “But don’t eat it yet…” I haz a sad. 😢 #sydtechleaders

    Useful discussion of Spoon Theory from @BugHunterSam. Look it up! #sydtechleaders

    SOMEBODY was even happier to see the chocolate than I was! 😜 @crankymate

    Advice from Dervla – remember SAMME FA for the signs of depression: Sleep, Appetite, Mood, Motivation, Energy, Focus, and Anhedonia. Oh, and sex. #sydtechleaders

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Final shoutout to @MSFTReactor, @yow_conf, and @LookaheadSearch for sponsoring tonight.

    RT @FCTweedie: Connection and meaning keep us safe. Sometimes just having to feed the cat can be the thing that keeps us going #sydtechlead…

    RT @stevelikesyou: Deep, honest and useful talks on mental health at @SydTechLeaders. Stream 👉

    @apocraphilia Good call. I shall suggest it!

    RT @jeffbarr: Migration Complete – Amazon’s Consumer Business Just Turned off its Final #Oracle Database – #AWS htt…

    @girlgerms There is so much wonderful Good Omens fan fiction, if you aren’t quite ready to abandon that world yet. (I might be a little obsessed.)

    If you’re sad about missing last night’s excellent @SydTechLeaders about mental health, you can watch the video thanks to @BugHunterSam!

    . @PubConf wardrobe: red lippie and shit-kickin’ boots. Are you ready @Amys_Kapers? 🥾💋

    RT @thel0rdbyr0n: My 4th grade students recently read of the true history of Columbus’ career as a slaver and the genocide he began in the…

    Not British but socialised to avoid direct confrontation. Replies to this are a masterclass in savagery if you ask me. 🔪👍

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    RT @JeffreyTheobald: It’s been a long year. Maybe it’s time to relax to some music? Or better yet, listen to a software talk about music…