Month: October 2019

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    RT @starbuxman: Internet Archive releases 2,500 MS-DOS games so you can relive the ’90s – whoa!

    😠🔥😠 @SydTechLeaders Techtivus rant building… 😠🔥😠

    @gdg_sydney @QuirijnGB @polleyg Damn it, Graham is coming?? Now I’m doubly sad I’m going to be away on holiday… 😭

    Honestly, the whole Meetup debacle is giving me Google Reader flashbacks. Yes, there are feature-equivalent options to switch to… but the centralised community that I loved is going to disappear. It really sucks. 🙁

    @lyynx Your guess is as good as mine. “Profound mismanagement of change”? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    @MartinTeeVarga @ossia How does that help discoverability? That’s the bit I’m complaining about. It’s not building a registration form.

    RT @brainexploderrr: You know, #Halloween jack-o-lanterns were originally made out of turnips. Hmm, neat. I wonder what that looked li- JES…

    @docEbrown1 Changing the charging model. Attendees will pay to register for events. Lots of group organisers now looking to migrate away.

    Current mood.

    @jonoabroad My friend @gilmae is the creator. 🙂

    RT @JessMFlan: @web_goddess Looks like they are back peddling:

    @amitchell01 I know, but they’ve already back-pedalled on it. There are plenty of alternatives, but unless everybody decides to move to the same one, the community will fragment.

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    It’s always a good day when you find @Don_IsGood in the office!! ❤️

    RT @BuildStuffLT: What does @dsyme, @web_goddess, @dylanbeattie, @maryamumar, @markrendle, and @RachelAppel have in common? All 6 of them a…

    RT @markdalgleish: Meetup dot com: Starts charging people to attend events.

    Me who never moved MelbJS to Meetup:

    Hey @JessTelford – how’s @ceteio coming along? Because a lot of us suddenly just got very, very interested in migrating our Meetups sooner rather than later… 😉

    @JessTelford @ceteio If you need more testers, @SydTechLeaders would be happy to help out.

    TIL to my disappointed that no one on the internet has created an animated gif of the badass blacksmith from Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. I may need to rectify that.

    @yashints @Don_IsGood No, no – just a lovely person! If I want to suck up to my boss, I can just favourite one of @frankarr’s dog’s photos on Instagram… 😉

    @happystash Lovely seed stitch! I’d love to have the photo for my project if you’re okay to share…

    @yashints @Don_IsGood @frankarr OH! I misread it. 😂

    @happystash Awesome! If you can email it to, I’ve got a processing pipeline set up. Saves me having to download and reupload… 🙂

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    If I don’t win @PubConf, at least my talk serves pretty well as an audition piece for “Drunk History,” so I got that going fo rme.

    Actually my @PubConf talk is one part Drunk History, one part Luis from the Ant-Man. #motormouth

    @FCTweedie Are you coming to the STL meetup Thursday?

    @FCTweedie Oh good. If we’re all freaking out, at least we can freak out together. 🙂

    I feel like this too. Relatedly: @SydTechLeaders is all about Mental Health this week: ❤️

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    @happystash For some reason I never really loved that movie. I think I was anti Liv Tyler at the time, and it just put me off.

    Don’t forget to get your @PubConf Sydney tickets! Less than a week until you get to see me and Roald frickin’ Dahl take down @Amys_Kapers, @damovisa, @glasnt, @ineffyble, @robdcrowley, and more… 😈🍻

    Watching El Camino. “Only an asshole doesn’t like pineapple.” Jesse Pinkman forever… 🍍❤️😉

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    @happystash This is the truth.

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    RT @AntRDean: No trip to Southwell would be complete without a photograph of my favourite gravestone.

    Any portmanteau that involves “entrepre-“ or “-trepreneur”. Mumpreneur, venturepreneur, entrepreteenagers, migrapreneurs… (These are all real. @rosepowell and I collect them.)

    @tprstly @rosepowell I think/hope that’s all of them from 2019 so far…

    @gilmae @rosepowell We laugh so we do not cry.

    @tprstly @rosepowell Oh good call. *shudder*

    Home time… (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)

    @aprillallen @mattallen We got an Eva after much extensive research by the Snook. Very happy with it!

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    @Amys_Kapers I’ll be back tomorrow night!

    @Amys_Kapers Right! You’re due for a @PubConf ass kicking IIRC. 😜

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    RT @Slasher: Breaking: Effective immediately, Blizzard has removed Hong Kong Hearthstone player blitzchung from Hearthstone Grand Masters,…

    @mootpointer I’m pretty sure the headshot with the arrow says all that and more, so just make sure you include the photo. 😂

    Taxi chaos. I booked an early @GoCatchApp to the airport but the guy who accepted the job was really far away. Before I could complain, GoCatch cancelled the job and called me to let me know a closer driver would pick me up. That was awesome.

    @GoCatchApp BUT! Just as new driver was arriving to pick me up, original driver called me pleading to wait for him. It was awkward. New driver was there, so I went with him. I feel bad now, and I haven’t even had a coffee yet. 😕

    It’s too damn early. (@ T2 Domestic Terminal – @sydneyairport in Mascot, NSW)

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    HOW STOKED AM I FOR THIS? (Having daily sense checks with the Snook: “Do you think this is, like, too crude to say? … What about this?”)

    @lynnlangit Maybe I can FaceTime you next week for a practice run 😜

    Current mood.

    When you ask the Snook for a picnic, he doesn’t disappoint. ❤️

    @docEbrown1 Yep! A fair way for us, but I haven’t spent much time on Middle Harbour.

    @andre_verheij Ha! Lots of folks out today.