Month: November 2019

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    Another fine bit of fodder for the @SydTechLeaders #techtivus rant…

    Morning #BuildStuffLT keynote – @julielerman is talking legacy apps and has people stand for the age of the software they support. @the_snook was up for 5+ years…

    💃💃💃 Last night’s hyperparameter tuning job has made a big difference to model accuracy! Come hear all about it at #BuildStuffLT tomorrow at 1:10pm in Alfa.

    Always excited to see a sneaky @jessitron shout out! #BuildStuffLT

    Working on legacy code
    – does not have to suck
    – is not a career killer
    – is what most of us do in real life

    Nice advice to keep in mind at a tech conference when the tendency is to get dazzled by the new! @julielerman #BuildStuffLT

    Proud to be representing #shebuildsonaws at #buildstufflt this week!

    @gytisrepecka He’s one of the speakers. 😂

    @daiva_hadiva @gytisrepecka While I agree that in general women are subjected to more stringent attitudes towards dress, I’m at the conference wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

    @boicy @suksr You’re already gone?! 😱 Catch you back in Sydney in a month…

    RT @ewarren: Maybe if I were sticking $3 trillion under a mattress. But I’m not. I’m using it for:

    ✅ Universal Child Care
    ✅ Canceling stud…

    “It’s another in your long running series of Me Imitating a Statue.”

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    Never been to a tech conference before that started with a drum circle! 😳🥁 #BuildStuffLT

    @danielmarbach I learned a term for this – “contempt culture.” I’m going to mention it at the end of my talk Friday, so it was interesting to see an example right at the start of the event.

    RT @markusfriedel: Add hooks in your stories to increase dopamine. @davidjpphillips @BuildStuffLT #buildstuffLT

    @quorralyne Still haven’t spotted you, but I’m sure we’ll collide at some point!

    The question is – dare I knit during a session at #BuildStuffLT? It’s good advertising for my talk Friday! 🧶

    Excited to see @quorralyne talking about building voice apps at #BuildStuffLT! Surprised to see only two of us have built voice skills. It’s so fun!

    Nice crowd for @AlinaWhoCodes, who is giving her first ever conference presentation! Here to learn about AR on the web… #BuildStuffLT

    Are you wearing an interesting jumper at #BuildStuffLT? I might be interested in photographing a bit of it for the ML demo in my talk on Friday! 🧶

    Some very cool and effective AR demos from @AlinaWhoCodes #BuildStuffLT

    @AlinaWhoCodes I was going to stop afterwards and let you know that I couldn’t believe it was your first conf talk – you did so well! Really, very good job. But I didn’t even get a chance because you had so many folks crowding around. The mark of a successful talk. 😃

    @abertrotzdem I have no shame. I’ve been accosting Lithuanians all day. 😂

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    Hello Vilnius! Excited to see the #BuildStuffLT takeover at the airport. ❤️ @BuildStuffLT

    Hello Vilnius! #buildstufflt

    @Jan_de_V It’s a bit late, but I’d never say no to Stroopwafels!!

    @rdegges 👋👋👋

    Found my happy place! 🧶 Came away with Estonian wool and Lithuanian linen.

    And now we’re in @the_snook’s happy place. It’s literally a “Beer Library!” 🍻

    Nothing makes you more aware of the constant erosion of Internet privacy in your day-to-day life in Australia like going to Europe and noticing that every website is suddenly at pains to tell you about its cookies and tracking.

    @randomknits I found a beer for you.

    RT @bessbell: 🎶 I waaant something else/To get me through this 🎶

    TFW you get a brainwave for your #BuildStuffLT demo and stay up wayyyyy too late seeing if it pans out… 😴

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    Introducing Rodd to Changi Jewel…

    RT @BuildStuffLT: Can you believe it? ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT TILL #BuildStuffConf! 🤩

    Meet our #speakers!


    Second leg done, and now we’re in Germany! It’s cold. 🥶