Month: December 2019

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    New Year’s tradition – Hoppin’ John! (Black eyed peas for luck in 2020…)

    @stringy Black eyed peas, ham, rice, onions, celery, jalapeño, thyme, parsley, green onions. It’s a Southern American classic!

    @The_McJones I endorse this take.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Applications for the #yow New Voices in Tech speaker development program are now open for 2020! This program is part o…

    You guys, we’re going to see Little Women this morning, and it turns out the Snook has NEVER SEEN IT OR READ IT. He has no idea what’s going to happen. It’s amazing.

    Me: Can you name a single character from Little Women?
    Him: Nope.
    Me: How many women do you think there are?
    Him: Several? At least three.

    Spots the poster on the way in…

    Him: FOUR!

    Me: What happens in it? Do you know any of the plot?
    Him: … My brain keeps confusing it with Little House on the Prairie, but I know that’s not right…

    @randomknits @gilmae 😂😂😂

    @randomknits @gilmae I told him to plan on a post viewing review too.

    @jdunck It’s literally about to start!

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    New Year’s tradition – Hoppin’ John! (Black eyed peas for luck in 2020…)

    New Year’s tradition - Hoppin’ John! (Black eyed peas for luck in 2020...)

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    Fortunately remembered to do a search on @ravelry before I started reverse engineering Chris Evans’s Knives Out sweater and found that @_Caryn_S has already started! (Caryn – let me know if you want help!!)

    I made some Aussies’ heads explode at Christmas lunch when I confidently answered “peach baskets” to a trivia question about the history of basketball. Turns out not everybody knows that. 😂🏀

    RT @unixbigot: You: An aspiring front-end dev living in .au interested in a short summer project helping to flesh out an IoT-related mobile…

    @lemon_lime Huh, he was! I didn’t remember that part; just that he wanted to invent a sport they could play at the YMCA in winter.

    @Mandy_Kerr @ravelry @_Caryn_S A little bit of column A, little bit of column B. 😉

    When @knitterjp invites you to the pool, you say Yes! #summervibes

    @knitterjp @mmastertheone Wait, what??

    @_Caryn_S His is very interesting. Normally with a jumper like that there’d be a panel under the arms with a repeating pattern that’s adjustable. His doesn’t have that though – it’s like they’ve added in an entire separate cable for each size.

    @_Caryn_S I’m definitely keen to test knit for a smaller size guy. I’ve done a similar style before: . That one uses a narrow cable under the arms that you repeat for the different sizes.

    This is THE BEST. ❤️

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    When @jpofoz invites you to the pool, you say Yes! #summervibes

    When @jpofoz invites you to the pool, you say Yes! #summervibes

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    Suddenly envisioning Roland of Gilead in the SW universe. “All things serve the beam.” Somebody has to have written this, right?

    A Christmas scene, in which lynshoemark is about 2 seconds from kicking me out. 😂 #sconelyf

    RT @quinncy: Uterus.

    RT @WomenWhoCode: 🚨What It’s Like Working at Amazon as a Software Engineer

    Read more →
    #softwareengineer #develope…

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    “Ugly But Good” cookies (brutti ma buoni) from @smittenkitchen. Just egg whites, hazelnuts, chocolate, and sugar!

    “Ugly But Good” cookies (brutti ma buoni) from @smittenkitchen. Just egg whites, hazelnuts, chocolate, and sugar!

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    A Christmas scene, in which @lynshoemark is about 2 seconds from kicking me out. 😂 #sconelyf

    A Christmas scene, in which @lynshoemark is about 2 seconds from kicking me out. 😂 #sconelyf

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    RT @evanderkoogh: This is what I talk about with every single one of my direct reports.

    Neither you or I are going to retire in this compa…

    @randomknits It’s so beautiful… *weeping*

    RT @ianxcarlos: “Why are you obsessed with The Mandalorian?”

    Feeling properly demonic. It might be time to watch Good Omens again. 😈🥃

    RT @innocent: All concept of time has melted. Today is approximately the nineteenth Saturday this week. No one has done anything for days y…

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    Feeling properly demonic. It might be time to watch Good Omens again. 😈🥃

    Feeling properly demonic. It might be time to watch Good Omens again. 😈🥃

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    All hail Rudolph the Old God with human flesh for sacrifice. 😂🦌 (The ones in the Metafilter thread had us crying too:

    @emd3737 Fuckin’ A.

    @FarrahC32 Well done!!

    RT @Modernister50: Shame.

    Roast lamb shoulder, sweet corn, and baked beans (from scratch in the pressure cooker!)

    RT @nehathemartian: WOMEN 👏🏼 WHO 👏🏼 DON’T 👏🏼 WANT 👏🏼 KIDS 👏🏼
    • aren’t selfish
    • are not less of a woman
    • aren’t immature
    • won’t necessar…