Nothing but love today!! ❤️🌈
Month: February 2020
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Working on a project for a very special little girl!! ❤️ @mobywhale
@AndyPalmer @Becca9941 @SuperCroup Do you have a photo so I can see what the issue is?
@frankarr You listen to a lot more modern music than I do!
Happy Mardi Gras! Feels like a great day for a Fair! Come visit me in the #glamazon booth and I’ll help you Drag Yourself. 😍👠💋 #amazonaustralia amazonaustralia
Testing the setup…
Happy Mardi Gras!! #dragyourself #amazonaustralia 🏳️🌈❤️💋👠
I look like I’m married to a Southern Baptist politician. 😳
@randomknits You should! And you get a free Echo Dot too… 😉
Did I mention we’re giving away Echo Dots at the #amazonaustralia booth? Come Drag Yourself and claim yours! @amazonaustralia
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Did I mention we’re giving away Echo Dots at the #amazonaustralia booth? Come Drag Yourself and claim yours! @amazonaustralia
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Happy Mardi Gras! Feels like a great day for a Fair! Come visit me in the #glamazon booth and I’ll help you Drag Yourself. 😍👠💋 #amazonaustralia @amazonaustralia
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Working on a project for a very special little girl!! ❤️ @mobywhale
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– Offer to make your other half dinner
– Serve them a lovely plate of spaghetti
– It’s not s…
@mmastertheone It better have the goddamn duck.
My love made me a heart-shaped meatloaf. 😂❤️
@mmastertheone RUBBISH DUCK
@lemon_lime He said he was tempted to google “sexy meatloaf” for inspiration but realised quickly that would backfire.
We’re definitely living in the worst timeline.
@MichelePlayfair Hilariously, I literally have 1000 Alexas in my house today. Now imagining them all as fish, all responding to my commands as a glorious FISH ALEXA ARMY.
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My love made me a heart-shaped meatloaf. 😂❤️
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Happy Galentine’s Day to all the women I know who build up others, put kindness out into the world, inspire me, and keep me sane. ❤️ Just a few… @unlikelylibrary @knitterjp @hannahyanfield @lucykbain @mmastertheone @randomknits @mobywhale @GRobilliard @annie_parker @KathyReid
Every damn day. ✊
@unlikelylibrary @knitterjp @hannahyanfield @lucykbain @mmastertheone @randomknits @mobywhale @GRobilliard @annie_parker @KathyReid And some more amazing women, who fill my Twitter feed with goodness! @lynnlangit @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @Mandy_Kerr @the_patima @kezmc @MsJonesInSydney @georgiecel @FCTweedie @devdevcharlie @girlgerms @Gaohmee @TheMartianLife @hannahcancode @NickyWill100
@hannahyanfield That is the highest compliment I’ve ever gotten. ❤️
RT @JordanRasko: Me, when I just wanna see what’s up.
RT @JamesCoyne: She’s been reading your tweets again
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RT @MichelePlayfair: So hey, what are you doing this weekend? Seems like a great time to work on a talk for #yowdata! We’d love to see your…
RT @MichelePlayfair: Well lucky you, Sydney! It’s She Builds on AWS Community Day again on 25 Feb… Check it out!
@notsolonecoder I’d actually like mine to read the news in German. How do you get it to do that??
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@KathyReid Hahaha, it’s fine, I was mostly being facetious. Based on what else I’ve seen, they’re going to have an uphill struggle to establish themselves here.
@mattstratton Given that I don’t think they’re paying travel, rockstars like you are right out!
Very happy and excited to host @rorosyd at AWS Sydney tonight. Great crowd!
RT @rorosyd: Thanks for coming everyone!
TIL that the Dreamcast hacking scene still exists, 20 years after I was introduced to it… 😲 @rorosyd @yujiyokoo
HOLY CRAP I just realised @yujiyokoo is actually PRESENTING FROM A DREAMCAST. He’s using the controller as a clicker! This is already my favourite tech talk of 2020. @rorosyd
One of the disadvantages of developing for Dreamcast: they’re not making any more of them. 😢 “Every time a Dreamcast breaks, we’re one step closer to a world without Dreamcast.” @rorosyd @yujiyokoo
“Currently the userbase for this is 1. So if you get a Dreamcast, you could double it!” 😂❤️ @rorosyd @yujiyokoo
@mobywhale @rorosyd I literally just scraped the rest out of the pan and INHALED IT.
Next up is my old @yow_conf buddy @joshprice talking about pattern matching in Ruby and Elixir… @rorosyd
@mobywhale @rorosyd So good that I’m regretting not fighting my way in earlier…
I messaged this to @the_snook who promptly challenged me to present a talk from a Game Boy. DON’T TEMPT ME BUDDY.
Final speaker is new @rorosyd speaker @geerop254 walking us through an @exercism_io challenge!
@mmastertheone @the_snook 😍
@jytc_ @rorosyd They know people. 😉
@justasitsounds @the_snook We were talking at the meetup tonight about games that required you to type a specific word from the manual to prove you owned the game!
Here’s me, @unlikelylibrary, and @knitterjp making our debut on the @KnitGuildNSW magazine cover! Jody’s 🌈 blanket is amazing. (Can’t spot me and Amy? Those are our hands holding the blanket up! 😂)
@knitterjp @unlikelylibrary @KnitGuildNSW Oh right! I couldn’t remember who the third one was. 😂 Should’ve remembered it was the other giant!
@gilmae Is it actually any good? I still have scars from reading Gibson in high school.
Was brainstorming this morning with a colleague on the Aussie slang equivalent of “the 4-1-1”. In the US it means “the basic info,” as 411 was the old phone information line. Any ideas, Aussies? Would “the skinny” work?
RT @gabsmashh: LinkedIn is NOT A DATING SITE.
thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.