Month: February 2020

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    @chrisgander Sadly no. I massively overcommitted myself for the start of the year and didn’t manage to finish the monkey. So Monkey Chris Evans in a Cable Knit Sweater is going to be a gift for a friend… Need to start earlier next year!

    @lemon_lime @the_snook Huh! Neither of us played Metroid so we didn’t get this one either. 😂

    @Sparklesque @mechanicalrock_ @awscloud Way to go Sarah!!

    RT @JohnTheCho: Standing with Parasite crew, I got congratulated A LOT. Lol.

    @The_McJones I haven’t watched it, but based on some of the comments on @binge_mode, that Obiwan sounds like he’s definitely boning *somebody*.


    RT @saladinahmed: when wizards from different factions convene a council because there is great turmoil in the land

    @randomknits Ugh. Bonnie and I look like we slept the same. Not well.

    RT @tomandlorenzo: A choir of gay men singing Laura Dern’s name over and over again is exactly how I pictured my eventual entrance to heave…

    @gilmae @randomknits Ah. So I retract my statement. In fact, Bonnie sleeps like Rodd. Damn narcoleptics.

    TFW a new dev conference is spamming everybody to submit a talk but they only ask you to retweet. 😐

    RT @eevee: exposed to bitcoin twitter again today and observing two things:

    – they only ever talk about its value, like it’s a stock, neve…

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    @aimee_maree @misswired I might as well!

    Suddenly worried the sun is only going to come out for an hour and one of you bastards will have locked me in the closet. 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧

    @randomknits I’m with Bonnie.

    I’ve loaded video games off a cassette tape.

    RT @DocHarleyMD: Oh no!! Our wave buoy installed off #Collaroy has just broken its mooring in last hour…now heading towards New Zealand!…

    @errolwi No, but I think my Mom did!

    RT @gerrycanavan: spotted on Facebook

    I read this one out to @the_snook, who immediately replied: HIMEM.SYS.

    This is it! This is the one hour, people! I hope your classmates didn’t lock you in a closet.

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    @randomknits I’m now yelling at Rodd. “WHY DOESN’T OUR STUPID CAT DO THAT!”

    @hannahcancode @memily @katierynne I just go to MassageLink at Broadway Shopping Center, where I get whoever is on staff that day to bash me around. Even been walked on once or twice! But it’s not for everyone, I’ll grant you.

    Old CSS, new CSS – Absolutely wonderful looong blog post about the history of CSS and web design. You whippersnappers should read it. (My time as a frontend dev stopped at DHTML. No regrets.)

    My mom insisted I take hand sanitiser a few weeks back to try to avoid germs on the long flight back to Sydney. I forgot to tell you all that it’s PUMPKIN SPICE FLAVOR.

    This is a real thing that exists in the world. 🙃

    @rchrdbyd I couldn’t decide what word to use. In retrospect, “scent” would’ve made more sense. 😂

    RT @alwaysmywatson: My Favorite 💯 Good Omens gifs👼🏻🐍
    – a thread about our favorite ineffable husbands

    Finally watching The Good Place finale and sobbing my eyes out… 😢

    @randomknits Oh goddddd, Jason killed me.

    Anatidaephobia strikes again… 🦆

    RT @RobynVinter: Person at an event: oh hi, I know you from twitter
    Me: …sorry remind me?
    Person: *says his name, full job title, things…

    Me: Do you ever irrationally hope… that the supermarket cashier will praise us as, like, the valedictorians of packing groceries?

    The Snook: YES.

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    Anatidaephobia strikes again… 🦆

    Anatidaephobia strikes again... 🦆

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    Honestly, is there anything grossed than being on a bus in the rain? No, there is not. (I keep getting dripped on, INSIDE.) 😠

    @the_nathanjones Oh sweet summer (Perth) child… because it comes down through the roof and off of people’s umbrellas and the windows get fogged up and it feels like you’re going to get Legionnaire’s disease and it’s just AWFUL.

    @meelijane Forget schoolkids. My office floor has moved to hotdesking and I’m lugging all my crap around like that as a grown-ass woman. 😐

    It’s very dusty in here, OKAY. 😭

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    “Hey Chelsea, do you mind if I put this wine in your backpack?” 😂👏 CONFIRMED BANGER. @randomknits @knitabulous @knitterjp @unlikelylibrary

    RT @yokoonobot: Art is what’s left when you take the dead fish away.

    HALLE-FRICKIN-LUJAH. This is the #1 thing I find annoying in Netflix, and why most of the time I actually mute the TV while browsing.

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    Finished the Durrells Season 3 last night. I don’t understand all the swooning for Louisa-Spiro when beardy polymath Theo is standing *right there* in his three-piece suit with a fishtank full of crustaceans.

    Okay, so I know OTT pineapple love is kind of my thing, but even I think “Pineapple Lumps” sounds gross af. 🤮

    @minxdragon @sauramaia 😲🤯

    RT @minxdragon: Omg for my knitty friends.

    Yarn grown from human skin cells could be knitted into your body
    It makes sense. Using the kni…

    @aurynn I went down this rabbithole a few years back. I used for a while but eventually settled on All I really wanted was something that to pull in people’s social info and give me a searchable box where I could write down how I met them.

    RT @jina: Sigh. Speaker: “it’s a safe assumption my mom isn’t a software engineer”

    Is it? Why? Lots of moms are software engineers. 😬

    @aurynn Huh. Looks like the space has exploded since I last looked! But yes, hacking something is definitely more on brand. 😉

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    Thinking of making next year’s @SydTechLeaders Techtivus rant a performance art piece where I bring in a desk and then set it on fire…. 🤔🔥

    @gilmae @SydTechLeaders There you go, CLIPPING MY WINGS. How can I bring my ART TO LIFE under these irksome “safety restrictions”??

    Can’t believe I forgot to ask @FourRedShoes about the single most shocking moment in Little Women: Meg bought TWENTY YARDS of silk to make dress?! I know Civil War era gowns were voluminous, but can that possibly be correct? 🤯🎪

    @darthted @gilmae @SydTechLeaders *grumble grumble virtual foot up your ass Ted grumble*

    @gilmae @darthted @SydTechLeaders Can I burn a desk if I put one of their stickers on it first?

    @FourRedShoes Ahh, cool! That was our best guess that didn’t make Meg CRAZY. @knitterjp @unlikelylibrary @randomknits

    Prepping for my first ever AWS Certification Quiz Show appearance with this legend in TEN MINUTES. ❤️😲 @AWSCloudANZ

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    RT @PFTompkins: I am sorry but the Iowa caucus is meaningless to me and the results should routinely be discounted. These are people who we…

    RT @IanColdwater: this website is free

    RT @UN_Women: Retweet if you

    This week’s Spotify Discover Weekly is really good, and @frankarr just introduced me to bubble tea. So this week is starting to look up…

    You should hire @gilmae!

    @LapTop006 @frankarr Not much of a tea drinker. ☕️

    @crankymate @frankarr Don’t get me started, Joel. 😠 (Different floor too.)

    @frankarr @crankymate Yeah, the bubble tea wore off.

    RT @FourRedShoes: Ok, I have seen #LittleWomenMovie…
    Are we ready?

    RT @M_Z_Harrison: A couple of weeks ago, two little girls in my village set up a SHOP on their verge with a little sign and a cash box. The…

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    @nswkidsguardian Is there some issue with your website? I have been trying to submit my WWC application for the past hour and it keeps timing out. I’ve tried multiple browsers and turned off extensions. Very frustrating!

    @devdevcharlie Jesus, that’s awful. You should report him.

    RT @phillip_webb: I seriously think devrel is the hardest gig in tech and I highly respect people that choose it as their profession.

    Amy Discovers Jo’s AO3 Handle and Drags Her in the March Family Groupchat – The Niche – LOLLLL THIS IS AMAZING @minxdragon

    Tapping out a Slack reply on my phone and have to lunge when my unattended shopping trolley nearly rolls into traffic. “And that…” the Snook drawls, “is why we don’t have a baby.” 😂

    @kcm74 I’m supposed to go to Singapore in two weeks. I love Singapore, but I suspect airports are going to suuuuuck.

    @andreasohlund @Indu_alagarsamy @danielmarbach I’m amused everybody thought it was a work message. These days I’m in a number of recreational Slack groups, and I was replying to a friend! So while we can blame connectedness, in this it wasn’t professional obligation.