One good thing today: Petey’s radioactivity has gone down enough that he can sit on us and have cuddles again! (His poo is still dangerous for another week though.)
Month: March 2020
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“Are you watching the news?”
“No, I’m too busy getting my ass kicked.“
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😍 So happy to see my @oooobysyd box on the doorstep today! If you’d like to get fruit & veg delivery – and support a local biz – you should sign up. $20 off if you use my code GMMLGX
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I sewed myself a T-shirt today. Nothing special; just a plain red vee-neck. But hey, it kept me from reading the news.
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From Knightley to Josh…
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Quilting and Mr. Knightley…
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We are incredibly fortunate to be able to cook tasty food when the world is crazy. The Snook made pressure cooker beef ribs (that involved 1.5L of wine!!) that we paired with my cauliflower mash and zucchini, as well as zucchini bread for dessert. SO GOOD.
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“Make Do and Mend.” Eighteen years ago I moved to Australia, and since I couldn’t yet get a job, I hand sewed a quilt. It was made from old shirts and bedsheets, and I was really proud. Over time some of the fabric started to wear through, so tonight I added the first patches. And why not make it visible? So there are now three red squares, and I’m sure there’ll be more in the future. There’s another one moved from the mending pile…
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TFW you stagger out from the home office and discover treasure on the benchtop… ❤️🍞
Making Bella’s Hug Book
Back in January, I was checking out my Mom’s shop – The Quilt Shop at the Essenhaus in Middlebury, Indiana – when I saw she had some quilted fabric books made up for children. Each one was made from a single fabric panel that had all the directions printed right on it. Since I know lots of folks having babies, I bought four of them and brought them home. I’ve since made up two of them, and I recorded the process for Bella’s!
If you’d like to make your own, here’s one of the panels at the Quilt Shop site. (They have others that aren’t online; just get in touch and I’m sure they can help you out.) Beyond that they’re pretty basic, and the only fancy thing I did was use my new sewing machine to embroider Bella’s and my names on the back. A fun and rewarding little project! ❤️