Month: March 2020

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    @ButlerMaurice Cross stitch is easy – the stitches are by nature square. Knitting them was a lot harder!

    Very relevant to conversations I’ve had with folks in @SydTechLeaders…

    RT @Reuters: WHO is changing the phrase ‘social distancing’ to recommend ‘physical distancing,’ encouraging people to stay connected via so…

    RT @c0nc0rdance: The good news: I’m living like a billionaire.

    The bad news: It’s Howard Hughes.

    So it turns out “Brighten your day and stave off cabin fever during this time of global uncertainty whilst also doing my part to support a local business doing it tough” isn’t one of the standard reasons florists provide for sending flowers. 🤷‍♀️💐

    @mmastertheone I went with “Just Because”.

    Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with lots of kale…

    @bron2042 It was tasty! And Rodd hates dealing with kale (but happily eats it), so I did this one.

    Tiger King is BLOWING MY MIND. 🐯🤯

    RT @nocontextroyco: The Roys sure do look great, but what do their tastes say about them? @rachsyme wrote about it for @NewYorker https:/…

    RT @CarmeNogales: Hourglass of time and destiny ⏳.

    Please stay safe. It is going to pass soon.

    #illustration #goodomens #GoodOmensFanArt…

    Good Omens fan fic in which Crowley learns to knit, popularises yarnbombing (of course; I TOLD you it was evil), and knits Aziraphale a cabled sweater. And no, somehow I didn’t write it! ❤️

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    Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with lots of kale…

    Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with lots of kale...

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @lindamciver: Tracing when people received the government covid19 text and looking for patterns in when/why – please fill out and share…

    @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers Shite, just realised I didn’t take down the upcoming talks on mine. 🙁

    RT @t0mmy44: Jacinda Ardern has told Kiwis to act as though they already have COVID-19. I would like to ask my fellow Australians to act as…

    RT @Kendragarden: One thing I’ve learned so far in quarantine is that my husband refuses to microwave anything for 45 seconds, he always do…

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    Office setup. Bought that stand at @officeworks a few years back for $70. It’s a pain to configure, but it’s nice to be able to stand up for a bit.

    @hitsthings There are always giant bowls of them in conference meeting rooms

    RT @nocontextomens: and remember to stick to social distancing, unlike a certain angel and a demon i could mention 👀

    @gilmae LOL. Poor Magic Mouse is on his last, uh, legs tbh. Chews through batteries and has a habit of disconnecting from Bluetooth multiple times a day.

    Just want to give a shoutout to @JaycarAU for great service today! I needed a lapel mic on short notice, and they were able to deliver to my house in under two hours and I didn’t even have to step outside. Pretty awesome. 👏

    RT @DoctorWho_BBCA: Incoming message… #DoctorWho

    @voltagex @stilgherrian Take care, buddy.

    RT @mobywhale: Please reach out to us if you / anyone you know need help with anything job search related.

    @JuddWinick @randomknits SO TEMPTED DONNA.

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    Office setup. Bought that stand at @officeworks a few years back for $70. It’s a pain to configure, but it’s nice to be able to stand up for a bit.

    Office setup. Bought that stand at @officeworks a few years back for $70. It’s a pain to configure, but it’s nice to be able to stand up for a bit.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @AOC: The 1st of the month is coming up.

    One thing that you can do right now if you’ve been financially impacted is call ALL your bill…

    RT @MarkAgee: So we’re doing The Trolley Problem but the most important thing is to save the trolley

    RT @turzaak: @RealSexyCyborg I keep coming to the conclusion that people are hung-up on the 3D-printed-mask idea because it lets them play…

    The Maker movement in a nutshell… #grumpycrafterwithasewingmachine

    Meh, I know I’m being a little uncharitable, what with people printing respirators and such. I know folks mean well. I just thought that reply was 🔥 and so, so on point.

    @The_McJones “Spent a few hours working on a schematic for a new bio containment unit…” vs “printed out and taped together a pattern for a blouse.” 😂

    @turzaak Oh no, they do. A non-trivial number of men love to tell me about Jacquard looms, despite the fact that I’m a knitter and a coder and I’ve given entire tech talks on the topic. It’ll happen. You can set your watch by it.

    Can’t believe it took me a full week of WFH to realise I could knit during VC meetings…

    @twasink @Reidyd I don’t knit nearly as much as people think I do these days, truth be told.

    “Are you watching the news?”
    “No, I’m too busy getting my ass kicked.“

    For what it’s worth, my wedding only had five people and was live streamed on the Internet. #aheadofthecurve 💅

    RT @Peter_Fitz: Love this, sent by a mate:

    “Your parents were called on to fight world wars, you are being called on to wash your hands an…

    @julielerman We were a mere 5 years later! Granted, “streaming” meant a very tiny, blurry Windows Media Player file… 😂

    One good thing today: Petey’s radioactivity has gone down enough that he can sit on us and have cuddles again! (His poo is still dangerous for another week though.)

    RT @tobyhede: Nothing says “these rules were made by men” like limiting haircuts to 30 minutes

    @gilmae This thing where you are up past 10pm is definitely the weirdest part of quarantine.

    @gilmae The only thing keeping me from going full cave-dwelling nocturnal Gollum is the daily team video checkin at 8:30.

    Given my current level of disillusionment with most politicians, today’s hat choice was an easy one. 😾✊

    Ventured out to @brickfieldsbakery to pick up my pre-order this morning. We’re making a conscious effort to support our local businesses as much as we can. ❤️

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    Ventured out to @brickfieldsbakery to pick up my pre-order this morning. We’re making a conscious effort to support our local businesses as much as we can. ❤️

    Ventured out to @brickfieldsbakery to pick up my pre-order this morning. We’re making a conscious effort to support our local businesses as much as we can. ❤️

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    Given my current level of disillusionment with most politicians, today’s hat choice was an easy one. 😾✊

    Given my current level of disillusionment with most politicians, today’s hat choice was an easy one. 😾✊

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    One good thing today: Petey’s radioactivity has gone down enough that he can sit on us and have cuddles again! (His poo is still dangerous for another week though.)

    One good thing today: Petey’s radioactivity has gone down enough that he can sit on us and have cuddles again! (His poo is still dangerous for another week though.)

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    “Are you watching the news?”
    “No, I’m too busy getting my ass kicked.“

    “Are you watching the news?”
“No, I’m too busy getting my ass kicked.“