“Make Do and Mend.” Eighteen years ago I moved to Australia, and since I couldn’t yet get a job, I hand sewed a quilt. It was made from old shirts and bedsheets, and I was really proud. Over time some of the fabric started to wear through, so tonight I added the first patches. And why not make it visible? So there are now three red squares, and I’m sure there’ll be more in the future. There’s another one moved from the mending pile…
Month: March 2020
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TFW you stagger out from the home office and discover treasure on the benchtop… ❤️🍞
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“So,” says the Snook, “if they order a complete lockdown… does that mean I’M locked in with YOU, or YOU’RE locked in with ME??” 😂 https://t.co/x7t1VP9l5Y
@frankarr @iRobot https://t.co/gy1l9sOvRd
@BeauGiles Ha, Broadway? We saw that yesterday and did a double-take too.
RT @GovGoogles: can we do lockdown yet or is there still some more hillsong events
RT @alicegoldfuss: Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s errors on her console already, kubernetes
@IanMmmm @rchrdbyd Monster.
@girlgerms @notessensei Hey @knitterjp it’s your fave phrase!
Trying to decide if my stubborn dedication to ratting on @GoGet users who don’t leave 1/4 tank in the car makes me an overly sanctimonious jerk or the last bulwark of common decency in these troubled times.
@starbuxman What’s your record for staying in one place over the last few years?? I reckon you’re gonna break it! 😱
@starbuxman Ha! 🏆
@kouky @GoGet Phew! Glad to know I’m not the only one.
@gojkoadzic I wish I’d known this a year ago!
RT @mattallen: This may be inappropriate, but I’m deeply curious.
How much personal runway does you household have if you had no income?…
@randomknits 👏👏👏👏
@randomknits Juniper berries?
@perrynfowler @mattallen 😂😂
RT @jrhunt: If you’re using AppStream, Chime, WorkSpaces, or Connect to help with your COVID-19 related business changes then please reach…
Making Bella’s Hug Book
Back in January, I was checking out my Mom’s shop – The Quilt Shop at the Essenhaus in Middlebury, Indiana – when I saw she had some quilted fabric books made up for children. Each one was made from a single fabric panel that had all the directions printed right on it. Since I know lots of folks having babies, I bought four of them and brought them home. I’ve since made up two of them, and I recorded the process for Bella’s!
If you’d like to make your own, here’s one of the panels at the Quilt Shop site. (They have others that aren’t online; just get in touch and I’m sure they can help you out.) Beyond that they’re pretty basic, and the only fancy thing I did was use my new sewing machine to embroider Bella’s and my names on the back. A fun and rewarding little project! ❤️
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@ChrisShort Yup. Click on Effects and then keep scrolling.
“YOU LEFT ME THERE FOR A WEEK.” Petey’s down 500g, radioactive, and he’s got a wicked scratch from his escape attempt. But he’s home… ❤️ https://t.co/LolWvCvkXF https://t.co/RhU08m3xL8
RT @gemmacorrell: Made some reward stickers for y’all https://t.co/wRMrdFPG7q
RT @m_tisserand: we are all edward hopper paintings now https://t.co/gpcmSiavkD
RT @SJKSalisbury: Thankfully I haven’t had to go out and panic buy any food as I’ve been saving some plums in my icebox for this very occas…
RT @AdrianDeLuca76: For those of us working from home & looking for productive ways to collaborate, here is a great article by @AlexCasalbo…
@mmastertheone Ooh. That is relevant to my interests. Actually kind of tempted to make one for myself though…
@hannes_lowette @BuildStuffConf 😍 Thanks Hannes!!
RT @kmett: This. I work from home most of the time myself, and yet this week I’ve had zero productivity despite no _real_ change in my stat…
@kmett Whatcha makin’?
Whoops. Sorry @JennaPrice! 😂 https://t.co/p4TfLYlKka https://t.co/BIBlulfFN3
@JennaPrice We are planning to use quite a bit of it in a short rib braise though…
@kmett Sweet. You just reminded me I’ve got a Lolibot 80% complete… I should dig it out!
RT @crrrowley: fuck it I’m going to self isolate on alpha centauri
A few weeks back I sewed a “hug book” for my friend JJ’s baby Bella, and I recorded the process! https://t.co/nK7w3Gosh8
RT @StephenKing: https://t.co/EMesZjE9Ob
RT @UrsulaV: Crafters and artists of the internet, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but the time has come. We never thought it would happen, b…
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“YOU LEFT ME THERE FOR A WEEK.” Petey’s down 500g, radioactive, and he’s got a wicked scratch from his escape attempt. But he’s home… ❤️
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Today was a long road trip through Victoria with walks in botanical gardens in Colac and Ballarat. Time to head home and lock ourselves in with the cats… https://t.co/x5PGCfyLij
@jeremybrown It’s the plan B!
RT @tveastman: This might be more important than we’d like it to be. https://t.co/GDNTjUQf1j
@i386 What?! Congrats!!
RT @theherocomplex: I’ve seen a bunch of people saying they want to give knitting a try now that they’ve a lot of time on their hands, & le…
RT @BuildStuffConf: Knitting patterns = programming languages? Yes! In this interview, @web_goddess explains it all!⚡
#Knitting #Programmi…
Unexpected benefit of working from home – I discovered Photo Booth has a “hologram mode” that turns you into Emperor Palpatine. https://t.co/lrwOVuoG7v
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Today was a long road trip through Victoria with walks in botanical gardens in Colac and Ballarat. Time to head home and lock ourselves in with the cats…
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❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/YbTCW5Gko7
This is 43… at Bells Beach, where the finale of the cinematic classic Point Break took place. Happy birthday to me! https://t.co/ft4w1vriOU https://t.co/iykO3tOSA8
@stufromoz Thank you Stu!! ❤️
@Opheli8 Thanks Mij… ❤️
@i386 Thank you! Just sad I didn’t think ahead enough to have some of your gin to celebrate! ❤️
@jonoabroad Cheers. 😜
@crankymate Thank you, my friend! 🤗
@MelissaKaulfuss Thank you!! ☺️
@aileengemma It’s a big year. 😉 Thanks lady…
@bron2042 Thank you Bron! 😊
@mattallen The. Best. ❤️
@felix42 It was very pretty, even with it spitting rain. We didn’t see much of the Great Ocean Road, so we’ll have to go back! ❤️
“To the world.” A very celebratory birthday lunch – not at the Ritz, but at Brae in Birregurra. ❤️😇🍷😎 https://t.co/gvfewbbiSq
@LucindaBurtt The best part has been learning everyone’s favourite PB quotes. 😂 Thanks Lucinda!
@ColetteGrgic Thanks Colette!! ❤️
@ceibner Birthday buddies!! And a happy belated to you as well.
@forloop Water looked a bit cold. 😂
@zbendr Thank you!!
@RoseRed_Shoes Thank you Jane!! ❤️
RT @plaverty9: I have created a private Discord channel for conference organizers. This way, we can work together to come up with good solu…
Today’s plan – road trip through a bit more of sparsely populated rural Victoria before masking up for the flight back to Sydney. Then it’s time to bunker down for the foreseeable future…
@LucindaBurtt Yeah, Rodd told me that! I’ll have to watch it so I can see how wrong they got it. 😂
@i386 Nah, we’re Gold Rush bound I reckon. 😉
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As excellent as lunch was, this is the coolest room I’ve ever stayed in in my entire life. I want this to be my HOUSE.