Month: March 2020

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    RT @snopes: Did the Trump administration fire the U.S. pandemic response team two years before the coronavirus outbreak?
    Rating: ✅ True

    @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @the_nathanjones @Mandy_Kerr @fendersperth I totally would have played that card AND written about their sloppy lack of research in my interview feedback!

    @randomknits SAFE TRAVELS!!

    Holy moly just realised this is a GREAT application for my Jewelbot! Time to dig it out… @jewelbots @JewelBotsAus

    @notsolonecoder Thank you. I appreciate seeing some actual good news.

    @starbuxman @reddit YES – I too am a fan of this sub.

    @darthted We’re thinking.

    I think my @jewelbots battery is dead. 😕 But on the plus side, pleasantly surprised to crack it open and see that it looks replaceable! Great job @SaraJChipps 👏

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Have you heard about #yow New Voices in Tech workshop? Applications are now open for womxn living in Australia who wan…

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    I think my @jewelbots battery is dead. 😕 But on the plus side, pleasantly surprised to crack it open and see that it looks replaceable! Great job @sarachippsy 👏

    I think my @jewelbots battery is dead. 😕 But on the plus side, pleasantly surprised to crack it open and see that it looks replaceable! Great job @sarachippsy 👏

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    @randomknits WHOOPS TYPO

    Today’s vet update: we are NOW the owners of a radioactive cat. 🙀


    @frconil Yep! He’s now got a lonely week in a lead-lined box ahead of him. 😿

    @TheresaNeate @frconil Yep. They told us even after he comes home he’ll be slightly radioactive for a fortnight, so limited cuddles. 😭

    @frconil He responded well to the pills, so fingers crossed this fixes it for good!

    RT @SampathPanini: @Noahpinion

    RT @rts_rob: A reminder to everyone working from home:

    #AWS Cloud9 is an outstanding tool for collaboration, especially pairing and code r…

    😇: You should start a health kick.
    😈: You should eat a stroopwafel for breakfast.

    Every damn time.

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    RT @MichelePlayfair: Your favourite tech conference is moving online! Are you going to watch? (Please RT this Very Scientific Poll)

    Damn cat’s been at the vet’s for less than 8 hours and he’s already freaked out, tried to do a runner, scraped his nose, and had to get doped to calm him down. 🤦‍♀️

    RT @StephenKing: No, coronavirus is NOT like THE STAND. It’s not anywhere near as serious. It’s eminently survivable. Keep calm and take al…

    @misswired He’s gonna be radioactive for a fortnight so I’m basically expecting this.

    Too close to home, Bojack. 😬

    @hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 Bojack or Dawsons?

    @hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 Yes, I too failed on a Creek rewatch. It’s PAINFUL. But Bojack is amazing x 1000000000.

    RT @Anna_Mazz: Delighted to learn that the German word for panic-buying is Hamsterkäufe: to shop like a nervous, bulging-cheeked hamster.

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    Forget nugs. Hit LIKE on @randomknits’s tweet so she can get another dog (and annoy @gilmae)!

    @gilmae @randomknits @BlairBraverman DOING. MY. PART.

    RT @HakusanLad: I’ve been thinking of starting a craft brewery and make a beer called “Dorian Grey” so people can order it by the pitcher.

    Me: I’m doing my part to support local Chinese businesses!

    Him: I don’t think bubble tea counts.

    RT @QuinnyPig: This article gives a good glimpse into what Google Reader was.

    This is what Google burned down for Google+.…

    @QuinnyPig I still miss Reader every damn day.

    RT @savittj: feeling better by pronouncing quarantine like fettuccine

    “You’re not really going to leave me here, are you??” 😿 (Petey has to stay at the vet for a while.)

    @randomknits And when we get him back, he’ll be radioactive for a fortnight!! 🙀

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    “You’re not really going to leave me here, are you??” 😿 (Petey has to stay at the vet for a while.)

    “You’re not really going to leave me here, are you??” 😿 (Petey has to stay at the vet for a while.)

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    Supply run to Broadway. Let’s do this.

    Wasn’t too bad in the end. Cheap pasta, soap, and toilet paper all gone, but everything else well stocked and not too crazy. More surprised that Liquorland isn’t busy at all. I figured more people would prioritise stocking the home bar. 😂

    RT @dr_ashwitt: This is the how I wash my hands everyday anyway.

    @gilmae *shudder* Then again, some would do the same about my Apocalypse Goon. (AND THEY WOULD BE WRONG.)

    @hannahcancode Coles Broadway had plenty of tinned tomatoes. The cheap-ass pasta was gone, but there was still Barilla and the fancier stuff.

    @JessTelford You know, I’ve occasionally noticed male acquaintances of mine addressing me as “mate” and wondered if it was a similar type of signalling.

    RT @ParkinLance: Boomers: the Coronavirus is important, because it kills people over 60, let’s close the borders

    Millennials/Gen Z: It is…

    Homemade bibimbap with SEVEN accompaniments, all made by me and the Snook! Now to watch Parasite… 🇰🇷🍚

    @hannahcancode We used this recipe: but instead of gosari, we made roast Brussels sprouts with kimchi: Easy but time consuming. Makes a lot though!

    @AskWithings My Steel HR has stopped getting pushing notifications again. Any idea how to resolve? Everything is up to date.

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    Homemade bibimbap with SEVEN accompaniments, all made by me and the Snook! Now to watch Parasite… 🇰🇷🍚

    Homemade bibimbap with SEVEN accompaniments, all made by me and the Snook! Now to watch Parasite... 🇰🇷🍚

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    RT @this_hits_home: would you rather fight one goose-sized coronavirus or one hundred coronavirus-sized geese?

    RT @WriteTeachPlay:

    @JedWatson Remember your Open Source tirade last night? Let me introduce you to @DeirdreS, who heads up our efforts in that space. I told her you’ve got some great ideas!!

    Reward for finishing all our chores today. THANK YOU @using_all_senses!! ❤️

    RT @youngonesfan: On this day in 1958, Rik Mayall, ‘the people’s poet’, was born
    #TheYoungOnes #RikMayall

    Finally sewed the rest of my patches on my laptop bag!

    RT @sallymcmanus: Happy #IWD2020 sisters. Remember to always pack a sword.

    Just chipped in myself. As an expat, donating to progressive candidates is one of the ways I can still feel engaged and like I’m making some small difference. Thanks as always, @Pinboard!

    @Pinboard I did it in 2018 too but a couple of the candidates returned my money, thinking I wasn’t a citizen. 🙁 I hope including my passport number will help with that this time around!

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    Finally sewed the rest of my patches on my laptop bag!

    Finally sewed the rest of my patches on my laptop bag!