Month: April 2020

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    @randomknits I asked that a while back. Consensus seems to be that they’re probably catfishing. A lot of mine seem to be military or overseas, which is presumably so they have an excuse to ask you to wire money to them. I block them all now.

    Heh. Realised today we have the same thylacine oven mitt (and checkerboard tile floor) as @natswhatireckon! #onya 🤘

    RT @noopkat: maybe, just once, if someone is minding their own business and creating cool things that don’t harm anyone and are genuinely j…

    When @the_snook and I did the Astronaut Training Experience (aka one day Space Camp for grownups) at Kennedy many years ago they pointed a blow torch at one for several minutes and then we could touch it to demonstrate! 👩‍🚀👨‍🚀

    FINALLY got notifications working on my @AskWithings Steel watch again! The trick seems to be iOS setting to “Show previews when unlocked.”

    My whinging and pouting all day finally paid off!! 🍪 #anzacbiscuits

    I know you’re all thirsting after Stanley Tucci making a Negroni, but how about the Snook making a Tom Collins? 🥃🍋❤️

    Special product placement by @wildspiritgin. 😉

    @shermozle Original plan was a gimlet but we’re running low on limes…

    @benhas We’ve been listening to it after each episode! 😉

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    Pulled pork and carrot & radish slaw. True story: we’ve had this food processor like 8 years and I only just discovered TODAY that it came with a julienne disk. 😳

    Pulled pork and carrot & radish slaw. True story: we’ve had this food processor like 8 years and I only just discovered TODAY that it came with a julienne disk. 😳

    Pulled pork and carrot & radish slaw. True story: we’ve had this food processor like 8 years and I only just discovered TODAY that it came with a julienne disk. 😳

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    My whinging and pouting all day finally paid off!! 🍪 #anzacbiscuits

    My whinging and pouting all day finally paid off!! 🍪 #anzacbiscuits

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    Heh. Realised today we have the same thylacine oven mitt (and checkerboard tile floor) as @nats_what_i_reckon! #onya 🤘

    Heh. Realised today we have the same thylacine oven mitt (and checkerboard tile floor) as @nats_what_i_reckon! #onya 🤘

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    @unixbigot @freesewing_org Um, that’s amazing! 😂🍎🍌🍓

    @cczona @freesewing_org I think it fits my face the best, but I’m still not a fan of tying behind my head because I have longer hair and it gets caught up in it. I liked one design that had hair elastics to go around the ears, so I’m wondering if I can adapt the Fu to use that…

    @the_patima Acceptable, AND I want to go to there.

    @cczona @bonaventuresoft @freesewing_org I can’t claim credit! I just went back through my mentions from a few weeks back to verify it was the lovely @chixors who shared the idea. She’s actually putting a bread tie in hers, so that’s another option I’ll try.

    Me, about to click on this link: IF SANDY COHEN ISN’T #1 I WILL BURN THIS PLACE DOWN

    @cczona @bonaventuresoft @freesewing_org @chixors The first one – twist tie! The little wire.

    Update: Phew. 😅 My only quibble is I do think my boy Jimmy Cooper is ranked a bit too low, but that may be due to my residual Space Camp Tate Donovan love… @BuzzFeedOz

    @cczona @bonaventuresoft @freesewing_org @chixors I’m currently using a snipped piece of wire from a plastic coated clothes hanger. It’s pretty stuff though – not sure if it’ll be uncomfortable for longer wearing.

    In honour of the return of @parksandrecnbc, we’re on a Highway to the Calzone Zone! ❤️ (Homemade by me!!)

    Here we go – and now ClauClau is the emperor! And Theoden is a member of the Praetorian Guard!

    @ceibner @parksandrecnbc

    Herod’s turned into a silver fox hippie…

    Note to self: Use “I want to be Livia to your Augustus” next Valentine’s Day… ❤️

    Huh. I took a “Which character from I Claudius are you?” and I got Messalina. Starting to see why. #schemer

    Twenty minutes of massage, twice a day? I want this dude to be my doctor.

    She arranged all of this? She’s a crazy stalker? 🤯

    Is sure going to get away with this crap? Surprised the MRA guys haven’t discovered “I, Claudius” yet…

    @julielerman It’s on Google Play!

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    In honour of the return of @nbcparksandrec, we’re on a Highway to the Calzone Zone! (Salute to @mradamscott!)

    In honour of the return of @nbcparksandrec, we’re on a Highway to the Calzone Zone! (Salute to @mradamscott!)

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    The Snook: There’s a charity auction that’s selling off props from movies and TV to raise money for Covid relief… They’re selling the carved mermaid from “The Lighthouse.”

    Me: 😳

    @pwcc From Donnie Darko?

    @pwcc For me that song just instantly evokes Donnie Darko, so rabbits was an easy leap!

    Made another iteration of Fu masks from @freesewing_org. Ties are sewn from old leftover bias binding. Used lightweight interfacing on lining to stiffen a little. Also used a bit of bias to make a pocket for removable nose wire – much better fit!

  • Beef Bourguignon a la Guillaume

    Autumn is here. The weather is getting cooler and the sun is setting sooner. We spent 10 minutes Saturday morning watching Guillaume Brahimi make beef bourguignon on Instagram, so I immediately put it on the menu plan for the week. Last night I made it, and I decided to document the whole process (because I am bored in quarantine). The full recipe’s online if you want to make it yourself…


    Ingredients! Chuck steak, speck, red wine, carrots, leek, shallot, onion, celery, mushrooms, potatoes (for the mash), thyme, bay leaves, and parsley. No, I didn’t use $100+ worth of wagyu like Guillaume did. Mine’s just the normal stuff from the supermarket. And I’m also using box wine…

    Browning the beef

    First step – browning the beef in batches!

    Cooking down veg

    Next you add the chopped veg and cook it down.

    Boiling the wine

    Guillaume suggests briefly boiling the red wine “to reduce the acidity,” so that’s what I did. (The Snook, who studied chemistry, thinks this is nonsense. But in the kitchen, I do what the French chef says.)

    One for the chef

    Also having a cheeky drink myself. I do enjoy a good Banrock! (That’s a Moominmamma tea towel a friend brought me back from Finland last year.)


    Combining it all together – beef, veg, wine, speck, herbs…


    And now leaving it to cook for 40 minutes…

    Carrot puree

    While that was happening, I made a “carrot puree” by boiling five whole carrots until they were soft and then smooshing them up with the hand blender.

    Adding puree and mushrooms

    The final step is to add the carrot puree and mushrooms, and then cook for another ten minutes. The puree really thickens it up!

    Finished stew

    Finished stew, with parsley added as well.

    Served with mash

    I served it with mashed potatoes on the side! Really savoury and delicious on a chilly Autumn night…

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    Literally just found an off-by-one error… in my knitting. (Took me far too long to realise that 270 != 320.) 😠

    RT @Amys_Kapers: This is a rollercoaster but totally worth it! 😱🐈

    Also this proves that cats are assholes

    @salvn @bmcevoy Seemingly means “as far as I know.” There are a lot of people on the Internet (especially in replies to women’s tweets) who like to troll and take contrary opinions for the sake of it. My comment actually indicates that I believed you to be sincere, which I was surprised by.

    RT @Werner: Continuing our investment in Africa: Introducing the #AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region – #allthingsdistributed…

    Me and Moominmamma teaming up for something delicious tonight… (Thanks @themaninblue for the @MoominOfficial gift!!)

    Result: Beef Bourguigonon, inspired by @GuillaumeGroup! ❤️🍷

    @julielerman @GuillaumeGroup His Insta post is worth watching!

    Blog post: I decided to document and blog last night’s beef bourguignon in case you want to make it yourself! (And also, I was bored.)

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    Me and Moominmamma teaming up for something delicious tonight… (Thanks @themaninblue2 for the @moominofficial gift!!)

    Me and Moominmamma teaming up for something delicious tonight... (Thanks @themaninblue2 for the @moominofficial gift!!)