Month: April 2020

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    Still shocked every single time I hear someone use “open the kimono” in a business context. Really not cool.

    @chewxy A less racist/sexist phrase to use would be “peek under the hood,” if that clarifies. Basically – reveal what is hidden.

    @troyhunt My colleague Bobbie built a voice-triggered autonomous toilet paper fetching robot. 😂

    @chewxy Lucky for you! I hear it every now and then and it’s always jarring.

    @bmcevoy If you want to look at my replies, most folks have a visceral negative reaction to it. So I’d definitely rethink using it in any professional context.

    @marksbirch @mattstratton Literally heard it today, and I’ve had at least one seemingly sincere person in my replies saying he doesn’t get why it’s objectionable. 🤷‍♀️ So it’s definitely still around.

    Because of course. @mattallen 😂

    @mattallen The most matta thing that ever matta’d. 😛

    @misswired wait – you sterilise in the bathtub??!

    @boyter @marksbirch @mattstratton 😳 This one today was from an external person.

    RT @maeveanti: This Article

    @sundress @CatPurry9 I didn’t read it as drawing equivalency between HPV and Covid, but rather having invasive and uncomfortable tests. Point taken, though.

    @FourRedShoes Amazing!!

    @captainklein My team are discussing. Most of the non-Aussies haven’t heard it before either!

    @unixbigot Holy crap. Just read this @GrogsGamut tweet aloud to @the_snook who excitedly started digging in a box. He has most of these!!

    @unixbigot @GrogsGamut @the_snook He’s also got 1978, 1985, 1988, 1989, and 1992 if you need contributions!

    @MichelePlayfair @unixbigot @GrogsGamut @the_snook We’re going through the old ones now and identifying the ones with slightly racist dodgy illustrations and lyrics…

    @MichelePlayfair @unixbigot @GrogsGamut @the_snook Currently listening to “Pick a Bale of Cotton.” 😐

    @lemon_lime Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

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    RT @erikablair_sec: Was made redundant today, time to look for the next opportunity

    RT @thombeckett: “Wait, Leia, I think you’re still on mute”

    RT @flashblak: Powerful, fearless, trailblazer, Tamina Pitt. We will hear her name a lot in the future ✊🏽

    If only this worked on cats! I had to trim Dr. Amy’s claws yesterday and I traumatised us both. (Hmmm. Maybe tuna paste?)

    @anshumalis Welllllllllll…..

    Back to Ancient Rome! Witnessing the fetus-eating has certainly aged our boy Claudius. (Shout out to my boy Herod for the fun loaded dice gift!)

    Ew! Caligula has forced Claudius to work the door at the grossest brothel. (However, I’m super impressed that the BBC/PBS showed men kissing in 1976!)

    Caligula does know how to make an entrance…

    When a crazy guy asks of you’re Vulcan, YOU SAY YES!

    Do you think I’m going mad? Has that thought ever crossed your mind? 😳

    TFW you tell people not to bring gifts and then you’re secretly filled with murderous rage that they took you at your word and didn’t bring gifts.


    This is why I don’t wear makeup often. I end up looking like this.

    Honestly, there are worse actual senators… 🐎

    Well that was quick. Out with Caligula – long live Claudius!

    RT @BecHarcourt: Do you live /work NSW ACT Queensland Victoria ? Have an iPad /laptop you no longer use/ need? Please donate to ⁦@SHINEforK…

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    RT @Gemma_Stiles: Last week was tough. On Thursday my role got made redundant because of COVID-19.

    I’m looking for a Front End Developer r…

    RT @JacobJanerka: Can you imagine a game about nothing? @IvanRDixon and I have created a –


    To show our vision of…

    @secretGeek @womensart1 Ha! That’s my friend @chixors from @HeartOfPluto_! I actually own a custom knitted piece she made for me. 😉

    Normal thyroid range in cats is 10-30. Before treatment, this boyo was 184. Now, five weeks on, he’s at 17. ❤️😻

    @JasonUmiker He has the memory of a goldfish, so he forgave us five minutes after he got home. 😂

    This entire thread is SO GREAT, but Hamilton and Rent had me howling. ❤️😂

    RT @pinkrocktopus: Look at this.

    I installed an LED strip under the arm of my zillion-year-old sewing machine.


    @developerjack Same. I’m all rugged up and beaniefied.

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    Normal thyroid range in cats is 10-30. Before treatment, this boyo was 184. Now, five weeks on, he’s at 17. ❤️😻

    Normal thyroid range in cats is 10-30. Before treatment, this boyo was 184. Now, five weeks on, he’s at 17. ❤️😻

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    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Did you know that Roald Dahl was a published movie reviewer in 1964? He really liked “Séance on a Wet Afternoon,” but ma…

    A rare fail. To make it work, you have to say the numbers individually out loud?!

    @redambition The emphasis doesn’t work – not just the number of syllables. 99% of them work correctly that I’ve seen!

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    @FCTweedie Aw, thank you! My production has slowed down a *lot* in recent years, TBH.

    @jeremybrown You have a jumping castle at your house? This is not a thing I realised was possible outside of birthdays and festivals.

    RT @BenjAlvarez1: This is how Angela Merkel explained the effect of a higher #covid19 infection rate on the country’s health system.


    @jeremybrown Ah. I suspect my lack of both children and a lawn are contributing to my ignorance there. 😂 Very cool!

    RT @LorenzoTheCat: When a TV weatherman is forced to work from home.

    The Stockdale Paradox – – As an inveterate optimist, this freaks me out. I’m consciously trying to resist the urge to pin hopes on things improving in the near future.

    Thanks to my brother-in-law @carbocommander and my niece Cali for the biggest laugh I’ve had all week! 😂❤️

    VEVA FLAN. 👩‍🎤

    RT @Akiora: My mom decided to invent Baby Yoda margaritas. This is not what I expected. And it’s amazing.

    @laimelde Right?? My sister refuses to confirm whether it was planned. 🙂

    @freshtonic LOL

    Homemade Chick-fil-A sandwiches from @kenjilopezalt’s recipe. Tasty and homophobia-free! ❤️ “That’s good chicken,” says the self-proclaimed chicken king of Sydney.

    @MelissaKaulfuss 😍

    @shermozle Well, he’s definitely been known to enjoy a sausage in Chicago. 😂

    @darthted @kenjilopezalt These were really damn good though!

    RT @_dianakris: during zoom meetings I unmute myself to laugh at a homie’s joke. you can’t just let jokes go unhyped. you gotta support the…

    TFW you wake up from a dream where the last thing you remember saying was, “Cool! So should I get tickets?” 😢

  • Photo Post

    Homemade Chick-fil-A sandwiches from @kenjilopezalt’s recipe. Tasty and homophobia-free! ❤️ “That’s good chicken,” says the self-proclaimed chicken king of Sydney.

    Homemade Chick-fil-A sandwiches from @kenjilopezalt’s recipe. Tasty and homophobia-free! ❤️ “That’s good chicken,” says the self-proclaimed chicken king of Sydney.

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    @codepo8 Everyone is impressed because I went High Culture, but little do they know Joe Exotic has got nothing on Caligula. 😉

    PSA: if you see someone having fun doing something silly that you yourself wouldn’t enjoy, it’s perfectly okay to not share that opinion with them. In fact, it’s kind of rude of you do! (This includes haters of sportsball, chain letters, cosplay, video games…)

    And yes, I realise I myself have failed at this many times, most notably with “yarnbombing.” But I’m trying to be better.

    @crankymate Well said, my friend!

    @stevelikesyou So basically this, but with COBOL. 😂

    RT @OwainWynEvans: When they said try working from home I didn’t realise they’d expect me to do the music too @BBCNews @BBCNWT #BBCNewsThem…

    @ThePepperCherry Calling out scams is itself a public service, so no complaints from me there!

    My quarantine jumper is now finished! This is Virgil from Boyland Knitworks in superwash 4ply Merino. I picked these colours because they reminded me of Wonder Woman. ❤️ Details on Rav:

    The Snook was very excited to see this, as he’s edging ever closer to “old man who eats condensed milk straight out of the can” territory.

    @mobywhale Thank you my dear!! ❤️

    @WheelieGoodGame I like that imagery!

    @devdevcharlie Thanks Charlie!

    @esmewatson Thanks!!

    @falican Wish I could say I designed it, but I leave that to the pros!

    @hitsthings Thanks!! ☺️

    @yaazamAus Ha!! Crochet?

    @myrdean It’s one of the first tops I’ve knit that are symmetrical back to front. I thought it might be weird not to raise the back neck, but I think it works fine!

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    Quarantine jumper is finished! This is Virgil from @boylandknitworks in superwash 4ply Merino from @theaustralianwoolstore. ❤️ Details going up on Rav shortly! #virgiltee #boylandknitworks

    Quarantine jumper is finished! This is Virgil from @boylandknitworks in superwash 4ply Merino from @theaustralianwoolstore. ❤️ Details going up on Rav shortly! #virgiltee #boylandknitworks

    Quarantine jumper is finished! This is Virgil from @boylandknitworks in superwash 4ply Merino from @theaustralianwoolstore. ❤️ Details going up on Rav shortly! #virgiltee #boylandknitworks

    Quarantine jumper is finished! This is Virgil from @boylandknitworks in superwash 4ply Merino from @theaustralianwoolstore. ❤️ Details going up on Rav shortly! #virgiltee #boylandknitworks

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    RT @jeamland: So looks like due to Coronavirus-related cost cutting measures I’m back on the market.

    Anyone looking to hire an Australian…

    RT @KathrynElliott: We have a new rainbow crossing. It appeared this morning and is a glorious thing.

    RT @voteblake: HIRING THREAD: On a team meeting today I realized we have *EIGHT* open roles and want to get these out in front of people. L…

    @The_McJones I was *very* into Disney’s Hunchback. I still can’t quite believe it got made.

    Sore orzo

    @toolmantim I’m so sorry for your loss Tim. My condolences. ❤️

    Here we go. PatStew has seduced Claudius’s sister into killing her husband – SHOCK HORROR

    Livilla, Livilla… this is not a good look.

    How about instead of marrying Livilla… you marry her daughter? Say WHAT.

    Livilla did not react well to that idea.

    @damana Evil bewigged… yup.

    John Hurt gnawing on peaches… and the scenery.

    Suddenly it’s turned into a Monty Python sketch. 😂🐘🐘🐘

    AND MY AXE! (Gimli makes an appearance.)

    @LapTop006 I, Claudius. Very long, very sexy, very dramatic 70’s British miniseries about Roman emperors.

    Note to self: when writing a letter to your secret lover to confess murdering your previous husband, don’t leave the rough drafts in the trash.

    Ugh. I keep getting distracted from John Hurt’s hate crime of a performance by Tiberius’s disgusting weeping open head sore.

    RUH ROH!! You’re nicked, PatStew.

    “I’m the Emperor!” HE AINT’NT DEAD YET.

    And here we go. Caligula in power! @hannahyanfield 😜

    Learned tonight that @portenosydney can deliver a full meal – chicken, rice, potato salad, lasagna, Brussels sprouts, and flan! ❤️

    I’ve had a headache all day… now I realise it was a metamorphosis, like a woman birthing herself. Can’t you tell? I’m a GOD.

    Antonia is kind of a badass. “Come by in 5 hours. I’ll be dead by then. Don’t screw up the eulogy.” *mic drop*

    OMG HE ET THE FETUS. I did not remember that part. 😳🤮

    Holy crap the original version supposedly included an actual shot of John Hurt eating a fetus. And they showed this on Masterpiece Theatre. 😳

    RT @LeeFlower: Having something to do with my hands during meetings really helps me focus. As a junior dev I used to knit, but then stopped…

    RT @LeeFlower: < but now I think I’ve reached a point in my career where I can probably get away with “I can discuss technical architecture…

    For a work event today, we’re all dressing up as characters from shows we’re watching during isolation. There are a lot of Tiger Kings. I, of course, went with Ancient Rome. 🍷🔪

    Did you see that our Summit is going to be online on May 13? Keynotes from Andy Jassy and Werner Vogels, and I’ll be doing the “Newbie’s Guide to Getting Started” session right after!