@evanderkoogh That I’m going to get connected to a random staging environment?
Our respective companies do Friday afternoon virtual drinks *very* differently. 😂 https://t.co/gKl08EA9oZ https://t.co/c3hk0QaFuj
That devolved quickly. https://t.co/pui88rz8Jz
@JedWatson @evanderkoogh Ahh, and my mind went to Chat Roulette and the potential to see things you might not want to see. 😂
@gilmae @the_snook told me in a horrified whisper that he was wearing a tuxedo shirt with a lounge suit. Quelle horreur! We shall have to pretend not to know him.
RT @the_snook: @web_goddess @gilmae In these trying times we have to make do with what we have on hand.
So we made an amazing discovery on Google Play. I’ve only seen this once before, and years ago. Let’s do it! Sex and murder and poison and Brian Blessed… https://t.co/3LuZsonKKw
Full body shudder within the first two minutes. “And you said you regretted it wasn’t in HD!” “Yeah, that was a bad call.” https://t.co/qLxei7V8iR
Oh right. I forgot the weird framing device that the Sybil told him we would be reading his story 1900 years later… https://t.co/gvlUy5Yb9N
Ten minutes in and we have problematic topless African dancers, Dr. Who, and BRIAN BLESSED with a blond pageboy wig. https://t.co/82W3MHpnSf
What a sniveling man-child… “Kiddie fiddler,” muttered the Snook. https://t.co/64jGB4yVhb
“No, no my dear. Goodness has nothing to do with it.” STONE COLD. https://t.co/gSAcPVJ6EP
There there. Don’t be cry. https://t.co/BEtDjKdVsE
@JulieKalitis BRILLIANT. Thank you!
It me. And you’re all the rabble. https://t.co/m1WvxmE2fp
Wait, wait. Agrippa is living in Lesbos?? 😳 https://t.co/lyKCZTfnc1
Well, this is all very interesting. 😏 (Me: 9 years have passed? Tiberius looks exactly the same! Rodd: That’s because he was a 45yo playing 25.) https://t.co/gilTCu3eTK
Livia… They say a snake bit her once. And the snake DIED. 🐍 https://t.co/ypRINcGIOw
Why does he keep referring to boiled asparagus?!? https://t.co/xhXcVq7UdF
Because why wouldn’t you bake a Quarantine Celebration Carrot Cake the size of your head? 😂❤️🥕🍰 https://t.co/SGeyoyFJns
RT @Jimllpaintit: Can you please paint The Artist Formerly Known As Prince having a fight with Prince Harry over who is least known as Prin…
@misswired I didn’t know he was going for a triple decker! I simply pointed out that we had some extra frosting in the freezer that we should use up… 😜
@gilmae We just gave a big chunk to our neighbours.
RT @uwsgeezer: I haven’t wept since this all began. Then I saw this outside our neighbor’s apartment. This person works in one of the area…