@minxdragon @unixbigot That’s why I need arbitrary notes. So I can add “eyebrows” or “tall” or “man-bun” or whatever and quickly search for a name.
@unixbigot @minxdragon LOL – just realising that we are all three folks who use their names and photos on Twitter. It’s the ones with cryptic names and avatars that *really* get me.
Mad scientist at work. “I’m pretty sure most people’s sourdough setup doesn’t involve multiple electrical devices…” 👨🏻🔬❤️🍞 https://t.co/z9bl2x7bJ3
@knitcodemonkey @knitterjp Are you free (your) Saturday afternoon/evening? Let’s do this!
@gilmae IDEs have built in chat now? Good grief.
@gilmae Oh, HA. 😂
@JulieKalitis This is for a loaf that’s proving or autolysing or something.
@Amys_Kapers @christinesunu Interesting! He’s using an “ITC-1000” temperature regulator with a heating pad plugged into it, wrapped around the bowl in the Esky. Allows him to keep it at exactly the right temperature. 🙂
Uhhhh… Nice guess, @github, but that is *not* the type of project I’m starting today. 🐻😂 https://t.co/xKRiBcYM89
ARGH. Got very excited about a new project, went down a rabbit hole of browser tabs, and missed my podcasting appointment with @PhilTechCareer. I’m sorry Phil!
@hannahyanfield Wait’ll you see the bread! Looks like the best one yet.
That’s some good lookin’ bread! (Well done, @the_snook…) https://t.co/7CMiYKoQO6