Month: May 2020

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    Day 2 of Rock Week: Jem! ⭐️🎸🥁🎵🎶

    Day 2 of Rock Week: Jem! ⭐️🎸🥁🎵🎶

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    @scottie.marsh’s latest work stopped us dead on our tracks yesterday. Powerful stuff. (And I love how often his work appears in Chippo!)

    @scottie.marsh’s latest work stopped us dead on our tracks yesterday. Powerful stuff. (And I love how often his work appears in Chippo!)

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    RT @unixbigot: “Oh hey, ur back early”
    “Grid’s haunted”
    *loading a shotgun with salt rounds and climbing back into the backhoe* “G…

    @unixbigot I’m so sorry, Chris. We’ve just been through this ourselves. (Picked up Amy’s ashes today, in fact.) It’s so hard. Sending you lots of hugs and love. ❤️

    Rock star cosplay at work this week? Time for some truly, truly (truly) outrageous prototyping… 😉

    @frankarr You just made Rodd LOL.

    We went for a walk at lunch today. We walked across the uni to the vet and picked up Amy’s ashes. They put them in a nice box and a bag with angel wings on it.

    She would’ve hated that. 🙃

    (Miss you, Puss…)

    @sjhfletcher Nice! Which pattern did you use?

    @crankymate Oh cool! I hadn’t – thanks for sharing. He’s been announced as directing some of the upcoming new Dahl content for the Netflix deal, so I’m not surprised.

    RT @TaikaWaititi: OY! I’m hosting a reading series of James and the Giant Peach by @roald_dahl to raise money for @partnersinhealth, a glob…

    Hello Daddy, hello Mom… I’m your Ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry Bomb! 🍒💣

    (It’s Rock Star week at work. More to come…)

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    Hello Daddy, hello Mom… I’m your Ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry Bomb! 🍒💣 @joanjett (It’s Rock Star week at work. More to come…)

    Hello Daddy, hello Mom... I’m your Ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry Bomb! 🍒💣 @joanjett (It’s Rock Star week at work. More to come...)

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    YUM! Halal cart-style chicken and rice with white sauce. (Recipe from @seriouseats) I worked hard on this…

    YUM! Halal cart-style chicken and rice with white sauce. (Recipe from @seriouseats) I worked hard on this...

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    Rock star cosplay at work this week? Time for some truly, truly (truly) outrageous prototyping… 😉

    Rock star cosplay at work this week? Time for some truly, truly (truly) outrageous prototyping... 😉

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    This will be deeply relevant to a few of you. (From Tumblr: @TheMartianLife @parisba

    RT @BradKelly17: This is why the internet was created

    Saw that @GaelFC retweeted this and clicked with curiosity. Spent the next 20 minutes devouring this essay. Wow. Amazing writing from @drewmagary.

    @msharp Looks great! And presumably requires a lot less water and maintenance?

    @msharp Have you planted anything specific for the bees?

    Watch “Hairspray” stars from Broadway, movies, more sing the musical’s feel-good finale – This brought GREAT JOY to this theater geek’s face today. 😍👏

    Hang on. Is Indiana the only state where the name for its citizens doesn’t include the name of the state? I never realised. Pretty cool. #hoosiers

    Ep 4: The Snook makes a “Jamaican Dream” – Internet exclusive! 😂❤️

    @SarahMoran Soarinnnnn, flyinnnnnn…

    @SarahMoran It’s charming, and I non-ironically enjoyed it (and the sequels). I actually own the Wii “High School Musical” karaoke game! I am fairly certain I was the only person in Sydney to pre-order it. 😂

    Trust me – you want to hire @dp_lewis.

    @Gaohmee Did you ever read the profile of his first wife about their marriage? It changed the way I viewed him forever.

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    Me: “So what you’re saying Dad, is that if you were on Jeopardy, the ‘Tremors Cinematic Universe’ would be one of your dream categories?”
    Him: “Oh man, @KenJennings would EAT ROCKS if I had that category.” 😂

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    @mmastertheone I see pineapple. Checks out.

    @cbetta @mseckington Congrats you two!

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    @buildkite @GRobilliard AHHHH, so happy to see this! Congrats all around!

    RT @techgirl1908: Trashing people’s programming language of choice in an attempt to get them to try your favorite one isn’t nearly as effec…

    I have one of these! Almost one year ago, Ira Glass said, “Are you Lizzie?” to me outside a restaurant in NYC, and I said “No,” and then he found Lizzie and had lunch like 8 feet from us.

    Photographic proof. 😂 (I think Lizzie is behind @the_snook, who refused to take part in my subterfuge.)

    @stephenlead I of course realised that like 10 seconds later. 🤦‍♀️

    RT @jamescrabtree: A Finnish friend says there is a typically morose joke circulating around Helsinki:

    “So, we now have to stay 2m away fr…