Month: May 2020

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    EEEEK, it’s happening! My #AWSSummit debut. šŸ˜

    @NZMtnGoat Hi Ben! Apparently they’re working on it right now. šŸ™ All of the sessions are going to be available on demand afterwards, so you’ll definitely be able to watch it once this is resolved.

    @NZMtnGoat The On Demand version now seems to be working!

    If you weren’t able to watch my session “A newbie’s guide to getting started with AWS” live, it’s available On Demand! Just scroll to the bottom of the list in the Transform track. #AWSSummit

    RT @AlexaCodes: Just watched ‘A newbies guide to getting started with AWS (Level 100)’ on demand. Great intro to AWS, Kris!ā€¦

    @techies It’s watchable On Demand now – just go to the Transform track and scroll to the bottom. “A Newbie’s guide…”

    My @DevAroundTheSun talk will be kicking off in just over 20 minutes! Tune in on Twitch to hear about my current project to knit the SAR-CoV-2 virus, as well as an epic attempt to teach a computer to reverse engineer sweaters.

    @Scott_Addie @knitcodemonkey @jeffreystrauss @DevAroundTheSun Jen is actually credited on the thank you slide at the end, I believe! šŸ˜‰

    The amazing work of @chixors and @HeartOfPluto_! ā¤ļø

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Switching to @web_goddess as the next speaker for @DevAroundTheSun and she’s sitting waiting to start, knitting away on heā€¦

    @nelli2k LOL, I’m definitely sharing that one at work. šŸ˜‚

    @cczona @chixors @HeartOfPluto_ Nah, nah. Machine knit… on a custom hacked knitting machine!

    @CallbackWomen Let’s be honest – I take very little convincing. If you invite me, I’ll be there. šŸ˜Š

    @cczona @chixors @HeartOfPluto_ IIRC it was pieced. More details here:

    RT @CallbackWomen: Y’all need to convince @web_goddess to give this talk to more conferences

    RT @AziFarjad: If you have missed watching the Alexa breakout session for AWS Summit Online today, you can watch it here:ā€¦

    RT @richbuggy: Are there any React or AWS Serverless developers looking for work in Sydney (two different roles)? I’d been keen to talk. #Rā€¦

    RT @JessPWhite: It’s been an around the clock effort by the organisation team. They are superheros.

    They should be super proud of the evenā€¦

    @lemon_lime So gorgeous. This is my view right now.

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    Roasted beets, citrus, pistachio, and ricotta salad with the Snookā€™s homemade bread…

    RT @adamliaw: I think the main reason I have managed to stay relatively upbeat during this pandemic and global economic crisis is carbohydrā€¦

    @starbuxman I still remember that you’re the one who introduced “soup to nuts” to me.

    Yay, @DevAroundTheSun is live and there’s my buddy @SaraJChipps! I’ve got just shy of 15 hours until my slot. Slides are done; timing is good… but I think I’m coming down with strep throat. FUN! I may have to do my talk via interpretive dance. šŸ’ƒ

    @DevAroundTheSun @SaraJChipps I figure adrenaline and Tylenol will get me through! But first, for the Aussies, it is time to sleep… šŸ˜“

  • Photo Post

    Roasted beets, citrus, pistachio, and ricotta salad with the Snookā€™s homemade bread…

    Roasted beets, citrus, pistachio, and ricotta salad with the Snookā€™s homemade bread...

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    Yes, I really am knitting the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence into a scarf! šŸ¦ +šŸ§¶=šŸ§£ If you want to hear more, watch my talk for #devaroundthesun at 1:55pm Wednesday, Sydney time… @DevAroundTheSun

    I’m feeling better. It’s still weird to go into the kitchen and for the first time in 16 years not have a cat at my feet making sure I’m not secretly cutting up chicken.

    @CatSwetel @verica_io Ooh, congrats!! Best of luck with it

    @robcruickshank Well, we’ve still got the other cat but he’s a lovable scatterbrain for whom “food” just magically appears like a sunbeam every now and then. šŸ˜‚

    RT @sleap_scott: Very excited to join @lisaharveysmith, Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen (@TGAsuperheroes), @UrbaniakSuzy & @FelicityBriody in a LIVE Sā€¦

    RT @lizthegrey: @cperciva @_msw_ HOLY FUCK THAT’S CHEAP

    On-Demand price
    Availability Zone Price
    us-east-1a $0.0239
    us-east-1b $0.0ā€¦

  • Photo Post

    Yes, I really am knitting the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence into a scarf! šŸ¦ +šŸ§¶=šŸ§£ If you want to hear more, watch my talk for #devaroundthesun at 1:55pm Wednesday, Sydney time…

    Yes, I really am knitting the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence into a scarf! šŸ¦ +šŸ§¶=šŸ§£ If you want to hear more, watch my talk for #devaroundthesun at 1:55pm Wednesday, Sydney time...

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    RT @bmusedbystandr: When we choose to cooperate and aid each other in the worst of times…

    @msharp Awww, it a baby!

    Itā€™s strange how you can know, with certainty, that something sad is coming, and think you are prepared for it, but the grief is still really overwhelming in the moment. šŸ’”šŸ˜æ

    She was a gorgeous, grumpy, cantankerous, clever girl. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    RT @DevAroundTheSun: Oh that granny, always hacking something… watch for free on Twitch and YouTube as @web_goddess talks about how “Granā€¦

    Ep 3: After a supremely crappy day, the Snook makes himself an Old Fashioned. šŸ„ƒ

    RT @OzKitsch: God bless Australia

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    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

    Today we held our dear old sweet grumpy Puss as she went to sleep with the Mama Cat. We knew it was coming but it was still so sad and we cried and told her we loved her. I miss her already. ā¤ļøšŸ˜æ

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    Second iteration of the @the_snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

    @cczona @the_snook Mostly based on this:

    One of the questions in today’s Good Weekends Quiz was about the video game franchise that “New Horizons” is part of. So thank you, all of you who’ve been spamming my feed with turnips for months now. Because of you, we got a point!

    @SophieJKunze Hehe, I didn’t actually give the answer away, so hopefully you’ll get it right!

    RT @atrupar: Pence press secretary Katie Miller is the only person in this photo without a mask. Today news broke that she has coronavirus.ā€¦

    RT @Cam_Rogers: Bit of a mic drop, this.

    @jesslynnrose Does it need to be Covid-specific? I created and I’ve been running it for 24 years now, with visits from thousands of kids, parents, and teachers.

    Final push through ā€œI, Claudiusā€. Messalina is still a hoochie-mama, and now his buddy Herod Agrippa is dead. Bummer.

    ā€œHussy!ā€ mutters the Snook, as she brazenly manipulates poor Clau-Clau

    ā€œIs the marriage bigamous or not?ā€ Thatā€™s what Iā€™m asking, my dude. Iā€™m shocked you can get a divorce by claiming he wasnā€™t home when you delivered the papers. šŸ˜³

    Oh, sure. Donā€™t trust your only remaining oldest friend until poor manā€™s Geoffrey Rush mansplains it to you. POOR FORM, CLAU-CLAU.


    Okay, the head chopping was pretty intense.

    Claudius is very not enthusiastic about his bros setting him up.

    LET ALLLLL THE POISONS THAT LURK IN THE MUD HATCH OUT. Ancient Rome equivalent of ā€œzero fucks given,ā€ I guess.

    WHAT THE HELL does that conquered British king have in his moustache?!

    Whaaaaat. So Livia had a secret prophecy with the whole miniseries plot spelled out in it? She was so cool.

    Nero is a messy drama queen, and I kind of love it.

    Okay, for the record I didnā€™t know he was going to be shagging his Mom two minutes later.

    ā€œTurns out I wasnā€™t the Messiah after all!ā€ šŸ˜‚ HA!

    TFW you discover you might actually be Caligulaā€™s son. šŸ˜³

    Wait. Mushrooms?? And he secretly wanted it? So Phantom Thread lifted that from I, Claudius!!

    AND THATā€™S THE END! If youā€™re in need of isolation content, I highly recommend you check out I, Claudius. Truly amazing.

    It’s been a real shitty couple of weeks… and now it’s 12:30am and I’m drinking Scotch and soda after an emergency trip to the vet, where we left Amy Cat in an oxygen cage having a barrage of very expensive tests, and can 2020 just… stop? šŸ˜¢

    @lynnlangit Ugh. Reject and report with extreme prejudice!

  • Photo Post

    Second iteration of the Snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

    Second iteration of the Snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

    Second iteration of the Snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

    Second iteration of the Snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

    Second iteration of the Snookā€™s sourdough crumpets. Getting there!!

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    Oh god. Another entry for my and @rosepowell’s collection of horrifying -preneur portmanteaus: “Petrepreneur”. Yep. Not even kidding. šŸ¤®

    @charis @rosepowell See, I’d invest in that.

    @andykelk @rosepowell I believe it is referring to animals.

    @frankarr @sezshares @pyko Awwww, #shehacks! What fun times. ā¤ļø @WWCSyd

    @rosepowell @annie_parker Something about pet care I believeā€¦

    @gilmae @rosepowell Exactly. And people are just puttin’ these in their LinkedIn headers, and every time I’m like, šŸ˜³.

    @DamonOehlman @rosepowell Well, in this case the person wasn’t thinking quite as deeply as you are. I believe they have some animal related startup. šŸ˜¹

    Wow, I get to open for @troyhunt at @DevAroundTheSun next Wednesday! Go the Aussie contingent! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ See the full schedule here ( and join the stream for 24 hours of amazing tech speakers. In support of @DirectRelief, helping those affected most by COVID-19.


    Yo @gabehollombe !!

    Folks, Andy Serkis is up to the Gollum part RIGHT NOW.

    @RyanChallen SAME!!

    @RyanChallen Oh god. So good.

    @yujiyokoo Hey Yuji! Hahaha, yours was one of the last in-person meetups I attended, and I couldn’t resist giving you a shout-out because it was so cool. šŸ˜ƒ Hope you’re doing well…