Month: June 2020

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    @kbuttfield @The_McJones @parisba Sudden urge to play…

    @lol_russo Ah, yes, definitely. I’ve just never seen it mentioned for a site that is predominantly static and doesn’t use any parallax effects.

    @onsman Thanks. A few folks have sent me related links, and that seems plausible. I just haven’t seen in relation to a site that is predominantly static with limited animation, no parallax scrolling, etc.

    @LeenaVanD Well yes, but I live in Sydney. 😂

    @lol_russo Yeah, I didn’t want to bias results by mentioning the specific site in question (nor draw the ire of those who think the new design is legit harmful). But it looks to me to be a bog standard responsive web design with minimal animation. I don’t get it.

    @stringy Yep, that’s the one I’m thinking of. I saw it both before and after, and I don’t see much difference. People are still complaining. I… just don’t get it. Do you see any serious problems with it now?

    Well, that is fascinating.

    @daveslutzkin @OphelieLechat This is the issue I was asking about/subtweeting yesterday. I’ve never seen the level of response to a website redesign before. I was a beta tester for it, and to me it looks like any other responsive web 2.0 site. 🤷‍♀️

    @OphelieLechat @daveslutzkin I’m not sure how I got in the test group (maybe because I was an editor once) and I don’t visit much these days. I got a RavMail about it and clicked around to verify that all the functionality was still there, just reorganised with lots of whitespace. I shrugged and moved on.

    RT @CloverMoore: As of today, the City of Sydney is powered by 100% renewable electricity.

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    @Ilaeria Do you have a sewing machine at your disposal?

    @Ilaeria Hmm. Dritz sells something called Fray Check, which looks to be well regarded: (I’ve also used clear nail polish in a pinch before.)

    I made Prune and Walnut Loaf. It looks prettier than it tastes. #healthybaking #whatisthepoint

    @annie_parker @joannejacobs Yes, it definitely needs more sugar! I will give it a try…

    @_AmyGray_ You are 100% correct.

    RT @shellkryan: My son bought me a new book and this is my favourite page.

    @bigyahu @John_W_Power @annie_parker I’ve got a big full bottle of Kirkland’s finest under lock and key in the cupboard, so I’m set. 😜

    @DamonOehlman I felt like adding #theloafwasokay but I didn’t want to step on @boundvariable’s toes.

    @lol_russo Hey neighbour! It’s only been up for a few weeks now. Very arresting though, right? Every time I walk past, someone is taking a photo.

    @lol_russo Nah, pretty sure it was done in May. Scottie has a couple in Chippo. He also did the one on the side of Cafe Giulia!

    Sydney’s Last Buttonholer Is Still Working – But for How Long? – on Broadsheet // It’s a lovely story, but I don’t quite get the issue. My new sewing machine has 10 different buttonholes. It’s not like they’ll cease to exist and we can only use zippers.

    Fellow tech industry folks – I am looking for any data points (if they exist) about a website redesign triggering migraines/nausea/hospitalisation among users. I’ve never heard of such a thing in 20 years. If you have, please let me know.

    @OphelieLechat Right? I mean… I’m just baffled. It’s not like it involves strobe lights.

    @kbuttfield @parisba Happy birthday @parisba!! 🍰

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    I made Prune and Walnut Loaf. It looks prettier than it tastes. #healthybaking #whatisthepoint

    I made Prune and Walnut Loaf. It looks prettier than it tastes. #healthybaking #whatisthepoint

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    RT @mkheck:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👏👏

    If you’re a fan of @theburningmonk and AWS Lambda, you should check out his talk (and all the rest!) from last Friday’s ANZ Serverless Community Day. 😃

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    RT @chixors: Published! What a delightful surprise to have with coffee this morning. Well done @KathyReid 👏🥰

    RT @jessmcguire: Imagine wanting to begrudge the poor some small enjoyments like chocolate biscuits and messaging a Foodbank to express con…

    RT @GGDSydney: #SheHacks is still on – just a little later! We are super stoked to announce that we are still going ahead with our annual a…

    Isobeard achievement unlocked. @the_snook

    RT @lizuselton: Me: Hey, looking to diversify your tech team?

    You: Yes! I’ll do anything!

    Me: I know lots of smart, talented POCs & women…

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    Isobeard achievement unlocked.

    Isobeard achievement unlocked.

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    Thanks @sbarski and @petehanssens for inviting me to guest host at AWS ANZ Serverless Community Day today! Still plenty of great talks to come… #AWSCommunity @AWSCloudANZ

    RT @petehanssens: Me and director John @jrotenstein in the control room today chatting with @sbarski – great fun!

    @slace Yay, congrats!

    “The only way this could possibly be better,” I said, through a mouthful of deliciousness, “is if it had been preceded by a pile of salad from a Pizza Hut salad bar circa 1985.” 🍕❤️

    (The Snook made homemade pan pizza.)

    @cczona I said, You must be strong, and only make this for me twice a year, because I would eat it every single day, and then I’d die.

  • Photo Post

    “The only way this could possibly be better,” I said, through a mouthful of deliciousness, “is if it had been preceded by a pile of salad from a Pizza Hut salad bar circa 1985.” 🍕 (The Snook made homemade pan pizza.)

    “The only way this could possibly be better,” I said, through a mouthful of deliciousness, “is if it had been preceded by a pile of salad from a Pizza Hut salad bar circa 1985.” 🍕 (The Snook made homemade pan pizza.)

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    @boyter @secretlabchairs It’s early days, but I’m hoping for similar results! My 15yo Office Works chair just wasn’t cutting it anymore…

    RT @COVID19Tracking: The real news today is that the U.S. set a record for new cases today: 38,672.

    The previous record was April 25 at 36…

    I’ve been having periodic problems with my @WithingsEN smart watch, where iPhone will suddenly lose the ability to connect via Bluetooth. And I think I just discovered the culprit… the COVIDSafe app. If I turn off its Bluetooth permission, suddenly my watch can connect again.

    So this is weird, right? Means I have to remember to give COVIDSafe Bluetooth permissions every time I go out, otherwise my smart watch loses ability to sync and show notifications. 🙁

    RT @mattgillard: I just published My Top 10 Tips for Working with AWS Glue #awsglue

    RT @jernej_kavka: Right now, @web_goddess is talking about Knitted Disruption with #AI! 😁

    #BrisbaneAI #MachineLearning #Amazon #AWS @GlobA…

    @jernej_kavka @GlobAICommunity Haha, I could see you taking photos out of the corner of my eye and wondered where they’d end up!

    @MichaelTozer Oh wow, didn’t realise you were watching, Michael! We met when you presented at @SydTechLeaders a while back. 😃 Thanks for joining!

    @damana Oh thank you! And I just realised I missed you getting your yellow badge – a happy belated Amazoniversary to you too. 🙂

    @starbuxman Yeah, I had the same first thought that they were dropping the Rhode part!

    The Snook is sitting nearby, working on today’s NYT crossword: “Up the [BLANK]. Four letters, ends with E.” 🤔😂

    Ante. How disappointment. 😂

    Huh. That would be a cool crossword theme, where for a few of the clues you could use rude words and the puzzle would still work.

    @FuckboisOfLit As would Matilda’s parents, the Wormwoods!

    RT @DisneyParks: We’re thrilled to share Splash Mountain at @Disneyland & @WaltDisneyWorld will be completely reimagined with a new story i…

    AWS Serverless Community Day is now streaming live on Twitch! Keynote kicks off in 10min. Join us today to see talks from amazing folks like @allPowerde, @tobyhede, @sbarski, @petehanssens, @kneekey23, and more…

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    If anyone hasn’t heard me talk about using Amazon SageMaker to classify knitting with machine learning, I’m giving that preso tomorrow night (virtually) at the new Brisbane AI meetup! Details here:

    I want to go to there. 🦞🥨

    RT @RebeccaRHelm: This is a blanket octopus. You should know her because, while she’s shy & rarely seen, when danger gets near she does not…

    RT @AdrianDeLuca76: AWS introduces a new rugged edge storage device to the family with Snowcone. I see so many use cases for this form fact…

    @QuinnyPig Mazel tov!!

    Amazing opportunity to join the AWS DevRel team and work with one of my favourite women in the industry, @aileengemma. And you can be remote, so don’t let location hold you back!

    It’s my 2 year Amazon-aversary, so I bought myself a ridiculously awesome @secretlabchairs office chair to celebrate. 😂🎂🦄 #secretlab