Month: June 2020

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    It’s my 2 year Amazon-aversary, so I bought myself a ridiculously awesome @secretlab office chair to celebrate. 😂🎂🦄 #secretlab

    It’s my 2 year Amazon-aversary, so I bought myself a ridiculously awesome @secretlab office chair to celebrate. 😂🎂🦄 #secretlab

    It’s my 2 year Amazon-aversary, so I bought myself a ridiculously awesome @secretlab office chair to celebrate. 😂🎂🦄 #secretlab

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    RT @petehanssens: DataEngBytes CFP is still open for just over a week – get your papers in now (and follow us while you’re at it 🙂 – @data…

    @gilmae ho. ly. shit.

    Realisation – my tendency to rewatch old episodes of 30 Rock is in direct proportion to how Liz Lemon I feel at the time.

    “Someone sent you a very strange shirt,” said the Snook. “That’s Ian Malcolm!” I hooted. Thanks @justacogitating ❤️

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    “Someone sent you a very strange shirt,” said the Snook. “That’s Ian Malcolm!” I hooted. Thanks @justacogitating ❤️

    “Someone sent you a very strange shirt,” said the Snook. “That’s Ian Malcolm!” I hooted. Thanks @justacogitating ❤️

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    RT @minxdragon: Wow I found it, the worst API. Thanks @ForsakenDAemon this will go nicely with my research.

    Hey corporations. Stop trying…

    RT @mootpointer: Toxic masculinity kills. Go and get tested, even if you don’t think it’s COVID.

    RT @awscloud: Customers use Amazon S3 Replication to create a copy of their data within the same AWS Region or in another Region for compli…

    Making plans with @unlikelylibrary for a #HamilParty on July 4th to watch @HamiltonMusical on @disneyplus. How amazing are these??

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    @parisba @hannahcancode Yes. You need pumpkin pie in your life.

    @hannahcancode @parisba Actually, it pretty much is. All the savoury pumpkin that we eat here is called squash there instead.

    @msharp Ugh. Now I’m craving Papa’s.

    @msharp It was our pizza of choice in college because it was cheap and it came with little tubs of garlic butter to dip your crust in. In recent years it was the subject of boycott due to racist CEO. So I can’t in good conscience recommend at all, but I do miss that garbage sometimes.

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    RT @skalagas: if anyone’s ever wondered how they weigh a koala…

    @MichelePlayfair @JamesPlayfair Super cute!!

    TIL about using projectors for cutting PDF sewing patterns. Genius! I am continually impressed by the ingenuity of the craft community. Now to source a cheap projector… 🤔 @CurvySewing

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    The first ever virtual F Factor meetup kicking off with @MsJonesInSydney doing the intros! @ProjectF_au

    @MsJonesInSydney @ProjectF_au No biggie, just @lisaharveysmith proposing a radical revamp of the education system and how it would improve the world in heaps of ways. ❤️

    @MsJonesInSydney @ProjectF_au @lisaharveysmith If you’ve got a famous astronomer on a call, why wouldn’t you show her how you once knitted the WOW signal? 👽😂🌠

    @sjhfletcher My friend @randomknits sent hers off to a longarmer a YEAR ago and the woman is now ghosting and isn’t replying to any messages. 😱

    Hey @Malarkey, you’re in the NYT crossword today! #spoilers

    @aaronburrows @Malarkey Yeah, you get “rebus” squares occasionally where you can chuck whole words in. This one had a traffic jam theme.

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    Pulled pork sliders with the Snook’s homemade sourdough rolls, baked beans, and broccoli slaw!

    Pulled pork sliders with the Snook’s homemade sourdough rolls, baked beans, and broccoli slaw!

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    I’ve mainly been wearing my specs while WFH, as my contacts have been irritating my eyes lately. Went to the optometrist last weekend and she thinks I could have a mild infection, so I have to do steroid drops 6x a day.

    At least the medicine’s name is appropriate. #fml

    @steven_bryen Break a leg!!

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    RT @stolinski: I don’t understand the argument against renaming master to main (or anything else for that matter). Main has no relation to…

    Folks – where’s the best WordPress hosting these days?

    @QuinnyPig For a business, definitely. Should’ve clarified this is for a hobby site, and $150/mo is probably more than I can justify. 🤔

    @iann0036 Of course! It’s for a hobby site though, but one that receives a surprising amount of traffic. Trying to figure out how much I can afford to spend…

    Should’ve clarified – this is for @RoaldDahlFans, so not a commercial venture. Gets a surprising amount of traffic, which I don’t want to monetise any more than it already is (as it’s mainly kids and teachers).

    @lostumbrellas Hmmm. No SSH access – is that a pain?

    RT @mobywhale: 📣 Job opportunity: We are hiring the next CTO for Blake eLearning. Come lead their world class engineering team and make a g…

    Last night I signed off at 5:30 and READ A BOOK, ALL NIGHT! I re-read The Westing Game for the first time since 7th grade, and damn, it’s still so good. (If you liked Knives Out, you should 100% read it.)

    @richbuggy @iann0036 @AWSAmplify 1500 WP pages with multiple dynamic cross-links. Static is not an option.

    Update – WHOA. Migrating the whole site to @awscloud Lightsail was way easier than I expected. I ponied up for @servmask’s Unlimited migration tool, and kicked it off while cooking dinner. Granted, there were some errors at the end…

    @servmask …which is not unexpected given I was also updating from PHP 5->7. Once I disabled the problematic plugin, I was in business! Just a few bits and pieces to tidy up, and I should be good to kill the old site by the weekend. 🎉

    @glenngillen @richbuggy @iann0036 @AWSAmplify Nah, I’ve had this sucker proudly independent for 20+ years. Not giving that up anytime soon!

    @nelly_sattari I ran my own custom PHP CMS for many years, until I finally got fed up with it getting spammed and hacked and switched to WordPress. 😂 (Thanks to @johnallsopp for that bit of advice…)

    @nelly_sattari @johnallsopp @simonwaight For both of my sites I started with a free theme that was roughly what I wanted and then built out a proper child theme to my own design.

    @simonwaight @nelly_sattari @johnallsopp Ha! I knitted a scarf for an illustrator friend to design the theme for @RoaldDahlFans, which I then implemented.

    @Amys_Kapers @nelly_sattari @johnallsopp @simonwaight Meh. I know enough to be dangerous. 😉

    RT @techgirl1908: This is the bare MINIMUM you can do and yall can’t even do this without whining and centering yourselves.

    Yes we know sl…

    @kinsta @amottaz @RoaldDahlFans @Cloudflare Ha! Honestly, I had it moved to AWS Lightsail within three hours so at the moment I’m good. Well played on the Dahl reference though! 🤩

    @skystracloud Thanks – I’ve already moved it to AWS Lightsail so I’m good at the moment!