@aimee_maree Mine is proudly on a shelf with my old GameBoy and my 1st gen iPod. 😂
We have three AWS data experts lined up for a special meetup next Monday with the SYD, MEL, and BNE data engineering communities! Register here to claim your spot: https://t.co/ESLX5nCaIB @petehanssens @DataEngMeetup https://t.co/8jE23Hwwkq
@snaxolotl Gorgeous!! Are those bobbles, or is it just a chunky moss stitch?
@PhidMcAwesome We were literally just talking about that in my house yesterday. I think Kogan bought the brand? Would explain it.
@snaxolotl Ooh, love how quickly a chunky knit comes together. Unfortunately doesn’t get cold enough in Sydney to wear often. 🙁 Protip: knitting in the round means less pieces and sewing up. (I *always* get bored when I have to knit the same thing more than once.)
@snaxolotl I’m doing a sock in the round now which is fun but I’m already dreading having to make another identical one. 😩
@snaxolotl You can, and I usually do. This one is some pretty tricky cables though, so I didn’t bother, and now I’m regretting it. (Let me know if you give circular knitting a go and want help!)
RT @amazonnews: We applaud SCOTUS’s decision to protect LGBTQ employees from discrimination. This is a historic win in our nation’s long st…
@DVDBits Awww, that’s lovely! Good job.