Month: June 2020

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    @aimee_maree Mine is proudly on a shelf with my old GameBoy and my 1st gen iPod. 😂

    We have three AWS data experts lined up for a special meetup next Monday with the SYD, MEL, and BNE data engineering communities! Register here to claim your spot: @petehanssens @DataEngMeetup

    @snaxolotl Gorgeous!! Are those bobbles, or is it just a chunky moss stitch?

    @PhidMcAwesome We were literally just talking about that in my house yesterday. I think Kogan bought the brand? Would explain it.

    @snaxolotl Ooh, love how quickly a chunky knit comes together. Unfortunately doesn’t get cold enough in Sydney to wear often. 🙁 Protip: knitting in the round means less pieces and sewing up. (I *always* get bored when I have to knit the same thing more than once.)

    @snaxolotl I’m doing a sock in the round now which is fun but I’m already dreading having to make another identical one. 😩

    @snaxolotl You can, and I usually do. This one is some pretty tricky cables though, so I didn’t bother, and now I’m regretting it. (Let me know if you give circular knitting a go and want help!)

    RT @amazonnews: We applaud SCOTUS’s decision to protect LGBTQ employees from discrimination. This is a historic win in our nation’s long st…

    @DVDBits Awww, that’s lovely! Good job.

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    RT @yow_conf: 🔊 We are SUPER excited to announce #YOWData 2020 will be an online event from 30 June till 2 July.

    Learn from some of the b…

    Holy shit, Rex Parker pulling no punches on this Sunday’s NYTXW. (Yeah, definitely wasn’t one of our favourites.) Do better, @nytimes.

    RT @KevinMKruse: We were asked to do virtually *nothing* and even that proved to be too much for us.

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    Favourite things.

    Favourite things.

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    Looking to level up your data engineering skills? My colleague Syed is running a FREE three-hour workshop on AWS Lake Formation and Amazon Forecast next Friday! Thanks to @petehanssens and Data Eng Meetups for partering.

    RT @evacide: How is this not The Onion?

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    @rossbrigoli Same password everywhere is a problem regardless of what it is! 😉

    RT @FrickinDelanie: uncomfortable thinking about how large stoplights actually are

    RT @MittieArt: Hot Lucifer statue and the Even More Hot Lucifer statue the church accidentally commissioned to try and replace the first on…

    RT @LambdaLegal: No lies detected.


    Chernobyl memorial.

    RT @awscloud: AWS Enterprise Strategist, @ghohpe, discusses why the initial executive support of a cloud journey wears off, and how to real…

    RT @EmilyKager: tech bros in code reviews foam at the mouth about naming variables concisely and accurately but in any discussion about exc…

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    Mine was called a “Double Cheesegasm.” 😳🍔

    Mine was called a “Double Cheesegasm.” 😳🍔

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    RT @ProjectF_au: F Factor members: A week to go!
    Get a ticket with one of the codes you’ve been emailed this mornin…

    RT @datachick: Ladies, I’m specifically calling you. We tend to read all job postings as mandatory requirements. They are wish lists, not…

    RT @Gaohmee: I’m part of a new games industry group and someone asked who people would love and dream of working with and among the 130 com…

    Dropped in to ExpertTalks Sydney just in time to see @davefarley77 talking SCIENCE (his nomination for the greatest invention in human history) and how we use it to solve problems in software. 👨‍🔬 @EqualExperts @BethanTimmins

    Me: “So @davefarley77, you’re a big space geek. How is Continuous Delivery going to help us get to Mars?”
    Dave: “It involves blowing up a lot of rockets!” 🚀💥

    @gilmae @davefarley77 Indeed. He also quoted an interesting, new-to-me stat from Bezos – presumably about Blue Origin – something about, if the failure rate isn’t high enough, your experiments are too safe – but I can’t find a source for it…

    LOL. Just noticed that the headshot of me @MsJonesInSydney used for the upcoming @ProjectF_au meetup is, in fact, the one where I’m vibrating with joy because the Snook made me the swimming pool birthday cake. 😂 #totesprofesh

    Never met a cable I didn’t like!

    ‘My husband’s password is his ex-girlfriend’s name. I am devastated. What made him change it?’ // Am I the only one who read this and thought the real issue was the glaring security risk of having every password the same??

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    Never met a cable I didn’t like! @the.cookie.a #milo

    Never met a cable I didn’t like! @the.cookie.a #milo

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    @jonoabroad @gilmae He put the thermostat thingy together for homebrewing. Bread was an afterthought. 🙂

    @mattallen Well, technically this “trend” has been going on for nigh on 20 years now… 😂 #everythingoldisnewagain

    RT @davidmackau: 1) I love that he did this with Trevor Project. It shows how mindful he is of the harm her comments had on trans youth.

    RT @evergreenqveen: Stardew Valley Polly Pocket ⭐️🌿🌸

    RT @812filmreviews: “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

    -Albus Du…

    Done, though I was perplexed at the distinction between “Taste” and “Flavour” when choosing vegetables. 🤔

    @TheRealBnut The knitternet never rests, Bnut. 😉

    RT @choo_ek: Wondering why all my friends who are decidedly not having babies were posting a link to and my heart,…

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    Followed my nose after a meeting ended and gasped when I found this beauty. Looks like the Mad Scientist’s apparatus has the desired result! (It’s orange because it’s a spicy pumpkin bread!) ❤️🍞

    Followed my nose after a meeting ended and gasped when I found this beauty. Looks like the Mad Scientist’s apparatus has the desired result! (It’s orange because it’s a spicy pumpkin bread!) ❤️🍞