Month: July 2020

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    The Motherhood Rejection: ‘We Didn’t Need A Baby To Make Us Feel Complete’ @emmagannon – This resonated with me, right down to the conversation with my partner about it. We feel complete as we are.

    RT @ScientistMel: Hurt. Myself. Laughing. 😂🤣🤓👇🏻

    RT @RealLyndaCarter: Okay, seeing this last night totally made my birthday that much sweeter. Love your decor, @AOC! Never stop being fierc…

    @chixors @miles_jordan Oddly, I just discovered that you can only rate people in the APP, not on the desktop. Why in the world do they make that restriction??

    In today’s weird shit from the depths of the Snook’s office – anybody in Sydney interested in test tubes? Box of 75, never used but dusty, 150mm x 18mm. $20.

    Update: the bottles are gone! A nice young homebrewer came over and the Snook bequeathed him a ton of his old gear. They are still nerding out as we speak. 🍺🤓

    @misswired We aren’t sure how feasible it’ll be until we find our new place. At any rate, we’re certainly not carting a ton of old bottles halfway around the world. 😂

    RT @ekp: He was always Lex Luthor though

    RT @Xeans: Casual reminder that Elon Musk stole the sky from us.

    @twelveeyes @Andrea__Leong I’ve had a couple nibbles already on FB Marketplace. One guy says he’s paying now, so may already be gone!

    @Codeanddream @RyanChallen @flangerhanger @BlueCodeThree @carmenhchung @geoffreyd @CaitlinPB @nikkiricks @dkarzon @CodeTravelled @ashleydavis75 Hello! I’ve been maintaining a list of “Aussie Tech Women” for a few years now if you want to have a look: (I’m adding you to is as we speak!)

    More weird stuff from the Snook’s hoard: a set of 10 electroplated nickel silver dishes. $50 for the lot. Details over on Gumtree.

    @Andrea__Leong @twelveeyes Yep, someone who does after school programs with kids and wants them to play scientist. 😍 I couldn’t say no!

    @kiniacat I haven’t had any issues with the site myself. I feel really bad for the founders, because some of these folks are convinced that a website is killing them and there is no showing then otherwise. 😕

    This is so weird. I removed the listing and reposted it without mentioning the brand at all, and FB *still* flags it for “selling misleading products”. What the heck? Are counterfeit hiking backpacks some major scam that I’ve never come across?!

    @msharp It’s still in good nick; I just tend to take holidays these days where I wheel my luggage instead of uh, lug, it.

    Ep 14: Señor Snook makes a Margarita 🍹

    After the first few listens of @taylorswift13’s folklore, the line I can’t get out of my head is “I had a marvellous time ruining everything…”

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    Windsor Castle’s wartime pantomime pictures revealed – I love these! I wish they were available in prints; I would love to have a set. What a great story too… @RCT

    I have become a person who thinks to themself, “Ooh, track 5 is always devastating” while listening to Taylor Swift albums.

    The great purge has begun. Anyone in Sydney looking to upgrade their home office setup? I’ve got an IKEA desk (a little scuffed), 2 rolling chairs, and plastic floor protectors. They’re on FB Marketplace, but mate’s rates for Twitter buddies. Pick up in Chippendale!

    @LapTop006 Do you mean a table for making coffee on? It’s a little tall for a lounge style coffee table!

    @LapTop006 Sadly, no proper coffee table on offer. Just this desk: 120cm wide by 80cm deep. 74cm high.

    @jonoabroad Yep. Haven’t made any big announcement, but the news is out… we’re moving to Germany! I mean, once the government gives us permission to actually leave. (It’s a weird time to be planning a move.)

    @gilmae Our dining set is a zillion years old, dude. Chairs definitely need to be reupholstered. If you’re keen though, definitely open to offers.

    For any of my fellow olds who haven’t figured this out, Facebook Marketplace is where you go to offload shit. I’ve had like 10 people message me about office chairs, and I think some of them are actually going to turn up!

    @The_McJones I BELIEVE IN ALEX, TIM.

    @simonwaight I listed the same items on Gumtree at the same time. Not a single nibble. FB seems to have way more of eyeballs…

    @simonwaight $10 for a decent height-adjustable office chair went like hotcakes on FB, but zero on Gumtree. I’m as surprised as you are.

    Next up – IKEA Ivar. Need to store a bunch of stuff? Our whole set would set you back $400+, but we’ll take $100 for it. 7 side pieces; 15 small shelves; 3 large shelves; 3-drawer chest; cross-braces, hanging baskets, all the bits and bobs…

    @MitchPommers Mitch, you are welcome to it! It’s pretty configurable. I used one unit in my office for craft supplies; and Rodd had his full of books and home brewing equipment.

    So much stuff. Wii + 13 games + peripherals + Wii Fit + 2 guitars. Anybody interested? $200 negotiable. (DON’T JUDGE ME for the High School Musical Singalong game. It’s super fun.)

    @thesecretlab @parisba @TheMartianLife @The_McJones They turned up! We were so excited we threw in some floor mats too.

    Stuff the Snook has unearthed in his office so far today: printed out Yahoo Map instructions from 2010; an expired $50 Coles Myer gift card from 2009; a VideoEZY membership card from the 90’s; and two zen gardens.

    @twistieman He actually covered them up once we got cats (for the obvious reasons), so they haven’t been fulfilling their purpose!

    @bmusedbystandr We covered them up when we got the cats, too afraid that Amy would do a poo in them. 😂

    Huh. Tried to list a 65L Karrimor Lynx hiking backpack on FB Marketplace but it got flagged as potentially being a misleading/counterfeit product! It’s the real deal – bought it in 2000 thinking I’d be a much more active, roughing-it type traveller than I actually am. 😂

    @LapTop006 This one’s yours for $40! 🙂

    @gilmae I’ve inhaled a LOT of dust today.

    @drwitty_knitter @jonoabroad 😬

    @joannejacobs When the book came out, people kept telling me I’d love it, so I read it, and then I felt offended that they thought that.

    @chixors Helpful tip!

    @carbolicious He just showed me a printout of an email that Eman sent the both of us inviting us to a party at his house in London. It was from Jan 2000, before we were even going out. What a thing to have saved. ❤️😢

    Any Sydney homebrewers looking for 750ml swingtop bottles? The Snook’s offloading two dozen. $20 for the lot. Also good for kombucha. @cazjade?

    @msharp @cazjade @misswired Hehe, that’s who I was aiming for when I tagged the wrong account. 😂

    Fairly certain this was from the Netdecisions Summer Party circa 2001. WHAT BABIES WE WERE. (We were supposed to wear something representative of our home countries, hence my Minnie ears. IIRC the Snook had a small koala patch pinned inside his dinner ja…

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    Fairly certain this was from the Netdecisions Summer Party circa 2001. WHAT BABIES WE WERE. (We were supposed to wear something representative of our home countries, hence my Minnie ears. IIRC the Snook had a small koala patch pinned inside his dinner jacket.)

    Fairly certain this was from the Netdecisions Summer Party circa 2001. WHAT BABIES WE WERE. (We were supposed to wear something representative of our home countries, hence my Minnie ears. IIRC the Snook had a small koala patch pinned inside his dinner jacket.)

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    @mikegcoleman @gabehollombe @awscloud Awesome! Last month I got CloudFront working with a couple WordPress sites on Lightsail using the AWS WordPress Plugin. Is there any reason why I’d want to switch that to use this new feature, or is it same-same in the end?

    @JennaGuillaume Same.

    @mikegcoleman @gabehollombe @awscloud Thanks – that’s what I was guessing. It’s early days, so I’ll monitor bandwidth I’m using currently and check to see if switching saves me any money. (It’s a personal project, so it’s out of pocket!)

    RT @cspan: “My father, thankfully, is not alive to see how Mr. Yoho treated his daughter. My mother got to see Mr. Yoho’s disrespect on the…

    RT @marysuewriter: what’s dangerous about doomscrolling is that repeated emphasis on the importance of staying informed can easily trick yo…

    RT @VerityStothard: My FAVOURITE night of the SydCSS calendar is coming up – First Time Speaker Night! Join us online for another virtual e…

    RT @RubyMayMot: @FuckboisOfLit

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    @The_McJones @jeamland Bookmarking some fanfic hashtags as 👏 we 👏 speak 👏

    Role-playing in a mock customer meeting…

    X: “How’s your business going these days?”
    Y: “Well, our CIO is wearing a lemur onesie, so how do you think?” 😂

    @keystonelemur @cczona I should have clarified – I’m playing the CIO (and thus wearing the lemur onesie). 😂

    @cczona @keystonelemur

    @jeffringgenberg @genericrich @jasonfried We absolutely do, often for 30min or more at a time. The expectation is that readers literally mark it up with questions, feedback, etc. It was confronting the first time I did it but it’s so much better than being subjected to a slide deck.

    @gilmae This is basically @the_snook’s last cocktail… just minus the vodka, right?

    @jedws Oh god, Jed, I’m so sorry. Our older cat passed away in May and it still hurts.

    @darthted @SydTechLeaders @dp_lewis @Gemma_Stiles Hear hear! 👏

    @crankymate Oooh, I like the fancy microphone! Which one do you have?

    @boundvariable #thealligatorbloodwasokay

    @stephenlead @diversionary Actually we did try that. It didn’t work!

    @dp_lewis @darthted @crankymate @paulaburton_md @SydTechLeaders We actually did love having you. Thank you for sharing. ❤️ And yay for cameo by your cute little daughter!

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    RT @CaspianTheGeek: Neil can you please stop playing with my heart? I am not as young as I once was, thanks

    RT @SydTechLeaders: SURPRISE! We have added a 3rd speaker to tomorrow night’s meetup: @paulaburton_md is going to share her experience laun…

    @charis Could try out Honeycode!

    @pjf Someone I respect in the industry (👋 @lindamciver) sent me a message this week that she was at a bookclub meeting and one of the participants cited a talk I’d given. Made my day. ❤️

    It’s Pajama Day while working from home today. I must say, I’ve gotten a LOT more wear out of my lemur onesie than I expected when I bought it. 😂 @insideamazon #bepeculiar

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    It’s Pajama Day while working from home today. I must say, I’ve gotten a LOT more wear out of my lemur onesie than I expected when I bought it. 😂 @insideamazon #bepeculiar

    It’s Pajama Day while working from home today. I must say, I’ve gotten a LOT more wear out of my lemur onesie than I expected when I bought it. 😂 @insideamazon #bepeculiar

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    RT @CocoaBear_: Baby is serving it up on a platter Chile 😭

    RT @venkat_s: If you’re attending an online session and the instructor/presenter requests you to be interactive, please take some extra eff…

    @jeamland @ArtProcessors Yay, congrats!!

    Literally wrote my valedictory address in the car on the way to commencement ceremony.

    RT @womensart1: ‘Wild poppies’ by Colleen Parker, contemporary artist and illustrator #womensart

    @damana GENIUS. Why doesn’t Australia package Goon and Pizza Shapes or something like that? 😂

    A Glimpse Inside the Workshops of the World’s Finest Panama Hat Makers – Absolutely love this kind of deep dive on talented craftspeople. (I suspect learning to weave is definitely in my future at some point…)

    RT @jrhunt: The meaty part of this is at the end:

    @jrhunt @ianmiell The whole thing was interesting to me, in that I’m about to move internationally for a DevRel role. It addresses the nagging worry in my head – that if the value is in the credibility I’ve built, is that actually transferable from one place to another? (I really hope so.)

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    @Amys_Kapers You’re… teaching people Flash?? 😳

    @hannahcancode I read an article about the anniversary yesterday that mentioned the “Dress Me” application and immediately thought of your talk!

    RT @icarus_drowned: Excuse me while I go scream

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    @polleyg @matthiasbaetens @rabernat @GCPcloud @awscloud @alexvb Sorry – slept in! Looks like you’ve got heaps of options and advice. If no one’s mentioned yet, there should be a Solutions Architect assigned to your account. Happy to investigate and connect you with whoever that is. (Free technical resource!)

    @videosmithery Congratulations Sam!!

    RT @6arks: god i cant wait to be a home owner in the future so i can host family gatherings and have dinners in my dining room that looks l…

    RT @ACLU: John Lewis was a true civil rights hero. He showed us all an America worth fighting for.

    His passing, at this moment in our hist…

    SHIT. That’s my neighbourhood.

    Mary’s Rooftop with an amazing Sydney winter sky…

    The day got even better. 🍔🍻

    The Snook is cleaning out his office and has stumbled across a TREASURE TROVE, my friends… #zxspectrum

    “In high-resolution colour with sound effects…” 🤨 #zxspectrum

    I love the idea that someone would log their stamp collection on this thing. “1500 records of up to nine items on one cassette”! #zxspectrum

    This looks like something you’d draw on your notebook in 7th grade. “Are these lizard monsters… holding hands??” #zxspectrum

    “I think we can safely assume that this one is racist AF…” #zxspectrum

    You may be wondering who the famous people are. I am sad to tell you that the instructions do not mention. #zxspectrum

    This appears to be an enormously complicated game where you simulate a British General election. Man, video games used to be INTERESTING. #zxspectrum

    True story – one of the first programs I ever wrote was to calculate biorhythms on my TI-85 graphing calculator! #zxspectrum

    I love the idea that they just rebranded the stamp collecting database app into a club record app. #zxspectrum

    And here it is… The holy grail. The Hobbit. I love the instructions. I thought “Inglish” was a typo at first, but it’s the little natural language DSL they invented for it! #zxspectrum

    Best part: “Yeah, there might be bugs. Sorry.” #zxspectrum

    @KnitMeAThneed Apparently it’s the second most downloaded software on the Internet Archive’s historical software section if you want to play it again!

    @MichelePlayfair Apparently his brother-in-law was importing games and selling them via mail order! So these would’ve come from him.

    I’m a little sad that I never had the ZX Spectrum growing up. (Never penetrated the American market.) Instead I was messing about with an Atari 800XL. My parents never got us cool games like these though!

    Ep 13: Don’t call it an Espresso Martini… 😜

    Trivia: this one features the first edit I’ve made in the entire series! (@chrisgander will be so pleased.)

    @msharp We’re a little dubious whether the tapes are still readable to be honest!

    If you missed it late last night…

    @msharp Interesting! We have to figure out what to do with these. Part of the impetus for cleaning out the office is that we’re… moving out of Sydney for a while. So while you and the ZX might be here, we will probably not be!

    @chrisgander It added like an HOUR to the process, getting from phone to laptop, doing the edit, and then exporting back to YouTube. So you better like it. 🙂