The Motherhood Rejection: ‘We Didn’t Need A Baby To Make Us Feel Complete’ @emmagannon – This resonated with me, right down to the conversation with my partner about it. We feel complete as we are.
RT @ScientistMel: Hurt. Myself. Laughing. 😂🤣🤓👇🏻
RT @RealLyndaCarter: Okay, seeing this last night totally made my birthday that much sweeter. Love your decor, @AOC! Never stop being fierc…
@chixors @miles_jordan Oddly, I just discovered that you can only rate people in the APP, not on the desktop. Why in the world do they make that restriction??
In today’s weird shit from the depths of the Snook’s office – anybody in Sydney interested in test tubes? Box of 75, never used but dusty, 150mm x 18mm. $20.
Update: the bottles are gone! A nice young homebrewer came over and the Snook bequeathed him a ton of his old gear. They are still nerding out as we speak. 🍺🤓
@misswired We aren’t sure how feasible it’ll be until we find our new place. At any rate, we’re certainly not carting a ton of old bottles halfway around the world. 😂
RT @ekp: He was always Lex Luthor though
RT @Xeans: Casual reminder that Elon Musk stole the sky from us.
@twelveeyes @Andrea__Leong I’ve had a couple nibbles already on FB Marketplace. One guy says he’s paying now, so may already be gone!
@Codeanddream @RyanChallen @flangerhanger @BlueCodeThree @carmenhchung @geoffreyd @CaitlinPB @nikkiricks @dkarzon @CodeTravelled @ashleydavis75 Hello! I’ve been maintaining a list of “Aussie Tech Women” for a few years now if you want to have a look: (I’m adding you to is as we speak!)
More weird stuff from the Snook’s hoard: a set of 10 electroplated nickel silver dishes. $50 for the lot. Details over on Gumtree.
@Andrea__Leong @twelveeyes Yep, someone who does after school programs with kids and wants them to play scientist. 😍 I couldn’t say no!
@kiniacat I haven’t had any issues with the site myself. I feel really bad for the founders, because some of these folks are convinced that a website is killing them and there is no showing then otherwise. 😕
This is so weird. I removed the listing and reposted it without mentioning the brand at all, and FB *still* flags it for “selling misleading products”. What the heck? Are counterfeit hiking backpacks some major scam that I’ve never come across?!
@msharp It’s still in good nick; I just tend to take holidays these days where I wheel my luggage instead of uh, lug, it.
Ep 14: Señor Snook makes a Margarita 🍹
After the first few listens of @taylorswift13’s folklore, the line I can’t get out of my head is “I had a marvellous time ruining everything…”