Month: July 2020

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    RT @honeycombio: We’re excited to announce two new openings on our engineering team! Come join the hive! 🐝🍯🎉🌈

    – Product Engineer
    – Platfor…

    RT @OzKitsch: The world is gonna know your name. What’s your name, man?

    “Wait, I’m pretty sure I made the bed this morning…” 😺

    RT @Lin_Manuel: Stage Manager: half hour ladies and gentlemen, this is your half hour call. Remember there will be cameras at tonight’s sho…

    @sdwagar 5pm Friday night here – PERFECT!

    @mmastertheone Oh wow! Hmm, normally I’d say yes but given that we’re getting ready to move, I’m trying not to accumulate more stuff. 😂

    @mmastertheone But thank you though!

    Knitters – tomorrow morning I’m leading a workshop for @KnitGuildNSW on how to use @ravelry. What’s your favourite lesser-known feature? Any groups you’ve stumbled across that are worth highlighting?

    RT @DaniConnorWild: I put my microphone in front of a baby red squirrel. Part 2

    @jrhunt Congrats!

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    “Wait, I’m pretty sure I made the bed this morning…” 😺

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    @hannahcancode AMAZING. I keep trying to convince @the_snook to make them for me but he is a lazybones. 😛

    @stibbons @pjf I’m so happy to hear it! That’s awesome. 🙂

    RT @futuregarfield: 06/08/2050

    RT @thingskatedid: Adding important things to my http responses

    😳 As a transplanted Yank, I feel strongly the answer is JUST PEANUT BUTTER.

    @twasink Honey… I will allow. Carry on.

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    19. I built websites for my uni’s IT department, and I helped with the rollout of ethernet connectivity in our dorm.

    @samnevers Thank you! I had so much fun. What’s funny is how often I do these talks and discover other Communication/theater people working in tech. ❤️ We’re out there!

    I had a fantastic time today talking about mentoring, confidence, and leadership with the Ladies of @lendiau. Thanks so much to @nafisa13 and the team for inviting me!

    @sarah_federman Thank you Sarah!! ❤️


    Manscaping. 😍

    RT @indigitek: @yow_conf New Voices in Tech program is open to women and non-binary femme people living in Australia, to enable a wider ran…

    I have lived in this country for 20 years and somehow never learned of this abomination until today. 😳

    @jonoabroad Quite possibly.

    @corduroy @JulieKalitis

    RT @SydCSS: August is going to be a first time speaker night at #sydcss If you’ve been thinking about presenting for the first time this is…

    Started my day with 4 minutes of pure joy, courtesy of @HamiltonMusical. Almost time for #HamilParty this weekend!

    RT @lizthegrey: Goddamnit, milkshake ducked 🙁

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    Manscaping, courtesy of @mensculturebarber. 😍

    Manscaping, courtesy of @mensculturebarber. 😍