Month: August 2021

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    @julielerman Film and Theater BA 🙌

    Stanford graduate student combines passions for quilting and coding to create app to help quilters – Hypergraphs + math + paper piecing for quilts? 😍 I love that this is being presented at @siggraph! (Thanks @daveathomas for the link!)

    Today I discovered the @ListenToSassy podcast ( which is so completely my jam I time traveled back to the early 90’s. (Yes, that’s me on a fake Sassy cover I got at a theme park because I was JUST THAT COOL.) 😎

    @emd3737 @ListenToSassy Six months ago we were talking about what we’d buy if we were millionaires, and I swear my answer was “complete back issues of Sassy.” (I’m on Ep2 already and CRACKING UP.)

    @emd3737 @ListenToSassy @dunneteach Same, I think my Mom threw mine out whenI went to college along with my prized tie-dyed t-shirt with the hand painted “woman” symbol I got from a hippie advertising in the Sassy back classifieds. 😂

    @TaraAriano @emd3737 @dunneteach Tara. This is relevant to my interests. 😳

    @TaraAriano @emd3737 Five euros is a small price to pay for recapturing one’s wayward youth. Done! Looking forward to more episodes…

    @mmastertheone Oh nice!

    @pamelaribon @ListenToSassy I *think* it’s from our 8th grade marching band trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, circa 1991-ish. I thought I was the absolute *shit*, you know? 😂❤️

    @pamelaribon @ListenToSassy Nooo no. Sadly no. That would have required a level of self-confidence that even a tie-dyed tank and John Lennon sunglasses couldn’t give that little Midwestern wallflower. 😂

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    True story – I saw @soganmageshwar present on building Alexa Skills well before I joined the team at AWS, and he turned me from a skeptic about voice UIs into someone that has now built several voice apps. If you want to learn more about it, you should join this free workshop!

    RT @alex_casalboni: As a developer 👨‍💻👩‍💻 what’s your main pain point when building/running apps on AWS? My DMs are open 💬

    @seemewiddemHANS Not all of us! 🥇(County Spelling Bee champion right here!)

    RT @richdevelops: Get your applications in people.

    Becoming a community member is a great way meet other people passionate about AWS. http…

    @stringy @saltychemicals Awww, thanks Julie. If it helps, I can also recommend the amazing folks at @indigitek. I’ve been fortunate to attend some of their events (back in the pre-Covid days) and always came away feeling inspired.

    Homemade bulgogi with kimchi and beer. 😍🍚 @ Munich, Germany

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    Homemade bulgogi with kimchi and beer. 😍🍚

    Homemade bulgogi with kimchi and beer. 😍🍚

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    Date night! There’s a highly rated Vietnamese place in our neighbourhood, and it didn’t disappoint. Haven’t had food like this since we left Sydney. 😍🍚 @ Ca Go Restaurant

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    Date night! There’s a highly rated Vietnamese place in our neighbourhood, and it didn’t disappoint. Haven’t had food like this since we left Sydney. 😍🍚

    Date night! There’s a highly rated Vietnamese place in our neighbourhood, and it didn’t disappoint. Haven’t had food like this since we left Sydney. 😍🍚

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    Honestly, a 30min video catchup with @gabehollombe does more for my mood than any amount of caffeine. ❤️

    RT @draecomino: Gryffindor: Product
    Ravenclaw: Engineering
    Slytherin: BD
    Hufflepuff: Support

    New pristine white bicycle helmet inspired me to open up my sticker bag for the first time in 18 months. Decisions, decisions… 🤔🌈☠️

    @dirk_f5r Too many options. I really love the rainbow @freesewing_org skull! I might need to try a few combinations… 😂

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    New pristine white bicycle helmet inspired me to open up my sticker bag for the first time in 18 months. Decisions, decisions… 🤔🌈☠️

    New pristine white bicycle helmet inspired me to open up my sticker bag for the first time in 18 months. Decisions, decisions… 🤔🌈☠️

    New pristine white bicycle helmet inspired me to open up my sticker bag for the first time in 18 months. Decisions, decisions… 🤔🌈☠️

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    @TheRealBnut @mmastertheone OH GOOD GRIEF. Well spotted!

    RT @anildash: “[N]o single company has ever failed at something this badly, for this long, with this many different products.” Phew. https:…

    RT @gabehollombe: We’re looking for mid & senior full stack developers to help us build apps/tools/platforms to help streamline & scale how…

    @rchrdbyd Hmm. Depends. If it’s a complete rando, I’d probably ask [x] first if they were cool with me looping them in. If we’re all colleagues, then I’d just CC them in. (Did that today, in fact.)

    One year ago we boarded the plane for Germany. Today I actually considered wearing socks and Birkenstocks outside the home. 😳🇩🇪

    @rchrdbyd In that case CC, and I voted as such. 👍

    Almost at the end of NGE. Asuka having a breakdown while being on her period and alternating between zombie depression and yelling that she hates everybody… didn’t NOT make me identify with her. 🙃

    RT @Vel12171: First AWS Serverless hero from Africa 🎉🎉🎉- congratulations @atehrosius 🇨🇲🇨🇲 , so well-deserved! Well done to all the heroes.…

    Congrats to @adv4000 on being named an AWS Hero! If you’re looking to learn about AWS in the Russian language, you should check out his videos. 👏👏👏

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    @DVDBits The fact that I immediately related to Asuka always yelling at dumb boys like ineffectual Shinji who keeps getting praised despite him not even wanting this challenge they’ve been given… probably says a lot.

    @crankymate @lemon_lime I was hoping with the last few days slowing down that maybe things were turning around. 🙁

    Anybody in Munich know what the deal is with the little cars?? We saw them on the weekend and then again tonight! 🚗🚗🚗🚗

    @alexcg @hxiao @JinaAI_ Oh fun! If they haven’t locked us down and the biergartens are open, happy to catch up for a beer if you like.

    RT @alex_casalboni: ⚡ New feature ⚡ AWS Lambda Power Tuning now allows you to compare 2 tuning results on the same chart 📈

    For example, he…

    @mmastertheone I think you might be right! Maybe it’s these folks:

    @HamoDonk Whaaaaat. Congrats!!

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    Came to the office today and realised it’s probably been at least 18 months since I did a lift selfie! 🤯 @ Munich, Germany

    @kaydo That was the only thing that cheered me up on a cool, rainy day – getting to wear my lovely new raincoat. ☺️

    @TheRealBnut @hannahcancode Agree! Really cute 😀

    Me, watching Neon Genesis Evangelion for 1st time:

    Eps 1-18: I get it. It’s, like, Pacific Rim but with some random Bible stuff layered in. Asuka rules.


    Ep 20: 😳 I did NOT need that closing bedroom convo.

    Ep 21: 🤯 “Old hag”?!?!


    @DVDBits Rodd did warn me (he’s seen it before) that this would likely be me at some point, and I shouldn’t hold it against him.