New glasses. Who dis? (Literally.)
Month: May 2024
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If you’re at the #AWS Summit Singapore, be sure to stop by the Developer Lounge (in the Orchid Ballroom)! We have lots of stickers, community talks, and fun demos to check out.
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Ahhhh, Singapore. Beautiful city; sticky heat; cold beer; and good friends.
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Kicking off a big month of work travel. I look forward to seeing everyone at the #AWS Singapore Summit on Tuesday!
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German Cultural Day Festival at the @goetheinstitut_australien in Sydney! Viel Spaß mit Festbier und Brez’n und Musik.
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Week 9: The rendering is mostly finished! It’s nice to be past the “omg we wrecked our house” demolition phase and starting to see what the finished product will be like. The TV mount arrived today, so still working on the new living room wall. The kitchen tiled floor is also being adjusted to meet flush with the new wooden one in the dining room. And the tub is in! A tub I can actually extend my legs in!
And now we find ourselves at critical juncture that has detailed many a Grand Design – ordering the windows. Wish us luck….
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The home renovation continues, but we’re starting to collect some new pieces to decorate. I was thrilled to nab one of these deconstructed GameBoy pieces from @xreart_official!