Month: January 2025

  • Sydney Festival Volunteering

    The Sydney Festival has begun! I wasn’t rostered on any volunteering shifts until next weekend, but I got an emergency message last night asking if I could help out at Bondi today. Why not? So I slipped on my yellow shirt, slapped on my Festival hat, and slopped on some sunscreen before making the trek out to Bondi. It was an absolutely beautiful day.


    I headed to the Pavilion and found the setup area for The Whale. The folks from Spare Parts Puppet Theatre had set up the scaffolding yesterday and then blocked it off for the night. I helped take down the barriers and bollards.

    The Whale at Bondi Pavilion
    The puppets – including the 10m long whale – were being prepped nearby. I got to help carry out the whale!

    Whale puppet

    The talented puppeteers got to work hanging the whale and the other sea creatures

    Hanging the puppets
    The whale was in two parts, with the lower part made of billowing netting. She also had thousands of LEDs inside that should look beautiful at night.

    Assembling the whale
    Once they had her hung, they spent a lot of time tweaking the position of the support ropes. “Do you need any help?” “Sure, grab that rope!” I was excited to lend a hand.

    Me holding the rope for a whale puppet
    And then it was time to open to the public! There was a steady stream of folks coming to and from the beach, and we invited them to check out the whale and help her swim by pulling on the ropes. I made a little video. You can also hear some of the amazing music.

    It was pretty hot. I diligently applied sunscreen and refilled my water bottle regularly. My fellow volunteer Pete bright me a much needed Zooper Dooper. 😂

    Zooper Doopers

    A lot of people were shy about coming up to the artwork. I spent a lot of time tugging on ropes myself and yelling to passersby: “WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A GO? IT’S FREE AND REALLY FUN!”

    And then later I took a break and got myself a Frosty Fruits.

    Me eating a Frosty Fruits
    At 4 we put the whale to “sleep” for an hour so everyone could have a break. My shift over, I couldn’t resist taking one more photo on the beach.

    Me at Bondi

    What a fun day! The Whale is running for ten days, and I’ll be back for another shift next weekend. If you’re in Sydney, you should check it out.

  • The Whale

    The Whale

    First day of Sydney Festival volunteering! Please endorse me for WHALE WRANGLING on LinkedIn. 😂

  • Sports day

    Sports day

    We’ve had this TV for two years, and today I was finally motivated to figure out picture-in-picture. I’ve got the Aussie cricketers trying to finish off India, as well as Notre Dame (currently) beating Georgia. GO IRISH! 🍀

  • iOS Shortcuts for WordPress Bloggers

    You may have noticed I’m posting a lot more lately. It’s partly because I’m not working, plus a bit of conscious effort… plus a couple effort-saving shortcuts I’ve set up.

    In the past, I used to share images to Instagram and then had an IFTTT applet run to post those images to WordPress as blog posts. I wanted to flip that model and instead first post to my own site, and THEN have the option of sharing to Instagram or other social networks. The solution I’ve landed on is to use an iOS Shortcut as a Share Sheet action. That means I take a photo, click the Share button, and then click the Post with Pic shortcut.

    iOS Shortcuts

    The Shortcut first prompts me for a Post Title, Post Content, and Image Alt Text. It then converts the image to a JPG and uploads it to the WordPress Media API along with the title and alt text. Next, it creates a new post with the title and content, and sets the newly uploaded image as the Featured Image for the post. It also copies the Post Content to the clipboard and reopens the Share Sheet in case I want to then post the image to Instagram or any other social networks. Lastly, it opens my site so I can see the new post.

    Post with Pic ShortcutAs you can see, it’s a pretty lengthy Shortcut. You can download a blank version for yourself from here. There are a few places you’ll need to tweak and customise for your own setup. (I recommend doing that on your laptop rather than trying to do it on the phone directly.) You’ll first need to set up an Application-Specific Password for your WordPress User. There’s a Text action where you’ll need to put in your WordPress username and that application-specific password for authentication. There are also three places where you need to replace [yourdomain] with the URL to your own site. Once you’ve got it updated, click the Info icon and make sure you’ve checked “Show in Share Sheet.” Then you should be good to go! (I built this based on Chuck Grimmett’s Shortcut and helpful blog post.)

    And yes, I know that Shortcuts has a “Post to WordPress” action built in. However, I could not get the damn thing to work! I suspect it’s because it uses XML-RPC, and I have that locked down for security. This version with the Rest API works just fine.

    Upload Images to WordPress ShortcutThere’s a second Shortcut in the Share Sheet above: Upload Images to WordPress. This is for when I have a number of images I want to use in a post. You can upload through the WordPress iOS app, but I’ve found it clunky and slow. It also defaults to uploading at full resolution too. This shortcut works a lot better. I simply select several images in the Photos app, hit Share, and then the relevant Shortcut. It converts each one to JPG and resizes to 1000px wide before uploading. You can grab it here. Again, you’ll need to put in your username and application password. You’ll also need to put your domain name in for the API URL. You may also need to give it some permissions the first time you run it. Depending on how powerful your server is, you may need to limit how many photos you try to upload at once. Note: this one doesn’t do any titles or alt text. But this is for bulk uploading, and I then add in the metadata when I’m composing the post itself.

    I hope you find these useful!

  • Storage hack for herbs

    I blew my friend Amy’s mind with this trick last week. Basically, you can massively extend the life of your herbs and salad greens by replacing some of the oxygen in their storage bag with carbon dioxide. You can either squeeze the air out, or if you want to be really thorough you can use your mouth to inhale it. Then just fit the bag over the nozzle of your Sodastream and add a few puffs of CO2 before sealing it off.

  • Skill Trees

    Skill Trees

    I had some fun today colouring in boxes on my Sewing and Adventure Skill Trees. Looking forward to filling in some more of these this year!

  • Lucky dinner

    Lucky dinner

    The Snook made our traditional lucky dish for New Year’s Day: black-eyed peas with kale and andouille. To continued prosperity!

  • Marimekko Arkie shirt

    Marimekko Arkie shirt

    Starting the year with another finished project! I used the bulk of the remainder of my Marimekko Unikko fabric to make myself a Tessuti Arkie shirt. This is actually the third time I’ve used this pattern, and the last one was so roomy that I decided to go down a size in the body. I left off the pockets, and I moved the break point and top button up about an inch. Looks good, right? I was worried it would be a little too clown-like with the bright colour and large print, but I think it’s fun and suits me.

  • Sleeve pinning

    Sleeve pinning

    Peggy Olson knows that the best way to set in a sleeve is to use a LOT of pins. (I know some of you can do it with zero. I’m not there yet.)

  • Weisswurst Frühstück

    Weisswurst Frühstück

    Because if you had the opportunity to start the New Year with Weisswurst Frühstück, why wouldn’t you? 🥨🍻