Tag: cats

  • Photo Post

    โ€œYouโ€™re not really going to leave me here, are you??โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ฟ (Petey has to stay at the vet for a while.)

    โ€œYouโ€™re not really going to leave me here, are you??โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ฟ (Petey has to stay at the vet for a while.)

  • Photo post

    Portrait of a Grump.

    Portrait of a Grump.

  • Cat Craziness.

    Dr. Amy Jones was driving us CRAZY this morning, scratching and meowing at the bed for hours. We tried locking her up in the bathroom, giving her an early breakfast, refreshing her water, everything. She was just being a total poophead. Snookums thinks maybe the wind gusts scared her, or else the lunar eclipse messed with her brain. Me, I’m wondering if my Depo shot last week has screwed with her hormones.

  • Dr. Amy Jones: 1, Absolute Domestics: 0

    Me: Hi, I had a message to call you regarding our cleaner, Nurgul.
    Her: Yes… Nurgul contacted us this morning. Now, I understand you have a cat.
    Me: Yes. Oh God, did she get out? Is she lost or something?
    Her: No. Your cat is making Nurgul anxious.
    Me: What? Anxious?
    Her: Yes. She’s sent the job back to us to find you a new cleaner.
    Me: That’s so weird. She’s really skittish, I swear!
    Her: *laughing* Well, she must have done something to scare off Nurgul!
    Me: That little shit…

    So yeah, Nurgul lasted all of ONE visit. I even made sure to let them know ahead of time that we had a cat (so we didn’t get a cleaner who’s allergic or anything), so it’s not like it was a surprise. I wonder what the hell the little monster did.

  • I can’t resist.

    I can’t resist. She’s just so cute!

    Amy on my lap

    Upside-down kitty

    She’s been sitting on my lap tonight learning about the Internet. We’re bonding.

    The gutter-minded among you will be amused to note that the Snook, upon receiving these pictures from me, proceeded to forward them to his work buddies with the subject line: “Pictures of my girlfriend’s pussy.” Actually even I thought that was pretty funny.

  • Day 2 of Cat Ownership

    I’m tired. I feel like Dooce. Okay, that’s not true. If there’s a scale of maternal misery, she’s at, like, 100 and I’m at 7. But my level of sympathy for her is going way up. I spent the whole night lying awake listening to Amy meow pitifully in the bathroom. I knew she’d go to sleep eventually but it just broke my heart to hear her. Then I started envisioning all the things that could happen in there. “Snookums, our toilet seat isn’t very heavy. She could push it up with her head and fall in and drown! Oh, and I left the bottle of hand soap on the sink. She could accidentally push it and then lick the soap and get poisoned!” He’d just grunt, turn over, and start snoring again. Eventually she quieted down and I feel into an uneasy sleep. This morning we gingerly opened the bathroom door to see her peeking out at us from her new cat bed. And lo and behold, she’d done a poo and a wee in her litterbox! Good girl, Amy!

    I’m going to get her a scratching post tonight. So far she’s tried scratching her little claws on the couch, the bathroom rug, my jeans, and the dining room chairs. Only the first two are acceptable. Now the only decision is whether my cat-mommy guilt will allow me to purchase the cheap one-tier post or whether I’ll shell out $100 for the ultra mega three-tier-and-a-tunnel playground. We’ll see.

    I swear this isn’t going to become a total CatBlog. It’s just the novelty of the thing. You may have to sit through a few more pictures though… ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Introducing Dr. Amy Jones!

    Introducing Dr. Amy Jones!

    Dr. Amy Jones

    And just like that, we’re a family.

    The cat’s name was originally going to be Dr. Alowicious Jones, but that’s really more of a boy’s name and she’s a girl. So then we came up with the idea of naming her after my sister, for the pure comedy of saying, “Amy shat all over the floor!” and “Amy’s coughing up a hairball.” Think of it as a compliment, Sis. ๐Ÿ™‚