Tag: cosplay

  • Halloween 2010

    Pickled BrainEven though we cancelled our annual party this year, I still felt the need to exercise my Halloween crafty impulses. Luckily there are a couple other people at work who like the holiday, so we combined forces to throw a party on Friday. (It was also our end-of-the-month drinks, so that worked out nicely.)

    Throughout the week, I brought in Halloween decorations to liven up my corner of the office. I also made a pilgrimage to Sugar Fix to get candy corn and mini Reese’s Cups, which I put out in bowls on my desk. (Want to be popular? Free Reese’s Cups are the answer.) Thursday night I made a batch of my traditional Witches’ Finger Cookies. I went with a shortbread recipe this year, which helped retain the details a little better. They were a huge hit! I also broke out my brain mould and whipped up Igor’s Pickled Brain. I’ve done panna cotta before, but this one is basically a giant White Russian set with gelatin. I kept in the fridge all day at work and unmolded it at the end of the day. For sauce, I just poured on some stewed berries from a can, which looked suitably gross. People went NUTS! At one point there were like six people around it taking photos. Very gratifying! It was tasty too, with a strong coffee flavour. Quite a kick, too. My co-worker Gemma brought a lot of other snacks, including some excellent sugar cookies, chocolate crackles, and decorated cupcakes. Most of the office was on a sugar high all day long.

    Halloween Spread

    Alice in Wonderland

    My costume was very last minute. I’d been toying with a few different ideas. In the end, I pulled out my Lucy dress from Halloween 2008. This was sewn from a pattern that was actually intended as an Alice in Wonderland dress. So, why not be Alice? Unfortunately there was a problem as soon as I pulled it on – this thing was WAY too short for wearing at work. So I worked late into the night Thursday cutting up an old bedsheet to make myself a petticoat. I also made a small pinafore/apron to wear over the top. The Snook lent me his little white rabbit and made a tiny pocketwatch for him to wear. With a pair of white knee socks and an Alice band, I was ready. I changed just before lunchtime on Friday, and the reaction was great! In fact, at the end of the day, my boss announced they were giving a bottle of wine to the best costume… and I won! That was pretty awesome, especially considering just about all of it was homemade.

  • Halloween 2009 Photos

    Kenny and Dolly again - click to enlargeThis year’s party photos are finally up! As always, I spent way too much time running around and took far too few photos of the actual guests. The food is well-documented though! Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially Eileen for pitching in with all the prep work. See you all next year!

  • Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween from Kenny and Dolly!

    Kenny and Dolly

    Islands in the stream, that is what we are…

  • Boba Fett!

    Boba FettThat bounty hunter is my kind of scum!
    The Snook and I both discovered rather last minute that some folks in our respective offices would be dressing up for Halloween. I quickly laid claim to the Snook’s Boba Fett helmet. As I was getting dressed this morning, I lamented that I didn’t have a blaster. “Yes you do!” Snookums said. “Your stepmom got you one for Christmas years ago. It’s still in the package!” And so it was! Frickin’ awesome. I brought along a bunch of stuff to decorate my desk and cracked open a bag of candy corn for my co-workers. (The Snook went as Indiana Jones, but I haven’t gotten a picture yet.)

    And no, these aren’t our official costumes for the party tomorrow… You’ll have to wait another day!

  • Blockhead

    I just realized that I forgot to properly document my most recent Finished Object! “Blockhead” was designed partly as a Halloween costume and partly just as a jumper I thought the Snook would like. The pattern itself is from Wendy leaflet #5101, which is the exact same one I used for the Long Sleeve Cotton Polo. Because the zig-zag would be done as intarsia, I couldn’t knit the body in the round as I normally do. So the front and back were knitted separately to the armholes; then the whole thing was joined up on one circ for the yoke and collar. The yarn is Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (80% cotton, 20% merino) that I ordered direct from the mill in the US. It was ridiculously cheap (luckily I got it before the Aussie dollar collapsed) and I used less than 7 skeins for the whole jumper. The yarn was wonderful to knit with, much less splitty than the Jo Sharp cotton, and I think it’ll be a good weight for our climate. Snookums actually graphed the zig-zag for me (after much analysis of the comic strip) and it’s available for download as a PDF here. Now all I need are some buttons and it’s done!

  • Happy Halloween from Charlie Brown and Lucy!

    Charlie Brown and Lucy

    Great party! It’s 1:15am and the last of the guests has left. We’ve stored what leftovers we can and put the rest in the bin. It’s time for a much needed sleep… Photos when we finally get up again!

    Sixteen hours later: Okay, the photos are up! As usual, I spent too much time socializing and not enough time taking pictures of the guests. You can see more (and better) photos of the festivities at: Andrew’s site, Bex’s Flickr page. I’m sure there will be more as people get them uploaded. Incidentally, I think we set some kind of a record with this party. More than 50% of the guests were bloggers! (Links on the photo page.)

    SPECIAL THANKS to: Fiona for helping me with my dress, Emily for carving the scary jack-o-lantern, Amy for her last-minute decorating assistance, and to all of the guests that brought special treats. It’s actually very humbling that so many of you are willing to come and share in our craziness with this event every year!

  • More Halloween love

    Our Mythbusters Halloween costume got some more attention this week. Mathowie posted it to del.icio.us and then mentioned it in the latest MetaFilter podcast. He referred to me as a “sexy Adam Savage”!

  • Adam Savage

    Sweeeeet! Mythbuster Adam Savage left a Metafilter comment complimenting me on my Halloween costume. My Dad is gonna be SO IMPRESSED.

  • Happy Halloween

    Happy Halloween from the Mythbusters

    Me and Snook as Adam and Jamie

    This marks the third year I’ve gone in drag. I’m getting a little tired of having a beard! Next year I’ll have to go as something ultra-girly, I think.

    Anyway, our 5th annual Halloween party was a smashing success. Pics will be up once we’ve finished putting the house back together…

  • Heroes of Australia

    Our 4th Annual Halloween Extravaganza went even better than I’d hoped! The creativity and fun of our friends never fails to astound me. I’ve got a lot more photos to upload – including some of the Snook’s greatest culinary creation to-date, the Meat Cake – but here’s one to tide you over:

    Jolly Swagman, Steve Irwin, and Ned Kelly

    The Snook and I had settled on a theme of “Heroes of Australia” for our costumes this year, and to our surprise Andrew‘s costume fit right in as well. I’m dressed as the Jolly Swagman from Waltzing Matilda. (Note my authentic cork hat, billy can, and the jumbuck in me tucker bag.) Andrew is, of course, dressed as Steve Irwin. Complete with a scary looking barb poking out of his chest. (When he came in the door I was like, “You DIDN’T!” And he was all, “BUT I DID!” Brilliant.) And last is the Snook, dressed as Australia’s most famous bushranger and outlaw: Ned Kelly. (You can admire the craftsmanship of his armour by comparing it to the originals.)

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some meat cake to eat for breakfast…