Purple Ripple Afghan

Purple Ripple AfghanPurple Ripple Afghan
This is like my second major crocheted thing. So I guess I’m not really allowed to tease crocheters anymore, am I? ONE OF YOU, HOOKERS; ONE OF YOU. Anyhoo, last year at the Wollongong knitting retreat I won a packet of purple Patons Shadow Tweed at the trivia contest. I had no idea what to do with it. Then I saw my friend Devvy post a photo of her ripple afghan on Ravelry. Gorgeous! I have fond memories of family members with crochet afghans on the back of their sofas when I was growing up. It was time for me to make an afghan.

I used the same pattern that Devvy did: Easy Ripple Afghan. I can’t remember how many stitches I chained to start; it was probably the 178 suggested in the pattern. I used a 6mm crochet hook. I started it last winter, set it aside in the warmer months, and then picked it up again this year when it got cold. It was nice to sit under it while I was working on it! I used up all ten balls in the packet. I wish it were a bit bigger, but the wool is discontinued and I can’t seem to find anymore. (It’s colour 6909 if anybody has any they’re willing to part with!) As it is, it’s a nice lap rug for one person and it fits perfectly on the back of the couch. A very satisfying little project… (Continue on for more photos.)Purple Ripple Afghan

Purple Ripple Afghan

Purple Ripple Afghan

Olivia’s Rainbow Blanket and BSJ

Rainbow Baby BlanketOlivia’s Rainbow Blanket and BSJ
Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that the first two projects shown on my knitting round-up below haven’t actually been blogged yet! That’s because I only just finished them yesterday. First up is an actual, honest-to-god CROCHETED item: Olivia’s Rainbow Baby Blanket. This is a project that I basically made up myself. My Mom had sent me 5 balls of “Sugar and Cream” cotton last year and I’d idly started crocheting squares based on this pattern. When my niece was born a couple weeks ago, it inspired me to join them all up into a blanket for her. I did 12 multi-colour squares (rotating the stripes each time so the squares are all different) along with 4 solid squares. I joined them all together with Cream, then crocheted a Cream border all around. Then I did a scalloped border in a different colour on each side. I’m really happy with how it turned out! I was debating on whether to back it with some fleece or flannel, but I think I like it the way it is.

Rainbow Blanket   Rainbow Blanket   Rainbow Blanket

Next is yet another Baby Surprise Jacket. I used some Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed that was leftover from my St. Brigid. It came out quite big, but I figure she’ll grow into it. The buttons are made out of coconut. 🙂

Baby Surprise Jacket   Baby Surprise Jacket