I managed my first bike ride in months today! Just a 15min pootle over to the library to return books, but given how badly I injured my hip when we moved house, I’m being very cautious. So far no pain… 🤞🚴♀️
Tag: cycling
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This morning’s challenge: cycle to Marrickville. 🚴♀️
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A hot, sunny summer’s day! I rode my bike over to the @knittersguildnsw meeting, then across Alexandria Park and stopped to watch a bit of the cricket. Then over to @bracketbrewing to meet the Snook for a cheeky beer, before finishing up at the @thealex_hotel for lunch. ☀️🚴♀️🍻 (2023 beer garden count: 1!)
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Meetings all day, but I still made it out for a quick sunset ride in Westpark to catch the cherry blossoms in bloom (along with everything else)! 🌸
Summer Cycling Update
It’s been a really long time since I updated you on my cycling! I didn’t rack up quite as many kilometers this summer as I’d hoped, mostly because we were travelling whenever we could and the weather was pretty rainy. I’m not far off the pace that I need for my yearlong 1000km goal, but I doubt I’ll get there given that it’s getting cold and we have more travel planned.
I thought I’d share a few of the more notable long rides I’ve done. One back in May was to Messestadt Riem.
My destination was about 15km across Munich. I found a route on Komoot and headed off, with the Snook following on the train. One landmark on the way there was St. Michael’s church in Berg am Laim. I was sweaty so I didn’t go inside, but it was very pretty. For the route, I avoided the main roads and mostly went through residential areas and parks.
Messestadt Riem (literally “Convention City Riem”) is one of Munich’s newest suburbs and was built on the grounds of an old airport. It has a big convention center, of course, as well as a large park with a man-made lake. The Snook had brought us a picnic lunch, so we walked through the park and found a spot to enjoy our sandwiches. Lots of folks were out and about.We walked around the lake and the “beach,” then climbed the “Hügel” (hill) to check out the view. It was surreal to see a lake with folks playing beach volleyball, with snow-capped mountains on the horizon!
I parted with the Snook at the train station and climbed back onboard my bike for the ride home. I went by the more direct route, using the bike path alongside the road.So all up, that ride was about 30km / 18.5 miles!
In June I did an even longer one of about 35km, heading north along the Isar river and into the far part of the Englischer Garten that I’d never visited before.
It was a warm and sunny day but the clouds were moving in rapidly. (Yes, I wore sunscreen!) This was one of the canals that splits off as the Isar moves north out of the city.
Here’s the river properly, far up near the suburb of Ismaning. I had reached my turnaround point and started heading back when I noticed this rocky little beach and stopped for a rest. There was a large group having a barbecue. That box in the river is actually their cooler filled with drinks! Müncheners love swimming and playing in the Isar.
I rode up the east side of the river as I headed out, but for the return journey I crossed over one the bridges so I could head back on the west side.
Whenever I’m doing these really long rides, I’ve started bringing snacks along so I can refuel at the halfway point. I found a nice little bench and stepped aside for some peanuts, dried fruit, and one of my last Aussie snacks… ❤️
Unbeknownst to me, the weather was about to take a turn. A sudden downpour of very cold rain had me huddling under a tree, waiting for it to pass…
Fortunately it passed quickly and I was able to finish the ride. The Snook met me at the biergarten so I could celebrate my longest ride yet!
A month later I broke my record again, this time on a ride to the southwest through Forstenrieder Park all the way to the village of Buchendorf and back. This was a beautiful ride that I really enjoyed… but it ended in TRAUMA! (More about that in a minute.)
As you can see, I was really excited to head off. I had recently invested in some proper cycling shorts with extra butt padding, so I was feeling pretty confident about this ride.
Part of my planned path was along the Würm River, a small tributary of the Amper that eventually ends in the Danube. It flows through a few small villages, which were all very pretty. These photos were near Gräfelfing.
The route I had was from Komoot again, and it was mostly on paved and gravel bike paths. It’s so gorgeous here. People are always like, why did you move from Australia to Germany? JUST LOOK AT THAT! So much green! I just can’t get enough of it.Eventually I popped out of the forest and found myself in cornfields! It was so surreal. Almost felt like Indiana!
I crossed the Würm again at the village of Gauting and saw this historic water wheel (aka Wasserrad) that used to power a local papermill.
This was after I’d passed through Buchendorf, the village that marked the middle-point of the ride. I found myself riding through gentle rolling fields under an amazing blue sky.
As you can see, I was getting a bit sweaty and tired. I was also feeling some soreness in my bum, despite all the padding in my new shorts. I was starting to suspect that the big cushy seat on the Swapfiets bike wasn’t actually doing me any favours…
I found a bench in Forstenrieder Park to eat my snack and have a rest.
I made the rest of the trip home without incident, and I was feeling pretty proud at having managed such a long ride. NOW WE COME TO THE TRAUMA. Later that night, showered and fed, I was sitting on the sofa in a pair of shorts when the Snook looked at me and said, “Is your leg bleeding?!” Folks, I had a big bruised wound high up on my thigh that had actually burst somehow without me noticing it. It was basically a boil or a saddle sore that had formed from rubbing against the bike seat. We cleaned it up, put on an antiseptic, and bandaged it up. I also took a photo so I could show my doctor the next day via a tele-appointment. “Yeah, you’re fine,” he said. (These German doctors!) So yeah, my first saddle sore. Not fun!
That was basically the impetus I needed to finally buy a new bike. By August, I had found one on Ebay and paid €250 for it. It’s a hybrid (meaning a cross between a road bike and a mountain bike) from local Munich cyclery 2rad.
It’s a couple years old, so I’ve made some upgrades and modifications since I got it. It originally came with a basket on the back but I took it off since I don’t really use it much. I took it into 2rad for a check-up, and they ended up replacing the brake pads for me and one of the chain links. One of the tire tubes had a leak, so Rodd and I managed to put in a new one. I also bought a new pair of handle grips to replace the old foam ones, and I got a hand-pump that I mounted on the frame. (I carry a patch kit and tire levers in my hydration pack, but I’m thinking of getting a little saddle bag.) It’s so much lighter than the Swapfiets bike! It’s also got more gears (27!) and consequently I’m finding it a lot easier to get up hills. And most importantly, the new seat is narrower and so far I’m finding it a lot more comfortable for long rides.
The first long ride I took her on was – where else? – along the Isar through the Englischer Garten.
Thankfully the flooding we saw earlier in the summer had mostly dissipated by September and the Isar was back to its normal size.
I couldn’t resist swinging by the Eisbachwelle to see if there were many surfers there. Yeah, there were a lot!
There were also plenty of folks taking advantage of the beautiful weather at the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Tower) biergarten.
Every time I ride through the English Garten, I see something new. This time it was a field of sunflowers waving at me across a fence, and an old hydro power station across the river.
Snack time! You can also see in the background here the last bike-related purchase I made – a helmet. They aren’t required here, but I’m trying to get into the habit of wearing, especially for my long rides. I got a plain white Skullcap helmet and I’ve been having some fun decorating it with stickers.My return trip took me back through the city, and I was happy to see a concert and arts festival happening in the Odeonsplatz. The “net” hanging above is actually an artwork by Janet Echelmann, and it looks incredibly beautiful lit up at night.
As I was waiting at a red light near home, I heard a loud jingling noise. To my delight, all traffic stopped as the Augustiner Bräu bierwagen drove past, pulled by a team of horses and carrying a couple beardy Bavarians in lederhosen. Official Oktoberfest may have been cancelled, but Müncheners still celebrated where they could!
The last long ride I did was just last weekend, a giant loop that took me on a greatest hits tour of Munich…
The first stop was Nymphenburg Palace, which we visited last year. My route took me across the bridge that crosses the Nymphenburger Kanal. I stopped midway to look back towards the palace. That’s it way off in the distance in that first photo. The other is looking in the opposite direction, down the canal…
There’s also an even smaller offshoot of the canal called the Biedersteiner, and I rode along that for a bit.My next stop was Olympiapark, site of the Munich Olympics. Honestly, the juxtaposition of the green grass and the blue sky was so stunning I had to stop and take this photo. (Note to self: go back there in the winter and sled down that hill!)
There were lots of folks enjoying the day, boating on the little lake, and hiking the hills.
Eventually I headed home via the Englischer Garten and the Isar, and I finished at the Altstadt. It’s a pedestrian area so I had to walk my bike through the Marienplatz. It was looking very pretty, with baskets of flowers in Autumn colours all along the front.
I think that pretty much brings you up to date! Here’s a view of my Heat Map of where I’ve ridden in Munich. The really bright areas are from my shorter trips to the office or through the local parks, but all those little red tendrils are from my longer rides. Pretty neat! If you’re on Strava, you can follow me there and see if I managed to make my 1000km goal after all…
Thanks to the crappy weather in the past few weeks, I’m falling behind on my 2021 cycling challenge. Today looked like a promising day for a ride though, so I somehow talked the Snook into joining me for a trip south along the Isar.
Grünwald und zurück The bike path was wide and mostly flat, but we could also see mountain bike paths off to our left and a fair number of folks whizzing through the trees. We stopped every so often to have a drink of water and look at the scenery. There are a lot of channels (natural and man-made) and islands along the river, and it divides at various points into different streams that come back together.
We stopped next to the weir about halfway to Grünwald for a picnic lunch. We sat on the river stones and ate our sandwiches while the clear water trickled past. It was very pretty.
See that high bridge behind us? We did not relish the idea of figuring out how to get up there, so we decided to keep going to Grünwald and use the bridge there. It wasn’t far on the map, but those last few kms were tough. The nice flat path ends, and you end up on a fairly hilly and rocky bit with the mountain bikers. We walked most of that section, partly due to tiredness and partly for safety. (Our bikes aren’t really designed for off-roading!) See the spiky bits on the elevation chart? Yeah. That part.
One last panorama of the river…
We didn’t really check out Grünwald, but I did spot the castle high up on the hill. The ride home on the left bank was much flatter and easier, and we did the return trip without stopping. Final distance was 27.1km (16.8mi), bringing my total for 2021 to 79km. Poor Mr. Snook is cross-eyed from tiredness, and my face is the colour of my shirt! 😂
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Lunch along the Isar, south of Munich. ☀️❤️🚴♀️
Munich Cycling Challenge
Now that Spring is on the way — and we’re still in lockdown — I’ve decided that I need a goal to motivate me to get out and about. I’ve really been enjoying riding my bike (now that I’m in a city with decent cycling infrastructure), so let’s make it public: I’d like to cycle 1000km in 2021. 🚴♂️
Current progress from Strava:
Distance: 32.4km
Time: 2h 36m
Elev Gain: 93 m
Rides: 4Obviously I’m going to need to step it up if I’m going to come anywhere near the goal!
I went for a long ride yesterday to check out Südpark. Munich has a Westpark (near us), Südpark (not too far away), and Ostpark (on the other side of the city). Oddly enough, no Nordpark! The ride was just over 10km and most of it was on separated cycleways.
The park itself was pretty muddy, and I stuck to the paved tracks to avoid getting too dirty. There were folks out walking and riding bikes, and the playgrounds were full of kids. I’m sure it’ll be a lot prettier once it gets warmer and everything turns green!
Hilariously, on my way home I found myself following a dude who had honest-to-goodness glow-in-the-dark testicles hanging from his bike seat. 🙄
Last week I went on an even longer ride through the Altstadt and down along the Isar, making a giant loop.
I made it to the Marienplatz just in time to hear the Rathaus-Glockenspiel chiming. I’ve never seen the city so empty, but there were still a few folks (spread out, socially distancing) watching the show. There’s a rule in place that you have to wear a mask in the Altstadt, so I put mine on once I stopped.
You can ride quite a long way along the Isar. There are separated cycleways and pedestrian paths, and lots of folks were enjoying the sun.
It’s also been heartening to see the patches of crocuses appearing everywhere. It may still be chilly and damp, but Spring is definitely on the way!
Cycling Stuff
Just because I can’t ride* right now, doesn’t mean I can’t still think about it, right? The Snook and I have just become members of Bicycle NSW. In addition to being a great organisation dedicated to promoting cycling, it also provides public liability and personal accident insurance to its members. If you want to be a responsible bike rider, you should have insurance.
I’m also thinking about two upcoming events I’d like to attend. First is Rolling with Clover, a group bike ride/protest through the CBD next Sunday in support of the Lord Mayor. We’re meant to dress up in something fancy. (You know, because only dirty hippies ride bikes and not big important capitalists or whatever.) The other event is the Ride 2 Riverstone, a fundraiser ride that takes place in Western Sydney. Maybe I could do the short one – the 35km – by May? That could be fun.
* Following an ultrasound last week, I’ve finally got a diagnosis: quadriceps tendinosis. The immediate prescription, as ever, is REST. And this time no cycling either. I’ve got a physio appointment lined up for Wednesday, and I’m using the foam roller on my quads. But I miss my bike already… 🙁
“Bike Thief” – NYTimes.com
“Bike Thief” – NYTimes.com – A guy in New York conducts an experiment where he attempts to steal his own bike in broad daylight in a number of locations – including right outside the 9th Precinct Police Department. Needless to say, nobody stops him. This is why I’m so nervous about parking my bike outside. At home we bring them in the house, and at work I take it in the office (up two flights of stairs). I’ve only parked on the street a couple times, and mostly where I could see it. This past weekend, I rode to Surry Hills for the Guild meeting and parked my bike at the racks behind the Library. It was out of my sight for over two hours. Happily, it didn’t get nicked… but I’m sure it could have happened just as easily as it did in NYC.
Interestingly, the video mostly shows him using chain locks. Are the U-locks or steel cable locks any stronger? I have a Knog lock, and it feels pretty hefty. Just wondering if maybe the type of lock is more of a factor than I thought…)