Tag: england

  • Rent Rats!

    Rent RatsMy awesome college friend Nora posted this gem to Facebook earlier this week, and she kindly gave me permission to reproduce it here. Wow, that brings back memories. This was Spring of 1998 when we were both studying in London. I remember learning that RENT was going to be opening at the Shaftesbury Theater with most of the original Broadway cast. My roommates and I had been Rent-heads since the previous year, and I’d seen the touring show twice (in Boston and Chicago). There was no power on earth that was going to keep me from seeing Adam Pascal in the actual flesh. Four of us camped out all day for front row tickets for the first preview, and it was the GREATEST SHOW EVER. We laughed, we clapped, we wept. Adam rocked my college alterna-girl world. Less than a week later, I was back out on the street outside the Shaftesbury (as pictured) with seven other people. You were able to buy two tickets per person, so between the eight of us, we were pretty much able to secure the entire first two rows for the Domers. That’s me third from the left, and Nora’s second from the right. So that’s the story of the third and fourth times I saw RENT!