Tag: knitting

  • Intro to Ravelry

    Today at the Inner City Knitters Guild meeting, I presented a workshop called “Intro to Ravelry.” It had been specially requested as a topic at the start of the year and the convenors invited me to do it. It was really fun! I ended up nattering on for about an hour, and everybody – even the experienced Ravelry users – found something new. I also had help from Stefanie, one of the other knitters, who covered the section on the Inner City Group’s library and pages. Here are my slides if you’re interested.

  • Shrödinger’s Christmas Cat

    For the Canva 2015 Kris Kringle gift exchange, I got a colleague who is mathematician and engineer. I tried stalking him on social media, but he doesn’t post very much. I knew that he’s into dark European films and quantum physics, so my genius idea was to knit him Shrödinger’s Cat!

    You can find more details about the knitted cat over on Ravelry. Obviously, he’s alive on one side and dead on the other! To complete the experiment, I included a bottle of “poison” (ie vodka) and a container full of “radioactive material” (ie Kinder eggs). I packed it all into a cardboard box that I spraypainted silver (since it’s supposed to be steel) and decorated with “PROPERTY OF E. SHRÖDINGER” and “CAUTION: LIVE(?) ANIMALS” labels.

    I’m very happy to report that the recipient was delighted with it. 🙂

  • CampJS Recap & Beanie

    CampJS Recap & Beanie

    Feature photo courtesy of Steven Cooper

    I spent last weekend in Springbook, Queensland at CampJS. This is a four-day conference for anyone interested in web technology held at the Koonjewarre Retreat Centre. My Canva colleague Damon was the organiser, and my other colleague Harley came along as well. On a whim, I’d pitched doing a workshop on “Knitting and E-textiles” a few months before and it turned out to be one of the most popular suggestions. I updated my “Granny Was a Hacker” talk and worked with Damon to order knitting supplies for everyone. Then I had the genius idea to knit a special beanie as my prototype for the workshop, and use a Gemma kit with LEDs (based on this Adafruit project) to add some blinky goodness. It was a big hit! I actually ran through the talk on both Saturday and Sunday. I probably had 20+ people at the workshop, and I kept seeing web developers (mostly men!) knitting for the rest of the event. The Camp itself was great, and I met a lot of fantastic people from across the country. Games were played, goon was drunk, and Wi-Fi was cursed. I highly recommend it.


    CampJS BeanieThe CampJS Beanie

    I knitted the hat out of oddments of leftover 8ply Filatura di Crosa Zara. All up, it probably uses about 2 balls worth (with the majority in brown). You’ll also need some 4mm needles, as well as a blunt darning needle. I actually knitted it flat and sewed it up, but I’ve provided instructions for knitting it in the round too. I got the Gemma controller from Little Bird Electronics, along with some LEDs and a coin cell battery holder. (They also sell a “starter pack” with all this stuff plus some conductive thread and needles, if you don’t have any.)

    Size:  Medium / Large  (I knitted the larger size, and it’s roomy for me.)

    Requirements: 8ply wool in brown, dark green, light green, and blue; 4mm needles.

    GraphTo knit flat:
    Using 4mm needles, cast on 121 (133) stitches.

    Row 1: K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1.
    Row 2: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.

    Repeat these rows until you have 35 (41) rows of ribbing in total.

    Knit 4 rows of stocking stitch.

    Knit the graph in stocking stitch as shown, working the odd rows from right-to-left and the even rows from left-to-right. For the first two rows, I used the fairisle technique of carrying the wools along the back. I suggest you ignore the tree trunks and use duplicate stitch to embroider them afterwards. For the tops of the trees, I treated them as intarsia and knitted them in solid blocks of light green. Then I duplicate stitched the dark green accents on later. You can this in progress here.

    Once you’re done with the graph, switch back to the brown wool and knit two rows of stocking stitch. (You should have the Right Side facing you.) Then begin your decreases:

    Decrease row: K1, *K2tog, K1, rep from * to end
    Knit 1 (3) rows stocking stitch
    K1, *K2tog, K5, rep from * to end
    Purl 1 row
    K1, *K2tog, K4, rep from * to end
    Purl 1 row…

    Keep going like this (narrowing by one stitch between the decreases) until you have only 21 (23) stitches left. Then break off the wool leaving a long tail, thread it on your darning needle, and run it through the remaining stitches. Cinch it up tight.

    To finish, sew the back seam. (You’ll need to reverse the seam where the brim folds up.) Weave in your ends. Attach your Gemma as shown on the Adafruit website, and load up the provided sketch. When you plug in your batteries and flip the switch, it’ll blink!

    To knit in the round:

    Using 4mm circular needle or DPNs, cast on 120 (132) stitches.

    Ribbing: *K1, P1, rep from * to end.

    Repeat this row until you have 35 (41) rows of ribbing in total.

    Knit 4 rows.

    Knit the graph in stocking stitch as shown, working all rows from right-to-left. For the first two rows, I used the fairisle technique of carrying the wools along the back. I suggest you ignore the tree trunks and use duplicate stitch to embroider them afterwards. For the tops of the trees, I treated them as intarsia and knitted them in solid blocks of light green. Then I duplicate stitched the dark green accents on later. You can this in progress here.

    Once you’re done with the graph, switch back to the brown wool and knit two rows. Then begin your decreases:

    Decrease row: *K2tog, K1, rep from * to end
    Knit 1 (3) rows
    *K2tog, K5, rep from * to end
    Knit 1 row
    *K2tog, K4, rep from * to end
    Knit 1 row…

    Keep going like this (narrowing by one stitch between the decreases) until you have only 21 (23) stitches left. Then break off the wool leaving a long tail, thread it on your darning needle, and run it through the remaining stitches. Cinch it up tight.

    Weave in your ends. Attach your Gemma as shown on the Adafruit website, and load up the provided sketch. When you plug in your batteries and flip the switch, it’ll blink!

  • Dangling Conversation

    Dangling Conversation

    As you would’ve seen from the Instagram I posted this morning, I finished my Dangling Conversation scarf! It’s knitted out of a single skein of Manos del Uruguay Fino in “Sealing Wax,” a bright orangey-red. I bought the yarn in the last Morris & Sons sale, drawn to its gorgeous deep colour and its exquisite smooshiness. (It’s 70% superfine merino and 30% silk.) The pattern choice was inspired by a guest at an Inner City Knitters Guild meeting earlier in the year, who showed off her version in a variegated yarn. I casted mine on at Camp on August 28 and finished it this past Sunday, so it took me 23 days from start to finish. I knitted it on 4mm needles, which is a fair bit tighter than most of the other folks on Ravelry. To compensate, I added a lot of extra repeats to make it bigger and use up the entire skein. Oh, and I left off the beads. I’m not insane. 🙂

    Ravelry details are here! In sort – excellent pattern; excellent yarn. Highly recommended.