Tag: oscarcontest

  • Oscar Contest Results

    Oscar Contest Results: Wow, we had some upsets! Those last few awards really made the difference. I thought that Glenn Scribner had it in the bag… right up until Meryl claimed her first Oscar in decades. MERYL?! That left me with a five-way tie between: Glenn, Jennifer Mullowney, Blaz, reed hilton-eddy, and Allen Dickerson. All…


  • Oscar Night

    Oscar Night is here! Less than four hours to get your predictions in if you haven’t already. So far we’re at 352 entries with clear favourites in every single category. (Yikes. Cross fingers for an upset!) You’ll be able to check your scores here. Unfortunately I’ve got some meetings at work today, so I’m not…


  • My annual Oscar Contest is now open! If you pick the most correct answers, you’ll win the big prize: The Monkey with the Dragon Tattoo. Yes, I made Lisbeth Salander Monkey. She has piercings; she has a Macbook; she has a golf club; and she has the titular tattoo. I think this is the most…


  • Rest assured, dear Cinematic Monkey Fans: the TENTH Annual w-g Oscar Contest is definitely coming! I’ve just been a bit busy with my new job. The prize has been created though, and just needs a few finishing touches before launch. I’m hoping to have it ready for you this weekend. Stay tuned!


  • Oscar Contest Winner

    Oscar Contest WinnerCongratulations to John M. who was the big winner in this year’s Oscar Contest! John actually finished in a 4-way tie for first place with Andy Saur, Anita Hoffman Ehrenfried, and Eloise. It came down to the tiebreaker, which was 41 dead people. Anita had 38, but John took the prize with his…


  • Oscar Contest – Final Update! I will stop taking entries as soon as the show starts at 5pm California time (which is noon Sydney time). You’ll be able to follow along with the scores on this page, which should update as each award is announced. Good luck everybody! And if you’re watching the show life…


  • Oscar Contest – Final countdown!Just over 24 hours to go in the web-goddess 2011 Oscar Contest, so be sure to get your entry in! As always, I need a few volunteers who’ll be watching the show to count the number of dead people in the “In Memoriam” montage. I know miftik already has her clipboard…


  • Oscar Contest

    My 9th Annual Oscar Contest is now up to 120 entries. Don’t forget to put yours in before the big show! (There are clear favourites in just about every category, so I hope we have some upsets!)


  • My annual Oscar Contest is now open! I have added an additional category this year (“Best Cinematography”) to hopefully help avoid ties. If you pick the most correct answers, you’ll win the big prize: a pair of custom-made, one-of-a-kind Black Swan and White Swan ballerina sock monkeys! One is beautiful, pure, and repressed; the other…


  • The Oscar nominations will be announced tomorrow… which means it’s almost time for the Ninth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest! I hope you’re getting ready to make your predictions. This year’s sock monkeys are going to be something special!
