The Oscar nominations will be announced tomorrow… which means it’s almost time for the Ninth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest! I hope you’re getting ready to make your predictions. This year’s sock monkeys are going to be something special!
Tag: oscarcontest
Oscar Contest 2010… Only 90 minutes to go!
You’ve got til the show starts to get your predictions in for the big contest. We’re closing in on 400 entries! Throughout the day, I’ll be updating the winners and you’ll be able to see your scores update on this page.
As usual, if any of you will be watching the show with a DVR, can you please count the number of dead people in the obituary tribute for me? I have a feeling that we could end up with quite a big tie for first place this year (unless there’s a surprise upset).
And just a note: I had a couple people put more than one entry into the contest, and the extras have been deleted. I’m serious; you only get one shot. Your first entry is the one that I saved, so if you changed your mind later, too bad!
Update: And the contest is closed! Here we go…
Update later: Have gotten three independent counts of the dead people montage and all said 34. So that’s what we’re going with! (Thanks to Jenny, Miftik, and Kel.)
web-goddess Oscar Contest 2010
The Eighth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest has finally begun. I’ve added a thirteenth category this year – Best Original Score – to lessen the odds of a tie. As usual, the number of dead people in the obituary montage will be the tiebreaker. And what do you get if you win? Why, it’s a Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset! (And don’t worry, Twilight-haters. I’ve catered for you too.)
The contest will end the minute the ceremony begins!
Once upon a time, a girl named Bella fell in love with a very sparkly emo vampire named Edward. He gave her piggy-back rides in the trees.
But her long-haired Native American friend Jacob didn’t approve and warned her away.
Bella didn’t care. She and Edward frolicked in a meadow and he sparkled.
Jacob cut his hair and took to wearing cutoffs and hanging out in the woods in the rain.
But what’s this? It’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer! With a flash, she whips out Mr. Pointy and reduces Emo Edward to dust.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. If you win this year’s Oscar Contest, all this melodrama could be yours. You get three different sock monkeys: Edward, Bella/Buffy, and Jacob.
Edward comes with foofy auburn hair, amber eyes, embroidered six-pack, and a black peacoat. Oh, and he sparkles in the sun.
Bella has long brown hair, a grey coat, and a treasured copy of “Wuthering Heights” (with hand-embroidered cover). She’s also very clumsy and lacks any sort of personality. (Just like the books!)
Jacob (in his younger incarnation) has long brown hair, an embroidered six-pack, and a pair of denim cut-offs. He’s friendly and nice and has no idea he has a latent werewolf gene.
Later, Jacob gets ripped, cuts his hair, finds out he’s a werewolf, and kinda turns into a jerk. See? You can tell he’s scowling. Poor kid has no idea Renesmee is in his future.
With a quick change of wig and the addition of a crucifix, Bella becomes Buffy! Buffy has long blonde hair and a wooden stake. She’s also quick with a pun and has very little patience with mopey emo vampires.
The four wigs (Bella’s long, Buffy’s long, Jacob’s long, and Jacob’s short) all have a strip of Velcro on the underside that corresponds to a strip on the appropriate monkey’s head. You can mix and match to your heart’s content!
So whether you’re a Twi-hard or a Twi-hater, there’s something for everyone in the Sparkly Emo Vampire Playset!
Oscar Contest
I know the 2010 Web-Goddess Oscar Contest is late, but it will start this weekend, I swear. And that will give you a week to make your picks. On the plus side, I’m hoping that by leaving it so late, my regular readers will stand more of a chance of winning! DeskCam holds one final teaser for this year’s prize…
Oscar Nominations
The 2010 Oscar Nominations have been revealed, and you all know what that means…
And the winner is…
Mikey Filmmaker! Congrats to Mikey for taking out the top spot in this year’s Web-Goddess Oscar Contest. Second place went to Brian Kohut. Both Mikey and Brian managed to correctly guess all twelve winners – including “Departure”! – but Mikey’s guess for the number of dead people in the tribute montage was closer. So he gets the sock monkeys! Thank you to everybody who entered this year, and especially to Jenny for keeping me updated with the winners. You guys rock! (Crystal and Renata, better luck next year…)
Dead People
Jenny is reporting 38 dead people in the obituary tribute montage. Can anyone confirm or refute?
Oscar Contest 2009
We’ve passed 400 entries in the Oscar Contest! Of course, I’ve already had to clean several duplicate and suspect entries out of there. “One entry per person” means just what it says. You can’t enter again a few days later. Get it?
Update: Entries are now closed! We ended up with 459 in total. Good luck everybody!
Oscar Contest – last chance!
There’s less than 24 hours til the 2009 Oscar telecast begins, which means you’d better enter my Contest if you haven’t already! It seems a lot of folks have left it til the last minute, and the number of entries has been climbing rapidly this week. We’re up to 360!
As usual, I’m asking if any of you with Tivos would be willing to volunteer to report on the number of dead people in the annual tribute montage. With this many entries, I think the tie breaker is going to be really important! (Unless there’s an upset. COME ON, UPSET!)
Oscar Contest
We’ve just hit 200 entries in the Oscar Contest! You’ve got less than a week to put in your picks if you haven’t already. We’ve got clear frontrunners in almost every category, so I am really hoping for some upsets. (Where did Penelope Cruz come from? She’s gotten a big late surge in picks…)